The Most Critical Tech Skill for 2025 (And What's Becoming Obsolete)

The Most Critical Tech Skill for 2025 (And What's Becoming Obsolete)

Tiff In Tech

7 месяцев назад

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@shafaqrana-kj1yc - 06.08.2024 20:50

Hi tiff ,what are your views regarding blockchain technology ?

@CyberDevilSec - 06.08.2024 21:12

Well i was aware of everything you said, but i'm happy you share the awareness around.
I have to point out something though :
Learning the basics of any tech is a standard and i would be suprised if someone can be hired that relies on chatgpt for basic fundamentals...

Don't be a script kiddi guys for my sake. But thanks Tiff i'm happy you share your thoughts :) I would say the aim of knowledge is for beginners though.
But that's not bad at all.

@PointEndClick - 06.08.2024 22:16

This video is awesome.

@Michaelcode140 - 06.08.2024 23:23

Greetings from Nigeria
Live your contents, also download most of your videos
You snd network chuck are my top best when it comes to tech and cyber security

@penpendoggo - 06.08.2024 23:44


@mobinakhter7081 - 07.08.2024 01:20

Hows the new big ass dell curved monitor ? I want an additional one to my LG 32 inch ultrawide

@shikharkalsi9692 - 07.08.2024 01:31

there was never any coffee in the mug to begin with was there, everything is a lie/metaverse isnt it? regardless, we look forward to the Merch announcement, shout out from Calgary

@ShalomArputhaSingh - 07.08.2024 05:31

Sis Upload about DSA

@AdvantestInc - 07.08.2024 19:24

Great insights, Tiffany! The blend of soft and technical skills is becoming more critical as tech continues to evolve. Continuous learning is the way forward.

@mahalobrownie - 07.08.2024 23:35

Thank you! You're amazing!

@ravirajac - 08.08.2024 02:20

not true for RL/DRL , obtaining data itself is a huge challenge, let alone training the model

@burnedbrowncoal7536 - 08.08.2024 04:21

The problem is, rather I listen tech, I watch your beauty ❤

@tyranmcgrathmnkklkl - 08.08.2024 11:03

"A walk" <3

@PHOENIXMARIE-t7y - 08.08.2024 18:53

I really need your help to expand my python codes, can you please 🙏

@glen_nz - 08.08.2024 22:55

I think the fear around job displacement is more related to "unskilled" labour and the difficulty to upskill / access training due to time / family / money constraints, as opposed to just "AI taking our jobs". Even after decades in the industry, I still find myself overwhelmed with the pace of change sometimes 🤣

@iampsjr - 09.08.2024 02:32

One of her worst videos that lure you in for total nonsense...I was watchin it on my tv but I had to make it a point to come to my laptop to write a critique of the nonsense that she has been showing - what a waste of time- she's cute but not that cute!

@Micko759 - 09.08.2024 09:34

Man stfu with this ai shit, its slopwing down and companies working hard on ai are losing way more money on it and making less progress with it

@Dan_Campbell - 09.08.2024 16:40

We don't actually know if the number of jobs created, will match or exceed the jobs lost. Nobody knows this.

LLMs aren't the final AI product. They're amazing, but we don't know what the next surprise is going to be.

Also, the belief that "Don't worry, there will be more jobs", isn't Optimism. It's Dystopia. Automation is Supposed To relieve us of drudgery, and ultimately of mandatory Wage Labor.

My vision - and I don't know for a fact, either - is that AIs will take away most jobs, to the point of a crisis. But the AIs themselves will be able to design & prove economic systems that don't depend on jobs.

Those systems won't fit any Capitalist - Communist dichotomy, but there will still be many humans who will want to pigeon hole everything into that box, debate forever, and never get anything done.

The only guarantee is disruptive change.

@abgzulkifli - 09.08.2024 18:28

I see, can I go now

@abgzulkifli - 09.08.2024 18:30

Ai like cheese burger

@TheMonkeyPatch - 10.08.2024 03:04

If money is what you're after the essential skill is sales.

@moshezadka8414 - 10.08.2024 06:31

I learned python and Linux 25 years ago. Haven't needed to reskill since.

