How The Russian Public Feels About The Ukraine Invasion

How The Russian Public Feels About The Ukraine Invasion


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Лилия Гарипова
Лилия Гарипова - 06.09.2023 10:36

I am Russian , I support my government. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺Don't you think that 1-3 perverted subjects can talk for the whole country. Starting from the talk finishing with the image the whole interview is distorting the reality West propoganda. West media directs all video as if there is everlasting winter in Russia, hey dudes, open the book and get to know that there are 6 months of summer with 25-30 degrees in Russia. But when it comes to your video, it is impossible to find video with summer Russia. get real information a little bit.

Aza Z
Aza Z - 31.08.2023 16:11

Bunch of ridiculous fake comments from so-called Russians

stormy - 28.08.2023 00:44

As Ukrainian I'm hoping war will stop

Jeremias Fronda
Jeremias Fronda - 05.07.2023 14:07

War is the opposite of peace. Russian President and Diplomats are not qualified to represent in the UN.

Ammon Laña
Ammon Laña - 22.06.2023 04:00

The russian girl that they interviewed first looks like Chloe Grace Moretz

Kozache_5 - 07.06.2023 02:14

Ha ha ha

Why don't you tell us how the Russians cut off the heads of Ukrainian soldiers and then sell their skulls on the Internet as ashtrays, how our children are adopted by taking them from their parents, how civilian women and teenagers are tortured to death, how tattoos are cut off the bodies of men, how people are sorted , are captured and abused in different ways, so that even those who return sometimes die of heart attacks or health problems, because your simple Russians did not give food, why are you silent that they shoot cars with children, they force everyone undress even children, that your celebrities come to an occupied city and welcome everyone, how do you save people, why don't you tell how your Russians destroy everything when they leave - refrigerators, foreign cars, even the bodies of the dead and even children's toys - this is what your Russian victims of circumstances do, too and they did even worse in Chechnya, for example - there is a video of confirmation.

Ella Hu
Ella Hu - 18.05.2023 04:36

(No offense) but it's kind of just Ukraine and putin fighting not Ukraine and Russia because I'm not gonna predict but what I'm hearing is that most Russian citizens ( I don't know if that's spelt right.) disagree with Putin's opinion.

Drowsy Kyle
Drowsy Kyle - 05.05.2023 21:33

Those people are most likely being targeted by the Kremlin right now just for speaking on the subject, let alone disagreeing with Putin

R Wright
R Wright - 21.04.2023 05:50

God bless the woman who said that she’s in love with a Ukrainian man. It’s a prime example that we as humans should spread unity, peace, love, and compassion for one another. We have one life to live and let’s live it in a healthier manner. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

Russian Infinitoria
Russian Infinitoria - 19.04.2023 02:26

That’s fake it’s all staged fake news they want you to pay a lot of money to Ukraine except the people

Ernest Engineering
Ernest Engineering - 18.04.2023 16:59

How come ? If speaking against war is illegal… how come can they give you an honest opinion? Tell me… how come ?

Jesus Christ…

boum62 - 17.04.2023 14:08

This is like England fighting its welsh cousins. Such a tragedy.

Sam Lair
Sam Lair - 28.03.2023 21:20

Anyone who fails to recognize the evil being perpetuated on Ukraine is suspect and should not be trusted in matters of great importance.

Mark Tsvetanov
Mark Tsvetanov - 24.03.2023 18:04

I’m a Russian from USA and fully support the war lol

John Smith
John Smith - 17.03.2023 21:56

The now russian nazi war criminal putlin with a warrant for his arrest on war crimes, and crimes against humanity, makes the russian nazi people and nazi government a monster state

Дневник ростовского парня
Дневник ростовского парня - 07.03.2023 14:06

Really, Did you just found random girls with good english in the streets of Russia and they had the same point of vies as you were... Really? This is impossible, cause there are few people who KWONS english, and even less speak it well. And there is a little chance that they have any political interest

drspastic - 04.03.2023 20:51

funny but I spoke to more Russians today than they had interviews here. all the Russians I spoke to support Putin

anthony phu
anthony phu - 25.02.2023 08:59

I am Chinese. I like Russia because the Russian government cares for the Russian people in Ukraine.

youness alibane
youness alibane - 24.02.2023 15:21

Here is a joke

Western media

ThiccDaddy - 30.01.2023 05:53

What’s sad is that we are people of the same blood, families, living on both sides, but people in Russia, living in silence, which, in general just means agreement with their government.

Minhnguyet - 20.01.2023 20:12

Putin is a terroris the tyranny he must responsible for taken millions innocent people including children he had murder 😢😢😢😢😢

Sita Sharma
Sita Sharma - 18.01.2023 11:54

Russia 🇷🇺👍 you are great
Long live Russia 🇷🇺👍

Admilson - 18.01.2023 03:49

Putin is killing people in Ukraine....why he needs more?

