The 6 Most Common Types of Intrusive Thoughts

The 6 Most Common Types of Intrusive Thoughts

Therapy in a Nutshell

1 год назад

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What are intrusive thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts are words or images that pop into your mind unwanted, they’re often disturbing, they have little to do with what you’re doing or with reality, and the thoughts that are distressing can seem really loud, demanding your attention.
Even when other people tell you a thought isn’t true or it doesn’t mean anything, the thought may feel so disgusting that it’s hard to believe them. These thoughts make you wonder if you’re secretly a terrible person. Maybe you think that if they really knew how dark your thoughts were, they’d be horrified.
And while intrusive thoughts can be really uncomfortable, you’re going to learn that they don’t mean anything about you. Study after study after study has shown that almost everyone has intrusive thoughts from time to time. Random, unwanted, disturbing thoughts are actually the norm. Almost everybody has intrusive thoughts- healthy people, average people, anxious people, calm people, people with OCD, they all have them. Most people just brush them off.
But for people with OCD or anxiety disorders, intrusive thoughts can feel very intense, and then the way they respond to intrusive thoughts can make them louder. So first let's cover the top six most common types of intrusive thoughts and then we’re going to briefly talk about how you can stop feeding them.

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Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.
In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction.
And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love

If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services.
Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC


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@Lolo_03sr - 10.02.2024 18:19

Thank you!

@dawnshire2069 - 08.02.2024 16:57

Remember action speak better than word, get yourself healed. It doesnt need to circle yourself with meaning loop, labeling could be a plague, you only need move forward. And let go. Seek a professional to arrange it.

@Suedyne - 08.02.2024 09:08

The fact that I looked this up … يا الله

@ewanmcnulty2725 - 05.02.2024 20:13

Thankyou so much for this video

@alexandrapatarroyo5649 - 01.02.2024 22:47

I love your videos thank you for helping us with your knowledge ❤

@MrLachek - 27.01.2024 04:35

Finding the worst soulution is much easier than finding the best solution, one of our subconsciouses is made to feed us with worst solutions (some of them we call intrusive thoughts). It is one of tools we developed to survive.

@lui8742 - 26.01.2024 18:34

i've had my type of intrusive thought first in like 2021 and somehow overcame it, but last year it randomly came back and since i'm in general really triggered rn since i'm working through all my other traumas in therapy, it's just all the more triggering and i would just like for it to be how it was :/

@DannyLara-pf4vy - 24.01.2024 03:42

Beautiful said thank you

@LearningToBeNormal777 - 22.01.2024 10:32

Wow. I'm so thankful for these videos. I can't afford a doctor visit and am going through a tough time. Thank you.

@finharper-gx4nl - 16.01.2024 22:58

is it normal to get these when your on your own?

@MaryShoff - 16.01.2024 04:18

My intrusive thoughts are more like regrets i am so sorry for everything I have done that hurt a.lot of people like moving far away from friends and family what did i to my son took him from his family i just cant get over all this i feel so quilt

@Pokemon_Breeder_Astolfo - 15.01.2024 06:26

The intrusive thoughts I had were ones that sounded like they came from a bully

@xtratorque - 13.01.2024 20:23

excellent help, thanks

@Username_Invalid - 10.01.2024 21:52

The harm to self or others is truly scary and disturbing. It literally started making me hug people and cry because I was afraid of any bad outcome. I literally started praying to god and I’m not very religious. I’ve had very severe health anxiety for years and nothing compares to intrusive harm thoughts. We will learn, love, enjoy, and live through this. We are not our thoughts, our thoughts cannot cause harm. We are good people!!

@Maria-wy9ou - 08.01.2024 05:48

I had no idea that self-harm thoughts are normal. I was so scared of them because I didn’t want to act on them and they just appeared in my head out of nowhere

@onmyceiling - 07.01.2024 11:26

I have religious intrusive thoughts all the time because it’s my biggest fear. like recently i had thoughts like “the mirror is evil” or “dont do __ its demonic” and obviously i know its not true but it just pops into my head and scared the shit out of me

@furyomori3896 - 07.01.2024 02:38


@joycegoes266 - 06.01.2024 15:39

Kya tum apne storm se kabhi bahar nahi nikloge? Tum apne storm se bahar nikal sakte ho sirf psychological medicines se.

@jomjomtonton8553 - 04.01.2024 19:58

Guys could help me,why i'm too concious about someone's private parts even though i'm not looking into it and and they felt uncomfortable no matter how i tried to not look to someone's private body my mind doing it this so embarassing i don't know how to stop this😢😭

@NotANameist - 02.01.2024 03:20

This actually freaked me out because I don’t have these thoughts. The news that “most” people have these thoughts is making me give everyone side eye. 😮

@fionageorge7014 - 29.12.2023 22:38

I was recently diagnosed with ocd and my main "obsession" or "theme" is about racism. I've always considered myself to be a tolerant and respectful person that treats every person equally, but then I started to get these racist thoughts and insults every time I saw a poc. It got to the point where I started to look only at the ground when I was around people because I was scared of seeing poc and getting these racist thoughts. It's hard to believe that these thoughts come from ocd because I've never heard about someone having similar thoughts to mine.

