Resident Evil 7 PC VR Setup Guide (Definitive Edition)

Resident Evil 7 PC VR Setup Guide (Definitive Edition)


9 месяцев назад

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@joshuam4993 - 28.08.2024 11:15

Any reason why my game is freezing when going in and out of start menu?

Also, it feels or looks like there is dark blotch in the screen when I play this

Also, if you want DLSS with this, just get the PD upscaler branch of the mod

@s4091boat - 31.08.2024 16:19

There is upscalar build of revr mods. Best looking is dlaa. I see you have dethering efect on textures. For me the fix was to set shadows on high.

@buffaloo954 - 13.09.2024 10:05

how i start this game in vr in steamvr i dont see it, just see a icon with steam by my other games and when i click start dont work

@alexandru2882 - 22.09.2024 22:21

Hi everyone! I'm looking for a way to enable Snap Turn 45 degrees in RE7 (REFramework v1.5.7) instead of the default smooth turn, and I can't find any way of doing this. Can anyone help me please?

(Let me give you a little context: I've installed the DX11 version of Resident Evil 7 Gold update 20210419, and I'm connecting to my PC (5800x, RTX3060 12 gb, 128 gb RAM) using Virtual Destop to Steam VR from Oculus Quest 3 update 69. Everything works fine, except I can't use smooth turn because it make me nauseous. Where can I change this setting? In the VR menu of REFramework or in Steam options? Or is there a Steam .cfg file I need to edit?) Thank you!

@clamojoat1938 - 29.09.2024 14:37

I can only get the TDB49 files to work the other just don't do anything. what im I doing wrong ?
BTW some HMD's resolution cant be adjusted in the settings. my rift s don't have it.
and you are wrong on the resolution scaling. its miss labeled anyway. I set to 0.5 and 2.0 for testing and it vastly improves the textures NOT the scaling. running @ 4k or 1080 you CAN tell
that option to keep the camera stable works but @ the start screen im still stuck in the dam table. game works fine tho.

@LesSimpsonImitations - 30.09.2024 23:13

Hello, so I followed everything but the problem is that with each Resident Evil game once I have installed everything it tells me D\Steam\steamapps`common\RESIDENT EVIL 4 BIOHAZARD RE4 Chainsaw Demo\re4demo. exe Fatal D3D error (6) Can you help me? Thanks

@mikkelbrydegaard1963 - 02.10.2024 23:24

bro it worked thanks for the help

@bdkhl9379 - 06.10.2024 18:50

hi i can't find the game in steam vr it did'nt appear...

@pooticus2087 - 12.10.2024 04:04

how do you get your mirror display to not be stretched?

@SharadJha-sf8ei - 14.10.2024 06:05

The only issue i am seeing is a wierd graph like effect on my screen in vr also some structures looks fenced or like a mesh is around them , pretty wierd maybe its my router, my specs are decent 4070 super with 32 gb ddr5 and ryzen 7600x oc to 5.4 ghz, i forgot to say i use airlink and its been acting like shit lately even on other vr titles, you guys recommend VD or cable link which option is better and can i up the res ?

@mostLikelywhite - 18.10.2024 04:31

So how do I get the steam overlay to appear so I can change the resolution? Because I can't get it to open!

@mostLikelywhite - 18.10.2024 05:06

Actually openvr api doesn't work causes game crash but openxr works (steamvr , reverb g2) why is that? Anyway to fix resolution with openxr?

@Manu--wc9yq - 22.10.2024 05:08

Are you planning to create another guide but with the nighly Reframework that has upscaling? and fixed TAA?

@ArmanMichael2301 - 01.11.2024 02:33

Nice bro it worked but my gameplay stutters some times do you know the problem is?

@ethanmichael6379 - 11.11.2024 05:19

I did everything and it sideways any idea why

@naniko1580 - 17.11.2024 18:23

is it possible to have weapons in left hand?