@RalphDratman - 10.08.2024 10:59

This is good, Tiff. You know, our world is so confused now. But if Kamala gets elected I think so many of us will feel a bit clearer in our minds. Covid and Trump, what a nightmare these last few years have been,

@Melatisingosongo - 10.08.2024 14:14


@morrazzo4432 - 10.08.2024 17:18

Mashallah! Ur blue eyes are something and rare and beautiful!
You are born lucky!

@lightwoodalec5037 - 11.08.2024 15:44

That was so well put

@roberthealey7238 - 11.08.2024 17:40

The most critical skill:
Learn how to learn.

The only constant is change and you will have to be continuously learning new things to keep relevant; this is not new in tech and has always been the case going back decades.
We haven’t used toggle switches and punch cards in decades.

The only exception in tech seems to be COBOL, that seems to have the longevity of a vampire…

@roberthealey7238 - 11.08.2024 17:42

Re: data

Quantity doesn’t mean Quality.

@robertbutscher6824 - 12.08.2024 17:45

great video, i think you mentioned the essentials aspects

@arnarfreyrkristinsson8650 - 12.08.2024 19:43

AI sucks at web development, it produces crappy code that itself can't maintain and yourself neither or your team. What it's good at is leading you forward, guiding. Often with examples that you can build upon. So oh yes, learn the basics. Don't fall in to that trap. AI is hyped up enormously by people that are either trying to sell it or do not know what AI actually is. Good point with the adaptability. We really should learn different things to show that we can do so.

@jagatkrishna1543 - 13.08.2024 15:36

Thanks 🙏❤

@RahulBhoye-bf2lx - 13.08.2024 16:19

Versidium's making moves. Glad to be part of it!

@MRsubhankar_0.1 - 13.08.2024 16:19

Versidium's buzz is justified. Count me in!

@vinaymathur442 - 13.08.2024 16:19

Versidium's future looks bright. Stellar project!

@Angry_youtuber_18 - 13.08.2024 16:21

Versidium's strategy is on point. Big potential!

@FREEFIRERHS - 13.08.2024 16:21

Versidium for the win. This is just the start!

@rajarane2200 - 13.08.2024 16:21

Versidium hype is building. Exciting times ahead!

@m.suman.A - 13.08.2024 16:22

Can't ignore Versidium any longer, it's happening!

@sunilsaroj1355 - 13.08.2024 16:22

Believing in Versidium's journey. It's a solid bet.

@abiramsai - 13.08.2024 16:23

Versidium's innovation is unmatched. Eye on the prize!

@373323 - 22.08.2024 10:37

no one needs to reskill, it's cheap ploy of making money from people who have it impossible to find a job, the fact is the IT sector has been destroyed completely, there are no jobs , layoffs are the most rampant i have ever seen, and i have been around for quite a long while , this is a disaster that none of us have ever seen before, AI has nothing to do with it

@raidjameel7513 - 24.08.2024 04:39

hi Tiff in Tec, for sure u r a lovable person with good character. Make ur videos worth to see n follow, but Not talking too much, Not move ur head, hands, n body during talking too much, n Not keep repeating some words, phrases n terns many times in a dull boring manner. stay focused, on clear cut core issues, right to the point n direct, avoid branching to many issues far from the video core goals.wish u gd luck with success in ur tech life journy.

@RunAndGunVisuals - 04.09.2024 18:03

I’m wanting to go back to school for IT been wanting to do cybersecurity is that still a viable field to get into going forward?

@koala0075 - 18.09.2024 10:54

The most important skill in 2025 will use your brains ... cheers.

@byerikboltimur5375 - 26.09.2024 07:15

hey cute coder girl , we got it :)

@richardknouse618 - 30.10.2024 16:45

The perfect balance: Technically up to date and world class gorgeous.

@riwilliamss - 20.11.2024 01:15

This was the video I needed! I’m pivoting into the tech field after being in finance & cosmetology for over a decade (weird blend of careers I know) & tech has given me an opportunity to be analytical and creative at the same time. Hoping I land something soon!

@CCPL-z9p - 30.11.2024 19:09

Nice video! I like it, but some sources, like World Economic Forum are garbage :)

@sainath59 - 11.01.2025 01:54

Thanks a lot for explaining about the adaptability :)

@alanbailie5458 - 11.01.2025 12:33

So my move into Solution/Enterprise architecture from a dev background just might have been a good idea after all.