@luffyrobin4560 - 29.12.2023 21:23

walks to balcony

What a beautiful day

Damn Why is this so high up?


@sandraallen8832 - 29.12.2023 16:09

Oh dear - I clicked on this to reassure myself that my intrusive thoughts were normal. None of these are what I am constantly pushing to the back of my mind. At times my thoughts make me get upset to the point of tears - in public - and this is what I want to stop happening. I get so mad at myself what the heck am I thinking about such things for ? Just upsetting myself for no reason. They all circle around accidents and death. I suddenly imagine that my partner is going to die, or that the bus I’m on will crash, that someone will push me off the pavement or off a bridge etc and my wonderful imagination provides me with full on vivid images. As soon as I get into any vehicle I immediately think about it crashing. At some point at a concert or a theatre event my thoughts go to some kind of disaster happening. I have a fear of hurting myself- I’m going to slip, I’ll fall down these stairs, something is going to hit me bla bla - it’s very frequent certainly multiple times a day and it’s very distressing, especially the death stuff - thinking I’m going to die and how upset my family would be or thinking I’m going to have to cope with the death of my partner are the worst ones. Thankfully I never think about loosing my son, it’s like even my self torturing mind can’t contemplate that horror - just can’t go there
Anyway obviously I’m not normal - I’ll try the tips to help stop the thoughts

@micheals1992 - 29.12.2023 08:56

Intrusive thoughts about commiting a sin? 🤣 God isn't real, there is not such thing as sin, all that's true is whether something is morally right or wrong, if you read and believed the bible then homosexuality would be a sin and would warrant the death penalty - Leviticus 20:13. I think I'm autistic though... My intrusive thoughts are usually fear inducing. Like I went for a walk in the dark yesterday and had a very vivid vision of a serial killer pacing towards me with a knife. I didn't panic but I turned around to head home, my brain always seems to throw the scariest things It can at me at the worst time possible. It was worse when I was a kid and was actually scared of the incantations of my brain. I used to be scared to scream incase it alerted the monsters to my presence. I just curled up under my covers and hid with an organic siren echoing in my ears (pulsatile tinnitus which was triggered by my panic attacks).

@SEVENFULLCIRCLE - 25.12.2023 09:24


@SEVENFULLCIRCLE - 25.12.2023 09:16


@MissLaurenB18 - 25.12.2023 01:06

What are the common reasons why we have em? I’m having a hard time understanding why. It interrupts my meditation and keeps me from staying present. Any thoughts?

@Jumpingonpaws - 23.12.2023 17:15

But how do I do that as an ADHD person? My thoughts are much louder and I can’t choose to turn them off, so how?

@silkroad1201 - 20.12.2023 04:51

Sexual thoughts are a whole other thing. Just from my experience as a human being, I know those thoughts don't come up unless there's some kind of desire driving them. If you're having those thoughts about children, seek some counseling.
I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that's perfectly normal

@sewlybutsurely - 19.12.2023 07:27

why is thinking so hard lol

@ToastyGhost2 - 18.12.2023 12:39

I have really intense intrusive thoughts because of past trauma and self inflicted trauma and it makes me not want to be around anymore. But thank you for making this it makes me feel comforted.

@ukacademic7839 - 10.12.2023 14:50

Many thanks for this, it is really helpful! I started having intrusive thoughts that became a problem about a year ago (I’d had intrusive thoughts before then, but just brushed them off as weird thoughts). However, a year ago, I suffered a major bereavement (hot on the heels of five other major bereavements, all in the space of six years) – which led on to OCD-like symptoms of self-harm thoughts and thoughts of harming others and sometimes just revolting images. I found a mixture of:

- therapy (CBT/psychotherapy)
- exercise (120-160 laps/lengths swimming each week, plus long walks/exercise bike on days I don’t swim)
- meditation/mindfulness and prayer
- diet – lots of wholefood, grain, oily fish, fruit, veg, fibre, etc.
- and some supplements - N-Acetyl Cysteine (1,200 mg a day); fish oil (on days I don’t eat oily fish), vitamin D (in winter months), zinc and magnesium. I am careful with supplements and don’t over use them – I rely on a varied diet for all other nutrients.
-work – when I received a mental health diagnosis my doctor was happy to sign me off on sick leave – however, I met with my manager and I asked if I could continue to work. I’ve found the routine of work, leaving the house and being with people in the work place, having deadlines and being busy really helpful. I’ve also some very supportive colleagues.
- Having a supportive and loving partner and supportive friends.
-Despite my doctor advising SSRI anti-depressants, I refused them… and I am glad I did… it wasn’t easy at the time, but I think my recovery was quicker than if I had to contend with coming off medication too.