@ksaga3emr359 - 18.11.2024 06:26

can anyone help me with it, my view is like a wide screen. and it makes the game look like that putin walking meme .

@emochipmonk - 19.11.2024 20:12

How did you get a center view for recording/streaming. The best i have right now is it doing my left eye (also im force to use moniter capture because it squishes to my headsets res

@emochipmonk - 19.11.2024 20:17

Im surprised you didnt have healing in your list of controls. (grab the bottle over your right sholder then right trigger when its over your arm. Shower your self in that goo)

@jeffreyleavy4125 - 21.11.2024 08:07

Really, really appreciate the video, very helpful!! Although I am still having two issues. The first one being I'm still super close to the desk when you first open the game. Once I get into the game, that seems to go away. 2nd I am having is some graphical issues. Outside scene in the beginning is super grainy. And graphics inside are blurred and artifacted. I guess that's the best way to describe it. I am running this via Meta quest link to the quest 3. Both Openvr and Openxr have the issue, although openxr does seem to run better in general. Both my PC and quest are on a wifi6 with pretty wide open bandwidth, so I don't think its that, as some vorpx stuff runs fine. I am also at 72hz and 100% resolution via link app, ambient is on SSAO. Any suggestions for getting it fixed? The desk thing isn't that big of a deal (yes I did decouple camera pitch). Maybe its a 4k texture thing?
Rig is Ryzen 5 7600x, RX6750 XT, 32GB DDR5 Ram. Although the only thing really being utilized seems to be the GPU.

@pikwako - 22.11.2024 14:17

great video but please on your next ones don't spoil too much of the game especially the mid-game jumpscares ^^

@ty.bonsai4109 - 30.11.2024 08:28

Can you do this on steam deck?

@seanthecommandblockenginee1238 - 08.12.2024 06:45

does this work with steamlink vr

@Rostovgenchik - 08.12.2024 16:37

Hello everyone. And which button combination is responsible for a quick U-turn? I know that the flat version has such a feature, but is it implemented in the vr mod?

@Rostovgenchik - 08.12.2024 16:45

I want to say that on Psv 2 helmets, the game looks just amazing. With a resolution of 112% in SteamVR ( approximately 3649 by 3495 or so ) . Plus, with a mod from Praydog with a postscript Upscaler master ( or something like that), Removefx mod from nexus and another mod that shadow fixes ShadowFix. Great colors, clarity, no ladders. I use Dlss in Quality mode and Dlss version 3.8.10. I didn't even have to download high-quality textures from the same nexus. I'm playing on 2080ti! A beautiful picture, just a complete delight!

@seanthecommandblockenginee1238 - 08.12.2024 22:17

Do I need to have the Ik body to use the dodge and crouch motion controls

@Inforgles - 10.12.2024 18:39

Hey man! Amazing video. I'm having issues getting this to work. My PC has a AMD Ryzen 7, Nvidia RTX 4050 and 16 GB RAM. Do you think that is the issue for getting this to work? It crashes before even getting the capcom logo.

@goldensilly - 11.12.2024 02:34

I am half way or so through the guide but when testing out the game, my gpu usage peaks at 90-100% from re7 alone and causes my computer to reach dangerous levels of heat. It is never like this when I play the game normally. I'd say my specs are semi better than the ones mentioned in the guide, yet despite this the game is peaking 100% in the menu. I am using the OpenVR route, but I am considering just going OpenXR, something makes me feel like its steam vr is the culprit but its definitely something with the game, Do you know a solution? here are my specs and devices

Cpu: 11th Gen Intel R Core TM i7 (hope thats the full thing)
Memory: 32gb of Ram
Gpu: Rtx 3060 Ti
Vr Headset: Quest 2 (Using a connection cable to my computer)

I can list anything else needed, but I've been so upset cuz I can't find any solution online to fix this issue for any game, since it doesn't only happen with re7.

