How To Play A Bladesinger Wizard In Dungeons & Dragons 5e

How To Play A Bladesinger Wizard In Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Dungeon Dudes

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Just A Hologram
Just A Hologram - 03.09.2023 21:20

I find it disappointing that they gutted the flavor of bladesinger. Eilistraee granting additional power to her loyal followers, in this case granting a subclass instead of needing to multi class. It also provided a nice line for potential plot hooks for freeing Drow village s/cities from Lolth's influence

Jeff Carbone
Jeff Carbone - 31.08.2023 07:03

Nope. There’s no way the elves would ever teach bladesinging to a non elf.

Dominick Geddert
Dominick Geddert - 30.08.2023 01:44

I'd love to hear people's take on multiclass options for Bladesinger. I've come up with a build that integrates 3 levels of Swords bard for fighting style and flourishes without having to sacrifice spell levels, as well as adding more out of combat utility and enabling them to work as the parties face.

CrazyElf - 27.08.2023 10:32

When you are here having never played DnD and are trying to play a mod that adds the Bladesinger to Baldur's Gate 3.

Drax152 - 22.08.2023 00:44

So would a dex bladesinger be superior over a strength bladesinger? Trying to accomplish a flail bladesinger.

Galactic Cannibl
Galactic Cannibl - 14.08.2023 22:46

dnd shorts' artificer/bladesinger looks so fun!

Baker Watson
Baker Watson - 12.08.2023 00:44

Making my first bladesinger for a session along with one i am playing hexblade warlock. Finally the great battle of the gish mau commence.

William J. Peña
William J. Peña - 30.07.2023 02:25

Booming blade is OP. I used it a lot on a Pact of blade warlock - inquisitive rouge with the mobile feat I use to play. I became an expert at hit n run and I could solo bosses just by kiting them and slowly chipping away their hp.

Ben Thomason
Ben Thomason - 12.07.2023 05:26

ONe cool thing you can do is play a dragonborn bladesinger. then you can take the attack action and replace one attack with a cantrip, and the other with a breath weapon charge.

Mike Bartram
Mike Bartram - 23.06.2023 23:18

My choice for Bladesinger was Shadar Kai. You get the extra of the elvish stats, charm res. and sleep immun., plus you get Blessing of the Raven Queen. Take Mobile, war caster and spell sniper feats. Most useful spell I found was steel wind strike.

Shirokuma - 22.06.2023 00:03

can bladesingers not use axes? like a battleaxe since you can wield it in one hand? or hammers or warpicks?

Joseph Swan
Joseph Swan - 12.06.2023 21:46

I think it's a missed point but...
Involving teleporting away from enemies and getting to a better position... why not consider Steel Wing Strike from xanathars?

Suzanne Romijnders
Suzanne Romijnders - 02.06.2023 11:49

I can't find the lvl 3 spell ''Spirit Trap" anywhere. Does it still exist?

Louis Babycos
Louis Babycos - 31.05.2023 16:19

Blade singer idea for unarmed Blade singer .Muscle Wizard idea for polymorph. Polymorph into any creature but you actually stay the same shape and appearance .You get special senses You don't get size ,your damage stays the same type bludgeoning . However you get COMIC BOOK PHYSICS . You grapple and do damage of the size of the creature you polymorph into but remain the same same size . You don't have reach like a large creature but you could grapple a dragon if you got close enough. You could also punch the dragon . You would be emulating Shazam.

Joe Fuller
Joe Fuller - 31.05.2023 00:22

hmm tacle cantrip raging barbarian 😂 iv figured part if it out it sounds crazy lol

Majin Sole
Majin Sole - 26.05.2023 17:11

Let the blades sing indeed.


KRISS H - 05.05.2023 04:45

Immovable object on that pesky enemy weapon. O.o so funny watching my dm trying to work around that one.

Jothrax - 03.05.2023 03:09

Fey Touched is great on a Bladesinger because you can take Hex or Hunter's mark, so you can buff damage with a 1st level spell.