Len Readle
Len Readle - 15.01.2023 17:10

What a load of BS reporting, the rur hasn't crashed, selective speaking to the public, usual Western propaganda

Buckmaster - 12.01.2023 09:18

this is ancient news. The ruble is trading higher 10 months later than it did prior to the invasion

TS - 19.12.2022 13:47

The stats don’t lie. F U Russians. Slava Ukraine

Insert Username
Insert Username - 09.12.2022 07:50

I’m really glad the Russians are actually being nice
I’m always finding edits where Russians are just spamming:
Ukraine: 👎
Russia: 👍

Sarosh Varghese
Sarosh Varghese - 03.11.2022 09:13

Very sorry to see these sufferings which has happened to these Ukrainian people. I had friends there. God protect and save Ukraine.🙏🙏

andy cordova
andy cordova - 29.10.2022 22:40

но как говорит собака путина это терракт если россия воюет с украиной путин мудак если война убогий

Lori Loy
Lori Loy - 28.10.2022 13:08

I wonder if this president is a psycopath.

Gisela P
Gisela P - 23.10.2022 00:24

Für mich sehr irreführender Titel! 🤔

sayittomyface idareyou
sayittomyface idareyou - 21.10.2022 17:32

My prayers for the people of Ukraine and also for the people of Russia. I am American but I love all people especially Russians. I'm sorry your leader is doing this to your country and Ukraine. I pray that the world will come together and help one another instead of fighting is not good.

ShadowBans WontStopMe
ShadowBans WontStopMe - 15.10.2022 22:35


Azhar ahmed
Azhar ahmed - 15.10.2022 22:05

Just 2 people 🤔. What a peace of crap. Propaganda.

SA - 10.10.2022 15:40

Ukraine hit infrastructure, Putins hit women and children and calls Ukraine terrorists?

rosemarie go
rosemarie go - 01.10.2022 12:47

Из-за сумасшествия Путина и бессмысленной войны он губит всю свою страну. Он отправляет своих людей в могилу. Россияне должны осознать тот факт, что путинская война не улучшит их страну. Это принесет горе многим семьям, потерявшим близких, и в ближайшем будущем приведет к нищете всю страну.

Hazard - 25.09.2022 21:55

This didnt age well since eveything is ten times worse now

Alberteen Dean
Alberteen Dean - 25.09.2022 01:26

You talk to 2 girls and thats "How the Russian public feels? Shirley (Jones), you can do better.

Вячеслав Будкин
Вячеслав Будкин - 24.09.2022 00:29

Я Русский, а остальные местные комментаторы - пыль унесённая ветром из моей страны. Они уже давно не Русские, потому они и боятся и напуганы. Ведь уютному миру в который они сбежали угрожает опасность. Халява кончилась, пришло время платить реальную цену, и не пустыми фантиками и обещаниями. Пора выходить из мира лжи и сказок. Всем и так всё очевидно и понятно, кроме окончательно сбредивших в анабиозе дуракам, которые продолжают истерично внушать себе и другим иллюзию другой реальности. А всё просто: Фантики ничего не стоят, зелёной энергии не существует, войны развязывает США, Европа в рабстве у США и будет делать то, что ей скажут. ТОЛЬКО ТО, НА ЧТО УКАЖЕТ ЕЙ ЕЁ ХОЗЯИН! Прикажет отдать оружие - отдаст, прикажет мерзнуть - будет мерзнуть, прикажет разрушить обрушить свое производство - обрушит. Наслаждайтесь

Nicholas Wideman
Nicholas Wideman - 22.09.2022 00:48

Let's ask Iraqi people how they feel about the us invasion of their country and how they feel about the innocent people who died as a result. Innocent people who were wrongfully accused and interrogated.

Nicholas Wideman
Nicholas Wideman - 22.09.2022 00:39

Let's ask Panama citizens involved in the us invasion of panama and certain new Yorkers involved in lossed loved ones on September 11 2001 and Iraqis how they feel about the us government and us military. I personally say that the us government and military are murderers and liars. This is a true statement. The us and UK are the worst nations on the planet.
At least Russia tried to negotiate Ukraine.
China is by far the biggest and best nation on the planet.
When was the last time China invaded anyone anywhere?
China does not need to waste time engaging in such self-destructive activities

Halima 'Shekinah' Al-Hatimy
Halima 'Shekinah' Al-Hatimy - 20.09.2022 09:35

LOL - anti-Russian propaganda.

David - 17.09.2022 00:30

I think 6 months ago the world thought russia was a terrible place
now I think the world hates you
how bad is it to call yourself russian these days?
When is the last time you were at the Olympics?
With our wealth and Superior technology PLUS the
Ukrainians righteousness and ferocity
in killing you,
Must be terrible to be commie

Ann - 15.09.2022 02:40


Мykola Vorotylenko
Мykola Vorotylenko - 13.09.2022 06:16

Putin’s 201 days of war
Russia’s losses in war in Ukraine
From February 24, 2022 to September 12, 2022