@beanman3511 - 13.12.2024 10:27

Yo man I did everything but I still can't get past the start game screen and I've tried going to my pc starting it then going to vr and then it just separates me from the character

@codygoldade3984 - 17.12.2024 11:06

Say I have a non steam version... How can I launch? it works with steam I guess but it's blurry and ray tracing doesn't turn on for some reason. Can't get the version to revert.

@shadowthehedgehogedits0 - 19.12.2024 21:21

OpenXR not loaded: Could not load
OpenVR not loaded: VR_Init failed: Installation
path could not be located (110)
No runtime loaded.

@get_outdoors - 22.12.2024 15:48

Really helpful thank you

@get_outdoors - 22.12.2024 16:28

Hi, is there a way to force AV1 10 bit with Virtual Desktop? I’ve got it enabled but it’s switch to HEVC

@Arouth249 - 24.12.2024 06:00

For the life of me I couldn’t get RE7 to look good on the meta 3 with a 4090.. looks like I’m about to try this sht again..

@JodieJermaine - 25.12.2024 05:00

so to turn off the fsr mod if you no longer want to use it you just change it from true to false in the notepad?

@hairybizrat2078 - 27.12.2024 21:12

Thanks , what about textures etc? I tried RE7 and it looks so blurry and low resolution

@brycecrusty - 31.12.2024 13:22

Dumb quest but where can the film grain option be found?

@Showgun42 - 02.01.2025 18:58

To me for some reason its all jittery and buggy and I dont know what to do to fix it
Update, I sort of fixed it when I decreased my hertz to 60 and now it lags less than before

@zentai6921 - 11.01.2025 10:09

I'm trying this out and u mentioned turning off film grain but there does not seem to be an option to do that. How to disable film grain?

@oleggaluza - 21.01.2025 06:12

How did you manage to record the in-game? I am trying to stream the game to friends, but it has a really messed fisheye effect, and doesn't look flat screen like yours

@BaldyManGaming - 21.01.2025 22:00

Lol @ "very decent"

@bypacho - 05.02.2025 02:44

I bought RE7 to play it and stream it with my friends on Discord, but i cant. The window of the game (in the monitor) freezes completely when I put my headset on, and when I remove the headset the game goes on in the window (which is where i can actually stream the game). I dont know what to do.

@efinate002 - 07.02.2025 19:19

I bought a vr just to play this and spent hours doing this but u can't play more than 10 mins cause my head hurts a lot

@elliot7801 - 10.02.2025 00:21

get ur ass off windows 10 boy

@totalvoid6234 - 10.02.2025 23:59

You did not need to spend 3 whole fucking minutes saying leave resolution scaling at 1

@alvinaguilar4704 - 18.02.2025 08:20

Can this be used with dlss4?

@zeliteve - 23.02.2025 14:22

Hello, i have encountered a strange issue i can't seem to find a fix for, when i boot the vr version, the game is locked to 20 fps and i can't seem to unlock it in any way. Tried turning off VSYNC in game and through NVIDIA control panel, unlocking and locking fps in game, through the vr interface, through steam, changed window types and nothing. Still can't unlock it. And i don't have a pc, cause when i checked the performance, my gpu was used only for 10%. When i booted up the non vr version, that did not have any lock. Any fix would be appreciated and have a nice day!

@THETalesFromTheAbyss - 24.02.2025 00:34

How do i bring up my map though?

@alienmasterrl - 27.02.2025 06:02

ive just wasted around 3 hours trying to get the game to even launch in the first place. im on oculus quest 1 and wired to my pc and i launch the game and it just acts as if the vr is a mouse and i cant move, and it is not even in vr
ive tried directx 12 and 11 i dont know what im doing wrong, ive just bought this game for nothing

@Stereo3DProductions - 28.07.2024 12:35

Something important that isn't mentioned in this video:
Make sure not to have Ambient Occlusion on HBAO+ in the graphics settings!

This will cause double vision on some scenes. Changing AO to anything else resolves the issue.

Thanks to @charliemarley2690 for bringing it up!