I would say my partner, exercise, therapy and continuing to work have been important in my recovery. Intrusive thoughts/harm OCD DOES get better… but it is often more a case of learning how to ignore/manage intrusive thoughts/anxiety rather than trying to control them. I have days where I almost forget I have a mental health problem – and other days where intrusive thoughts/anxiety are back with a vengeance… However, on those days I no longer feel overwhelmed. A sense of humour about the thoughts and yourself helps!! They are just thoughts… they are not moral acts… let them come, look at them, say ‘Oh, that’s a weird thought…’ and let it go on its way… Anything else will just provoke it to stick around… I think of my intrusive thoughts a bit like a six year old who says a curse word, watching for an adult’s reaction. If you ignore the child’s expletive, the child gets bored of wanting to shock and doesn’t say the word again - and then you and the child can go and do something you both enjoy!!

@Dudewhatsnext - 08.12.2023 23:42

These videos is life to me. It’s good to know I’m not alone and I can over come this

@KoriSt4r - 08.12.2023 03:41

I have been experiencing these thoughts about hurting my family. I think its based off my fear of my family all passing. but i dont want to hurt them. I thought i was discusting and mentally ill but i now know its common, so thank you.. you made me feel better

@Doctor_C_Jack - 04.12.2023 11:24

This was extremely helpful for me. Thank you so much for making this video.

@WinstonTemplar - 04.12.2023 11:01


@erickk1992 - 02.12.2023 20:31

Last night I had a thought reacting to my nephew being loud in my head set playing CoD.

It was a horrible thought of strangling him. One of my base pleasures is playing games with him so losing that is a terrifying to me.

It’s tough stating that but if it helps someone realize they’re not alone it’s worth it.

@lrowe272 - 29.11.2023 14:12

My intrusive thoughts scare me. 😱 what if I dont go haven if I die ,what if I dispoint God and I don't go to heaven

@minimalistlifestyle5497 - 27.11.2023 18:05

I think most people have intrusive thoughts about accidents and being harmed (not so much self harm or harm to others). Definitely watching the news doesn't help because you hear all these details about horrible accidents and crimes or natural disasters.

@aswanik3274 - 27.11.2023 05:53

I have intrusive thoughts about hurting my dog😑😑😑 my parents sold her few months ago without my permission. She was like a sister for me. Initially i missed her so much. Now i have intrusive thoughts about her. Sometimes i am thinking about suicide to stop this😑😑😑

@user-gu3mr1nw3x - 20.11.2023 04:46

I have been struggling with this to the point that i was feeling extreme guilt and having mental breakdowns. Even though we know others are dealing with intrusive thoughts sometimes our anxiety or ocd tells us that our thoughts are the worst and maybe no one is having similar thoughts like us. We have to remember that the fact these thoughts cause so much distress means its not who we are.We must observe thoughts and not give them any value or meaning just let them flow like a stream of water. Talk to someone you really trust if you feel alone and also be open to talking to a therapist. Wishing everyone the best

@ottolandin - 19.11.2023 11:55

I have had a recurring thought about the use of ID police on my SS card.

@user-kb8tb8sg2w - 19.11.2023 11:04

This video made me realize that I am not the only one with intrusive thoughts about “oh what if I hurt this person” “what if I stab this person” or “what if I become an evil person the in future like actually hurt someone” it’s all my thoughts. I’ve had this for quite some time now and I’ve just been living in fear. I wake up and I feel so anxious because I’m scared to have those thoughts again because I hate them so much, and the more they come up the more I fear I’m going crazy. This is all very new to me I used to feel alone like I was the only one. I feared that I would actually become this “evil” person in the future because those thoughts would pop up in my head all day everyday. I’m so thankful I found this video. I do still get panic attacks because of how much my head thinks about all this for example “what if”…. It’s gets to the point where you have these thoughts but with detail in your head, and it’s even more scary I try and tell my self “I’m okay it’s just my anxiety this is normal I am not alone and I will get through this” but something in me tells me “ omg what if this is real, what if it becomes real, what if it does happen” it’s ALL IN MY HEAD

@ianzander5057 - 16.11.2023 22:41

If you see them as something to be feared. That gives them more power. Shift your attention to something around you to help shift your thoughts. Dont even give it the power of giving it a second thought. I see atlot of people saying they rebuke the thoughts. That just gives it more power. If you dont let it affect you, ignore it, just go on to the next thought. THAT will take away its power more then anything.

@leannmiller8358 - 15.11.2023 07:13

I don't know if I'm having intrusive thoughts or not. I have borderline personality disorder and major depressive disorder. I've been doing good on my meds and then all of a sudden I had a really bad low yesterday. I hadn't slept and I heard a voice in my head telling me to kill myself so the depression would finally end. I didn't hear it with my ears, just inside my head but it didn't feel like I was thinking it. It was like someone was talking to me telepathically. I cried and cried because I couldn't get it to stop. My mom had me sit in her room with her and the thoughts finally went away. I've not experienced anything like that and it felt like I was going crazy. Was that an intrusive thought?

@RosyLife79 - 15.11.2023 06:56

❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼The supplement Myo-Inositol has helped stop my intrusive thoughts.

@sumitrajput2777 - 14.11.2023 18:01


@hanjxoe - 13.11.2023 08:29

sending the link to this video to anyone who says "omg my intrusive thoughts are winning"

@Thicc_Bitch - 11.11.2023 22:43

did she really said if someone has intrusive thoughts about doing sexual acts to a child that does not mean your a pedo what?!