Arcane Recovery
Arcane Recovery - 21.04.2023 21:39

I once carried around some silverware in a bag to use with animate objects, and know of a friend who just used silver coins.

Ron Sumner
Ron Sumner - 16.04.2023 18:18

best bladsinger kick ass. 3rd level eldritch knight/ 17 lvl bladesinger

Nicolò Marcolini
Nicolò Marcolini - 09.04.2023 21:32

Sorry, i'm new in the game, i don't understand why you start with 17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8 as ability scores... Aren't the starting ability score 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 in the main rules book?

Midraeus Funtime Gaming
Midraeus Funtime Gaming - 03.04.2023 19:46

Blade ward cantrip could be a great for defense tanking your bladesinger

DreamingFlurry - 30.03.2023 16:14

That's why you start at level 3 - seriously, I (and most other DMs I know) do want to know the subclasses players want to chose beforehand, not to mention it makes for more compelling backstories if say the chronurgy-wizard learned of his ability during a traumatic experience (my own chronurgy-wizard learned that he could alter time by saving his siblings from death by rewinding time (so basically he used to re-rolls that he can force daily to save his siblings)) or the barbarian specializes in something during his/her training etc.!

Sath - 27.03.2023 10:42

I made an Eladrin Bladesinger and it is the most fun I have had in 5e. Originally my DM did not want me to play a Bladesinger in the campaign so I made a Divine Soul sorcerer. I liked it but I got dropped in almost every other combat. (was even eaten once and somehow survived.) My AC was 12 and though I did good damage and could heal effectively (which turned out to not matter almost everyone in the group can heal) I was a glass cannon. So I tried to hide behind everyone. A year into the campaign and people were discussing what they would play if they died. My DM said he was ok with me making a Bladesinger. So I came up with a concept I felt would be fun. For each long rest, I roll a D4. I then become the season. I have certain spells associated with each season and therefore change my available spells to fit that. I also change my personality to fit the season and My DM gave me armor that has glamour to look like the season I become. When I presented this to my DM he liked it and said if I die he would make it so my God Corellon would reincarnate me as a Bladesinger So I could stay playing the same character while changing to be what I originally wanted to play.
So, though I lost the meta magic capabilities I did not become a weaker caster and became much better at staying alive. My armor class became a 19. If I use Blade song it becomes a 23 and if I do get hit I can use the shield spell to have a 28 AC. So as a caster, I am in the front line kicking butt and love it. I have always loved Bladesingers and have played them since 2nd Ed. The lore is probably my favorite in D&D.

darkelf2040 - 22.03.2023 15:04

Longsword for the win! Use gauntlets of ogrestrength for a 19 str. The rules don't say you have to use 2 hands for EVERY attack when using a versatile weapon. Use the longsword 2 handed then for your cantrip attack you simply do the Jedi 'hold the sword with 1 hand while extending the other' trick.

JerikEricson The Masked Gamer
JerikEricson The Masked Gamer - 17.03.2023 02:01

With my bladesinger I trained up my alchemy/herbalism so I can make potions of speed because the haste from them don't count as concentration so I can have that up plus other buff spells like spirit shroud, tenser's transformation, and tasha's otherworldly guise.

Cogumancer - 11.03.2023 19:27

I play bladesong like a arcanetrickster that he was a little deep into magic, dex more import stat, take a backstory that give me rogue tools and take stealth and slight of hand in prof, ta dah, arcane trickster 2.0

James Webb
James Webb - 05.03.2023 16:22

I kinda really want to play either a strength based Loxodon Bladesinger or a constitution based Dhampir Bladesinger now. Just to buck the trend.

Heitor Henrique
Heitor Henrique - 02.03.2023 13:33

What about a Kobold bladesinger? Using the familiar to aways trigger the Pack tactics race feat.

AlfTheAce - 16.02.2023 04:11

could a strength based bladesinger with a greatsword work?

______ - 09.02.2023 13:33

I’m playing a dwarven bladesinger that’s a paranormal investigator that can see ghosts

Bain6969 - 06.02.2023 09:44

Why not take green flame blade or electric lure instead of mage hand?

