How Leopard 2 tank was defeat In Syria

How Leopard 2 tank was defeat In Syria

Military TV

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SNPDMZ - 19.09.2023 01:02

As in Iraq 2017 the Iraqi army and their tank m1a1 Abrams was so good , we literally liberate all our land and it did amazing job in street battles , for us the best was the US Abrams made, thank u for that amazing tank no 1 for sure .

Jon T
Jon T - 13.09.2023 18:42

this is why China has the right idea, its not about designing the most powerful or heavily armoured tank in the world, but rather one that is suited to the environments ur going to fight in and agile and mobile enough without being too heavy or over armoured or lacking in firepower.

when it comes to reliability and robustness and flexibility its better to develop the toyota approach than the porsche or Lamborghini .

Ani matte
Ani matte - 25.08.2023 10:49

Tanks are designed for conventional warfare

YuanFurbax - 21.08.2023 02:05

Stop saying Leopard 2 MBT
There are alot of Leopard 2s and the Leopard 2A6 MBT are still bad bc they don't have ERA or APS which improves armor alot for small extra weight hopefully they add that to the Leopard 2A8 then u would have the best tank. For now i go with Kf51 and Leopard 2A7+

Di - 26.07.2023 15:57

Proud mujaheedin mashaallah 🏴

Urbie LateNight Gaming Adventure
Urbie LateNight Gaming Adventure - 21.07.2023 20:50

excuses! The tank just not good enough.

BAD HOMBRE - 11.07.2023 21:22


ahmedalsharman - 09.07.2023 09:26

These german Leopard tanks are useless garbage 🗑 .

amicusS - 05.07.2023 10:29

the leopard with torn off turret was destroyed by turkish f16 after the crew abandon it

Масиф Гасим
Масиф Гасим - 28.06.2023 15:08

تحليل فاشل لان الدعاية للسلاح الامريكي والغربي اكبر بكثير من جودته رغم تكاليفه العالية خصوصا انها لم تختبر من قبل في معارك حقيقية اما الان فقد كشفت الحقيقة واتضحت انها خردة امام السلاح الروسي .

Caner GÜNERHAN - 26.06.2023 22:17

too many leopards destroyed in ukraine the leopard is not as powerful as it is exaggerated.

SomnituxX - 19.06.2023 14:03

Western tanks are the most expensive useless tanks .

Severyn26 - 19.06.2023 06:16

Polish analysts have said for a long time that the leopard 2 was very overhyped but procured it anyway

Bayram Karaca
Bayram Karaca - 18.06.2023 19:50

The Turkish army was successful in 3 operations in Northern Syria and was not defeated. Bases were established in the captured areas, our army is still there. Our army will be there until we clear the terrorist organizations of Daesh and PKK-YPG-PYD and send Syrian refugees there again. Leopard 2 tanks did not succeed in a battle they entered for the first time. The main reason for this is the anti-tank (TOW, Javelin) missiles given to terrorists by our NATO ally, the USA. Any tank, including the M1 Abrams, T90, can be destroyed with these missiles. Revenge will be taken from the USA, which is hostile to Turkey at every opportunity, we are waiting for the appropriate time. The M60 SABRA tanks, which Turkey has developed by developing its own M60 tanks, are much more capable and effective.

calcium - 16.06.2023 09:57

The Leopard II tank is a relic of the Cold War It doesn't fit in modern warfare

Muhammet Erden
Muhammet Erden - 14.06.2023 15:44

The biggest mistake of our army was to expect that there would be an army against it, as in Cyprus, in Syria, so they wanted to fight with heavy armored vehicles, but there were only militants firing RPG or ATCM in the region, which caused us to lose heavy armored vehicles, but the Leopard 2A4s we lost were destroyed by our air forces and prevented them from falling into the hands of the enemy.

Mikael Almeida
Mikael Almeida - 14.06.2023 07:22

Ni el Abrarms ni el Leopard son indestructubles... En las llanuras de Ucrania igual están siendo destrozados los Leopard por el ejército ruso...

Taner Duman
Taner Duman - 13.06.2023 17:28

They smashed isis and Taken el bab why you hate Turkish army?

Hashterak's Gage
Hashterak's Gage - 13.06.2023 16:06

At what poing did this piece of trash get all the hype it had. Its just overpriced garbage.

CHO gaming GM
CHO gaming GM - 12.06.2023 21:59

Who is here after the Leopard 2 tanks get ambush and destroyed by Russians in zapariozye

Вагнер - 12.06.2023 14:47

А на Украине уже уничтожен 17 Леопард 2 , несколько десяток Бредли ,АСВ 15 ,Мах Про ,М 115 ,Хамвеи .Видео впечатляют.Русские используют концепцию Дрон подсветка Артелерия ,ПТРК ,РПГ 7 В и удары ракетами и бомбами по колоннам ВСУ .

TRENERA - 12.06.2023 12:23

Че е бил разбит и че продължават да го разбиват по украинско е факт. Но също така е факт, че след Армат и Прорив е третия по сила танк в света. Преди корейското чудо, английския Чаленджър, американския Абрамс и китайския 'Бързак'. Иначе някога водех отделението си зад първия 'Т-72', който няма нищо общо със сегашната страхотна четвърта версия с компютърна навигация. И бъдете коректни: Не турци управляваха танковете при второто голямо нападение на ИДИЛските войски, въоръжени с крадени руски 'ПТУР'. Това бяха американци и австралийци.

_Pupp3t / yaya
_Pupp3t / yaya - 12.06.2023 03:18

Our tank is invincibile its just got destroyed because it didn't face the prestine clean easy non harsh conditions that are expected in a war!

