Will I Make it out ALIVE? | Heat Death Survival Train Gameplay | Part 6

Will I Make it out ALIVE? | Heat Death Survival Train Gameplay | Part 6


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@liptonpattnayak - 20.12.2024 17:02

At last I will be the 1st one to like and comment.😁

@snoopygonewilder - 20.12.2024 17:21

I really enjoyed the game as far as I could go. I am really looking forward to the full version.

@Merlin1727d - 20.12.2024 17:33

The Rapid blast uses the train power so as the power restores itself, it reloads the gun. If you're using the Icicle, then you have to load the Icicle Ammo

@lasjakil - 20.12.2024 17:45

You could put the second turret facing backwards, then when you could switch between front and back guns. Also the walls to the balcony are backwards. Shiny side should be out. You put the door in backwards first so I think thats why the walls would only go the way they are. Dont forget to repair items regularly, you will have to empty the fission reactor soon. Also from what I know you can put in multiple fission core things into the reactor so you will get more than 2 minutes out of it.

@Marrighan - 20.12.2024 17:58

I did not know you can get other seeds before you get to next station - one of the scavenger drons dit drop one

@KingofPNL - 20.12.2024 18:08

The full version is unnecessarily grindy and just not balanced properly yet.

@T1GER99 - 20.12.2024 18:41

Where’s medieval dynasty??

@ZeusBrown - 20.12.2024 18:47

The turret ammo display seems to indicate (shots/power) as each shot takes 10 power. Since it draws directly from train power, they will have the same number of shots available. As for solar power, I would think it would always work except during storms, as the logs you find complain about always facing "the glint" and there doesn't seem to be night time.

@barral69 - 20.12.2024 19:08

The Rapid Turrets don't "reload". If you have 10 power available, you have 1 shot available. Also, each turret does not have 170 "ammo" each, they are sharing 170 shots worth of power available. It was a waste of material to build the second turret.

@rifle.ak1 - 20.12.2024 20:00

In the top of your screen on the compass you can see which direction the threat is coming from. Enemy drones show up in red.

@cgonzales115 - 20.12.2024 21:11

why not put one of the turrets on the back of the train and one on the front giving you multiple vantage points...

@tator3805 - 20.12.2024 22:50

the power cells are placed backwards, also probrobly wouldnt be a bad idea to place extra weapon control and engine control station on balcony so you dont have to sprint in emergency's. as far as multiple turrets. id personally place one in front. one in back. and connect a dynamo to your train. then u could just crank and basically have unlimited ammo. also if u scrap the chest the radioactive material is in would it delete them?

@jamesmswordjr3087 - 20.12.2024 22:54

If you have 2 turrets, only will be used. If you build the ice cannon and set the turret to automatic, you now have 2 guns that fire.

@SacredSpectralGhost - 21.12.2024 00:47

10 power = 1 shot.. it reloads as u get sets of 10 power

@SacredSpectralGhost - 21.12.2024 01:02

i feel over 3k mass u need second engine but then 2 engines = major power draw so without farmable power crystals u cant sustain it

@SacredSpectralGhost - 21.12.2024 01:03

point in 2 turrets is if one gets destroyed u can still defend

@SacredSpectralGhost - 21.12.2024 01:11

train gives +50 power/min... trainstation gives +150 power

@SacredSpectralGhost - 21.12.2024 01:15

@Kage848 u missed the second labarotory it has heating rod and tech

@nekowknight - 21.12.2024 01:43

The planet never has a night time. Story tells you that only certain drones can attack during a storm. The dyno sucks its durability drains insanely fast. You don't need a heater just make sure train is on and your not freezing.

@ixiahj - 21.12.2024 03:12

Wonder what an end game train looks like.

@lensman67 - 21.12.2024 06:00

The icicle gun is your MAIN gun and the rapid burst is only a backup. The icicle gun carries 25 rounds (made from atomic material) and should be used BERORE the rapid burst to save energy. Also the power cell (aka batteries) is a vital component, it is where you store your power. I have four and get a total of 2900 power, this is the most you can make so far unless you are willing to give up your heater, which uses a power core (like the power cell). This early in the game you probably only want one icicle gun because there is not that much fighting--yet. Later on you will want more guns since it is not cool to run up on the roof to reload in the middle of a battle. Since each gun has 25 shots you can switch to the other one when the first one runs out. The Rapid Burst is sort of like a knife carried by a tank driver, your last resort when everything is gone.

@TrueSighted - 21.12.2024 11:09

Nope. About the only reason I can think of besides cosmetic, for having more than one of the same turret in this game, is redundancy. having a spare cannon in case one gets destroyed. But even then, having them right next to each other kind of defeats that intention. Otherwise its just a waste of materials, as repairing doesn't take any time, and only a small amount of resources, so quick repairing is fairly easy on the fly.

@TheOriginalSifoDyas - 21.12.2024 20:59

He was on the Simpsons “Max Power”

@TheOriginalSifoDyas - 21.12.2024 21:07

What’s the big black ball thing. Can you check it out and see if it gives you anything?

@TheOriginalSifoDyas - 21.12.2024 21:15

Kage GET THE HAND CRANK for power as that will be cheaper and you know it will work, then look at that solar panels. The hand crank will also be cheaper to fix if it gets damaged

@Sir_Bercilak - 22.12.2024 02:25

I wish that storage on the train was in a shared inventory that can be used from chests without needing to remove from storage.

@niccoleshrider9794 - 23.12.2024 04:52

⚠️⚠️⚠️Kage, the person who said the rapid fire is better and icicle gun sucks is incorrect. They obviously were not reading the pop ups in game. The rapid fire gun your using draws it's fire directly from the power of YOUR TRAIN. The energy symbol of its reload is the number in the bottom lefthand corner of your screen. It will read say 78/783, the 78 is how many shots more you can take in relative comparison to how much energy your train has left. The rapid fire gun uses 10 of your trains energy per shot it takes. The icicle gun does not use energy, it uses actual ammunition. That you can build a machine on your train to make more of from the fission waste from the fission reactor. It all works in conjunction with each other. 😊😊😊

@reyrogers2806 - 23.12.2024 08:42

Put the second turret on the other side of the roof facing the other way so you can switch fast front/back in case they surround you.

@J4MBO87 - 24.12.2024 00:18

Press the brake before turning off the train

@lorddracon8992 - 24.12.2024 18:55

the blueprints really should be an item you pick up and just becomes like points in your crafting tool so you don't gotta worry about keeping them in your inventory

@LeverActionLarry - 27.12.2024 20:35

A true survivalist would've crafted the Dynamo (hand powered) on day 1.

@wardraven8755 - 29.12.2024 07:13

I have 2 solar panels on mine and i get 170 power in sun and in storms with my heater on i stay i getting 10 power

@DanielWolfBane - 11.02.2025 07:39

this game was dumb on launch very little content