ThirtytwoJ - 04.02.2023 06:18

Dude mine was a megaboss soloer with 23ac by like level 7. So much i could multi into warlock blade or familiar pact.. or sorc and still be fine. Battlesmith rogue or lucky would just be dirty. Bladesinger with tentacle whip is insane. Cape of montebank, boots of winding, or anything that gives you a place to store up spells for later. Headband of int or amulet of health are nice too.

Jeff Adams
Jeff Adams - 21.01.2023 05:00

Concerning Ur Comment On The Bag Of Holding, With Silver Swords, Why Not Take The Cantrip, SWORD BURST ???

When I Use ANIMATE OBJECTS, I Have A Bag Of 1000 Ball Bearings & I Animate 10 At A Time, 1d6x10... I Roll 1d10 & What Number I Roll, Then That's How BB Hit, Saves On Rolling A 1d20, 10 Different Times...

Dynesaurus - 24.12.2022 04:58

Spirit guardians from the orzhov background in ravnica is nasty

Adam Besser Ilan
Adam Besser Ilan - 08.12.2022 00:32

Guys!!! Tortle blade singer!!! Come on how can you not even THINK about it???

Travis Torrez
Travis Torrez - 01.12.2022 04:17

I want to know the V. Human stat breakdown. Because if using Standard Array a VHuman is only getting 16, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8 (Not the 17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8 as said at the beginning) then him taking Resilient Con takes the array to 16, 15, 14, 12, 10, 8. So when they talk about putting dex and int to 18 @ lvl 4 with the first ASI...i'm lost because the math isn't working out for me.

Fitz - 27.11.2022 03:57

I have lvl 11 Variant Human. 8 levels in Bladesinger with booming blade, +resilient con, +Mobile, +Haste, +mirror image. 2 levels in Blood Hunter (dueling style) and 1 level in Rogue.

Clayton Hess
Clayton Hess - 21.11.2022 22:12

I think the best way to rework song of defense is to say as long as bladesong is active you can add your intelligence modifier to any saving throw or as a reaction you can burn a spell slot and add that slot level multiplied by your intelligence modifier to your saving throw

PleaseElaborate - 10.11.2022 16:31

Between bladesong, mobile feat, and defensive spells, my wizard never took a single hit despite jumping into the fray in nearly every combat. The only exception was a single failed dex save... against a zombie beholder's death ray... that killed her outright.

still one of my favorite characters to date. RIP.

Tio Tha
Tio Tha - 20.10.2022 00:32

What about, if your Bladesinger isn't too much focused on spells, taking 3 Rogue levels with the Swashbuckler Archetype? Some of the juicy stuff you get would be very usefull for a Bladesinger, specialy the skimisher tactic to hit, cast a spell and run

Jimmy D
Jimmy D - 04.10.2022 07:33

Monty is a ghetto version of Matt Colville 😂

Slipperless Cat
Slipperless Cat - 02.10.2022 09:54

Pulls out hand mortar Fools, while you use the bladesongs abilities to be a magic swordsmen, I shall use them to become a cowboy who can teleport!

Jeromy South
Jeromy South - 01.10.2022 05:58

MultiClass 3 levels into Echo Knite Fighter

Jonathan Z
Jonathan Z - 25.09.2022 17:33

Why can’t you just get a magic short sword and dual wield shadow blade and it? Attack shadow blade, booming blade short sword attack, and dual wield shadow blade. You don’t need a free hand as the booming blade requires a material component that is already in your hand.

Booey - 18.09.2022 20:06

started off as an arcane trickster and now I'm hard tacking into to bladesinger, should I wait to start taking levels in wizard until i reach 5th level, for uncanny dodge or should I just start going after level 4?

Toren Atkinson
Toren Atkinson - 17.09.2022 03:21

Best race for bladeslinger?

Curious Wind
Curious Wind - 14.09.2022 10:34

Getting lvl 3 artificer and choosing battle smith lets you use your weapon with int and rest can be bladesinger to focus primarily on int
