Leica TL2 Mirrorless Camera Hands-On Field Review by Thorsten von Overgaard (Repremiere)

Leica TL2 Mirrorless Camera Hands-On Field Review by Thorsten von Overgaard (Repremiere)

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Android - 08.03.2023 11:25

This is truly an amazing camera and design. And in my opinion THE MOST RISKY AND GENUINELY ORIGINAL CAMERA Leica has ever made since the M. It's groundbreaking in every way and doesn't follow any trends or evolves from anything.. this camera is its own being and identity. And ultimately it failed for 3 reasons:

- It was way ahead of it's time
- It needed a FF (stabilized) sensor
- It needed an EVF (badly)

Had Leica done this and released it at an acceptable price point, this camera would taken over the market. But as a niche limited production APS-C point and shoot with a high price tag and commanding too much forgiveness because of all it's shortcomings, it had no chance. Leica conceptually did actually do almost everything right about it but didn't think it all the way nor did it follow thru or actually finished it. And when you have a great idea that is not fully realized or that stops half way, its all but guaranteed will fail. And so it did.. miserably. Leica itself literally abandoned the camera which is shocking to me.. to this day even the CL is still receiving for more upgrades and massive improvements to its interface and functions, while this camera literally died on release. And is a shame because this is an extraordinary idea and forward thinking design in more ways that most people realize even today or can grasp. I love this camera dearly and is of Leica's highest and lowest points at the same time. Capable of taking photos rivaling anything full frame with a grace, style and modern connection between machine and photographer like very few other cameras can, and looking and feeling just about like no other camera, this is a jewel, a masterpiece vision of what we can expect in cameras many years from now.

👨🏻‍💻 - 07.03.2023 18:53

Beautifully informative! 👍🏼

Daniel Ivanto
Daniel Ivanto - 27.01.2023 02:37

Hello, can you do magnify in manual focus?

Alejandro Gonzalez
Alejandro Gonzalez - 11.02.2022 18:47

Nice review…looks like a solid camera. You need the VF of course. Would complement my SL2S very well and use the same lens. You are absolutely correct when you said, you get one Leica and you want more Leicas…no kidding! I’m up to four so far… and coming!! Cheers..

Builder - 01.06.2021 13:00

Any stabilization?
Is there an E-mount adapter?

T Pf
T Pf - 15.04.2021 01:39

TL2/CL doesn't have image stabilization, I'm wondering how important is that feature in reality, I only have one camera with sensor stabilization, but TL2 is so beautiful, I'm enticed to get one

Ton N
Ton N - 13.02.2021 10:13

Is it still a good choice for 2021?

Alexander Decebal-Cuza
Alexander Decebal-Cuza - 06.02.2021 01:30

Does this camera have focus peaking?

cfagil - 29.01.2021 20:17

Thorsten, Many Thanks for another good review. TL2 is a fun camera but...... whilst its siblings CL and SL support the "exposure preview" on/off selection, it is not the case with TL2. This means TL2 can fire any manual flash but you will not be able to see what you are shooting when you set the A/S/ISO to match your manual flash's power. If you want the pleasure of looking and focusing on what you are shooting, you will have to pay for those very expensive Leica labelled flashes (like Leica SF40). Leica don't make flashes themselves. Leica SF40 is a Chinese made Nissin i40 with add on Leica TTL circuitry. The former is selling at £380 and the latter £78 in the UK. TTL flashs are usually quite unpredictable. Leica TTL is definitely unique and bring the unpredictability to a different level. Paying £300 for a feature that I don't need or use is heartbreaking. Come on Leica, please update your TL2 firmware and add that exposure preview on/off switch to this beautifully designed camera.

cfagil - 31.12.2020 01:04

Enjoyed your video. The sound quality is fine; only a few moments of sudden change in levels. I sold my T two years ago because, among other things, the lack of focus peaking. I believe TL2 now has focus peaking. Perhaps may get one. I did not upgrade from SL to SL2 because of the 46ish MP in the latter. Perhaps SL-s with its 24MP may be a better choice.

용수 - 23.09.2020 15:00

What is a brighter camera? CL or TL2?

Alakazam - 27.05.2020 10:51

I have the Leica T using M and R lens and I love it. The WiFi now works great with my IPhone.
I also have X2 and it took beautiful pictures.
Great video and reviews. 👍👍👍👍👍

Mohamed Alfaris
Mohamed Alfaris - 12.05.2020 16:01

What’s your take about the M10D I am on the fence vs M10-P, I am worried I won’t use it as supposed I should which keep checking the photos in the app. right now I have M9 love the photos but the operation so slow and ISO is limited. Have MP film which I love.

Tom Vestvik
Tom Vestvik - 04.05.2020 00:28

And then there is the CL …

Julien Garros
Julien Garros - 03.05.2020 09:57

Great review as always! The video quality from the TL2 is terrible. So digital and colours are horrible.

Knut Vonheim
Knut Vonheim - 03.05.2020 08:57

If you have an M for a long time you become an “M-shooter”. Your camera becomes “second nature”. With me it is so ingrained I stay with my M9 as I know what the result will be with each lens. I cannot even buy a newer M at this point. This can happen to anyone with any camera, but is often mentioned with M cameras. Anyways, other cameras er also really good and your brain knows this, but your feelings for your existing camera is not ready to let go. So you end up with two cameras because you cannot decide.