TanjiroGreyat - 11.06.2023 14:04

And they think ruskie can't destroy this tank in Ukraine... LOL

GREG L. - 11.06.2023 13:16

Its time to update your video “How Leopard 2 been decimated in Ukraine”. It looks that this tank is just a marketing hype with not big deal behind - every time its going into a real combat it bites the dust.

William Ritchie
William Ritchie - 11.06.2023 05:09

This particular Leo 2 was an a4 variant employed incorrectly

Congress 2024
Congress 2024 - 11.06.2023 02:52

Who is here after the Leppard 2A6 got destroyed in Ukraine.

Yberk - 10.06.2023 16:35

Yes, Turkish tanks had lost, but according to the conditions of that period, America and Germany would have lost in the guerrilla war as well. The reason is that they infiltrate and shoot with mobile atgm in the open area. Because there are very advanced anti-tank weapons used by terrorist organizations such as pkk/ypg/ypj. And these weapons are donated by western countries.

Anetos Gr
Anetos Gr - 10.06.2023 14:07

rpg 7 from 1980 can destroy this bullshit tank

Eser Karatas
Eser Karatas - 10.06.2023 13:34

The German Leopard that belongs to the Turkish army was not eliminated by IS. Rather by the Kurdish militia YPG near to Afrin.

Ночной Дракон
Ночной Дракон - 10.06.2023 02:46


2garin - 09.06.2023 23:02

Und in Ukraine auch 👍🏻

Кирилл Алексеев
Кирилл Алексеев - 09.06.2023 17:56

yesterday 2A6 was first destroyed in Ukraine by artyllery

Tayfun Öksüzoğlu
Tayfun Öksüzoğlu - 09.06.2023 15:22

That's why combat experience is a good thing for a system. After the Syrian operations, tanks underwent modernizations according to the field requirements and realities.

Greek Military Lover
Greek Military Lover - 08.06.2023 22:40

"We will take Greece in 1 week" 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡

Alpaslan - 08.06.2023 17:23

Conclusion a Tank without active protection system, add on armor plates and modern counter measure systems is easy prey for ATGM, especially in such terrain that suits the defender.

Sait YAMAK - 08.06.2023 01:25

Hadi len ordan. Türkiye yenilmişmiş. Türkiye hala orada.

Özcan Yücel
Özcan Yücel - 08.06.2023 01:06

Evet leopartlar kağıttan kaplanmış,Almanyanin öve öve bitiremedigi tanklar zayif zirhi yüzünden her atişta savaş disi kaldı.Türk mühendisler bu kağıttan bile kötü olan zirhi değiştirdi ve atgm atisina karşı dayanakli hale geldi.arti pasif koruma sistemleri entegre edildi,biz dersimizi aldik ama almanlar aldi mi bilinmez

Selçuk Bilgin
Selçuk Bilgin - 07.06.2023 01:17

The information you reported about the al-Bab operation is not correct. A lot of the things in this video are unrealistic. I want you to remove this video because you are not providing accurate information. I am a citizen of the Republic of Turkey. I could sue you for reporting untruely.

RussiaHere - 05.06.2023 21:08

Ждем горящие лео в Запорожье

Atakan Sakarya
Atakan Sakarya - 04.06.2023 23:54

Result is Turks took Al Bab and city still under control of Turkish Army. 😂😂 Who is defeated? Turks maybe lost 5 tanks than what? How many tanks lost US in Afghanistan or Russia in Ukraine. There is no war without casualties.

Uğur aslan
Uğur aslan - 04.06.2023 23:41

kardeş hariyata bak el bab u an kimin elinde diye. 6 içinde el bab düştü. Biri size söylemeyi unutmuş belliki

WT tanker :D.
WT tanker :D. - 04.06.2023 17:06

its not the tank its the tanker

BER El RA - 04.06.2023 04:35

Erdogan authorized the fetö and recruited the fetöists into the army. While doing this, intelligent, experienced atatürkist commanders; imprisoned with lies and slander. (The Ergenekon Case) Years later, when Erdoğan and Gülen fell apart, the fetö who entered the army attempted a coup. 2016 was not between citizen and soldier. It was between the Citizen and the Terror. His only culprit is Erdogan and he is still president. Is not it funny ?

ufuk öztürk
ufuk öztürk - 02.06.2023 14:55

Komedi gibi yorum hiç bir askerî bilgisi olmadan mahalle dedikodusu yapan bir mal dinlediniz

Serkan Krkurt
Serkan Krkurt - 02.06.2023 14:21

I was in that war too. There is no lost war. We couldn't hold on to the enemy attack because we couldn't gain full control after capturing only one area. We cleaned the whole area right after. You told such ridiculous lies that I watched with a smile.

RECEP DOĞAN - 01.06.2023 16:49

Admin barış pınarı zeytin dalı ve diğer operasyonlarda yoğun ve cetin çatışmalar oldu o bölgede görev yapan personel olarak diyebilirimki biz gereken herşeyi yaptık eğitimsiz personel ve komuta eksikliği diyorsun buna katılmıyorum oradaki tank personelleri uzman askerler işin ehli oparatörlerdir.bir tankı 4 defa tanksavar silahlarıyla vurdular bir tankın dayanma sınırı var yoğun çatışmada normal bu buna rağmen minimum kayıpla operasyon tamamlandı ve el bab alındı .biz şuan bu tanklara yeni zırh kitleri ve pulat aktif koruma sistemleri entegre ettik şuan daha dayanıklı oldu ama kendi ihtiyac ve doktirinimize uygun Altayımızı yapıyoruz .yok edilemeyen zırhlı yoktur her tank ve sistem yok edilebilir.önemli olan minimum kayıpla sonuca ulaşabilecek savaş sanatını içra edebilmektir.

Ammar Tawwaf
Ammar Tawwaf - 31.05.2023 13:42

dude have you played war thunder , just shoot the bottem bit from the front of the sides