1. Military troops – (TBC) – over 52 950. For one murdered Muscovite, there are 87 Dagestanis, 275 Buryats and 350 Tuvans. (In Afghanistan 10 years – 15 000)
2. Wounded – approximately 100 000. (according to statistics, for one killed there are 2-5 wounded)
3. Total losses Putin’s “elite forces” in Ukraine: (52 950+100 000=152 950. BUT! According to popular journalist in Moscow A. Karaulov, Putin lost more than 200 000 soldiers. Oppositionist M. Khodorkovsky, based on his sources in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, reports that as of August 26, 2022, more than 361.4 billion rubles have already been paid for the killed Russian soldiers in Ukraine. It means 48,759 soldiers are officially killed. But this is just only for Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, without the Russian Guard, wagnerites, volunteers, collaborators, t.z. "DNR", "LNR" and the FSB?. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation requests another 271 billion rubles in 2022. And for 2023, request 724 billion rubles. They allow losses of up to 200 thousand people. For what?
4. Aircraft – 243
5. Helicopters – 213
6. Tanks – 2 168
7. Armored personal vehicle – 4 640
8. Rocket launcher “Grad” – 311
9. Air defense system– 162
10. UCAV drones – 903
11. Navy vessels – 15
12. Artillery system – 1 269
13. Military vehicles – 3 463
14. cruise missiles – 216
15. Special equipment - 117
16. Prisoners – over 1000
17. Updated List of Russian generals and senior commanders KIA in Ukraine:

1. Lieutenant General Yakov Ryazantsev (03/25/2022, Kherson).
2. Lieutenant General A.N. Mordvichev (03/18/2022, Kherson).
3. Major General Oleg Mityaev (03/15/2022, Mariupol, Donetsk region).
4. Major General Andrey Kolesnikov (03/11/2022,).
5. Major General Vitaly Petrovich Gerasimov (03/07/2022, Kharkov region).
6. Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky (02/28/2022, Mariupol, Donetsk region).
7. Major General Magomed Tushaev (02/26/2022, Gostomel, Kyiv region).
8. Major General Vlaislav Yershov (03/?/2022, Dismissed - Possible Suicide)
9. Major General Nikolai Zusko
10. Major General Vladimir Frolov
11. Major General Andrew Simonov
12. Major General Kanamat Botashev
13. Major General Valeriy Asapov
14. Major General Roman Kutozov
15. Lieutenant general Roman Bernikov
16. Major General Nasbulin
Colonel Vladimir Zhoga, Commander Sparta Battalion
Colonel Denis Kurilo, Commander 200th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade
Colonel Yuri Medvedev, Commander 37th Motor Rifle Brigade - Run over by Russian tank
Colonel Sergi Sukharev, Commander 331st VDV
Colonel Sergi Porokhnya, Commander 12th Engineer Brigade
Colonel Konstantin Zizevsky, Commander 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment
Colonel Andrei Zakharov, Commander 6th Tank Regiment, 90th Tank Division
Colonel Alexei Sharov, Commander 810th Guards Separate Order of Zhukov Brigade
Colonel Vitaly Slabtsov, Commander 83rd Separate Air Brigade
Colonel Alexander Bespalov, Commander 59th Tank Guards Tank Regiment
Colonel Unknown Unknown, Commander 503rd Guards Motor Rifle Regiment
Colonel Ivan Hrishin
Colonel Vladimir Ivanov
Colonel Sergey Postnov
Colonel Denis Kozlov
Colonel Andrei Vasilyev
Colonel Sergey Kens
Colonel Sergey Kuzminov
Colonel Andrei Gorobyets
Colonel Koval
Colonel Gordeev
Colonel Olga Kachure
Colonel Nikolai Gorban
Colonel Vasily Kleshchenko
Colonel Vitaly Tsikul
Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Safronov, Commander 61st Marine Brigade
Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Agarkov, Commander 33rd Motorized Rifle Regiment
Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Dormidontov, Commander Rocket Artillery Division.
Lieutenant Colonel Denis Glebov, Deputy Commander 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade.
Lieutenant Georgy Dudorov, Deputy Commander Airborne Reconnaissance Division.
Captain First Rank Andrey Paliv, Deputy Commander Black Sea Fleet
Captain First Rank Anton Kuprin
Captain Alexey Glushchak, Commander GRU Military Intelligence
Lieutenant Colonel Azatbek Omurbekov, Commander 64th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, has been tentatively identified as the commanding officer in charge of the Bucha war crimes. Major General Aleksandr Dvornikov was tentatively identified as the commander who ordered the rocket attack on the train station in Kramatorsk.
++ in general, (on August 13, 2022) there killed more than 1000 officers of different ranges. (100-colonels, 47-lieutenant Colonels, 100-majors, 143-captain, 242-Senior Lieutenants, 147-Lieutenants)

jroar123 - 12.09.2022 05:05

Russia is getting close to using Nuclear weapons.

wes - 03.09.2022 07:50

Wow, many Americans can relate. We have similar problems, a demented “prez,” a legacy media which more than half our nation abhors, and neo-cons, all political whores. Many Americans say, feel we should leave Russia be. If Ukraine would have stayed Ukraine and avoided globalist intrigue, it would have not been invaded.

Koru96 - 24.08.2022 20:09

It‘s so fake ahahahahha

CHRISTIAN PRINCESS 1 - 23.08.2022 15:43

Russians and Ukrainians are such great people. They don't deserve this. Please pray everyone.

StokedPhilosophy - 21.08.2022 11:46

I used to admire Putin somewhat until this war began
