Dawn of the Tiberium Age v1.11

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v1.11

Dawn of the Tiberium Age

12 лет назад

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@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 18.12.2011 14:55

@Elitexf7 Take in mind some maps are easier than others, so if you feel it's even too hard with an easy AI, try playing on a bigger map with more tibeirum. Also, don't forget to build more than a single refinery and harvester (2 harvesters per refinery works best), since many beginners seem to forget to do so.

@SeriousToni - 18.12.2011 17:47

Oh I love it!

@WolfSpirit17 - 19.12.2011 01:59

Just downloaded yesterday. Is there a way to have the screen more zoomed in like it was in the originals? Hard to pick apart units at a glance sometimes.

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 19.12.2011 08:29

@WolfSpirit17 Just play with a lower resolution if you want the screen to be more "zoomed in" (you can select the resolution in the launcher).

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 06.01.2012 18:11

@DaAznThug Care to rephrase? I don't understand a word you just said.

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 11.01.2012 20:15

@RaineHime Try enabling/disabling AutoLat under Options (you can also use the Ctrl+L key combination), if that's what you mean.

@Redman524 - 11.01.2012 20:54

is it possible to start a own private server?

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 12.01.2012 16:23

@Redman524 While playing on CnCNet you mean? Unfortunately, no. Games on CnCNet work like LAN games and those (unlike games hosted on WOL/XWIS) don't give you the option to host private games.

@Testement117 - 12.02.2012 08:46

@BittahCommander /watch?v=5T1EInkLpvM&feature=related skip to 3:30 Would be a great unit for enhanced mode wouldn't it? :P

@KayWhyCommando - 24.02.2012 09:34

I'm addicted to the map Unforgiving Islands. Just wish that there was a version without Tiberium directly in front of the bridges... makes it VERY difficult to play on Classic.

@Testement117 - 02.05.2012 00:35

When will the website be back up?

@Testement117 - 02.05.2012 00:35

Runs fine for me.

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 07.05.2012 07:32

It's already back up. Although the server it was initially hosted on is still down, the website is now instead hosted on PPM and can now be accessed via dta.ppmsite.com (you'll also be redirected here when you go to the old URL).

@KetteDerWelten - 09.05.2012 09:56

absolutely great mod!!! new visualisation is awesome! hope RA1 will have something like this!) but... very very super hyper mega ultra hard AI - i can't win even on AI level 1!!! wtf!!!!! even Tiberium Wars dont have so crazy AI

@GatufoHD - 14.05.2012 12:58

nice video!

@meowistforlife - 25.05.2012 00:39

has everyone involved moved to a new site since 1.13? the place is a ghost town

@meowistforlife - 25.05.2012 00:43

lol, no kidding that last assualt before the nuking is just hell

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 04.06.2012 02:50

DTA's site went offline for about a mounth because of issues with the server it was hosted on; those issues didn't get solved, so eventually I was forced to move DTA's site from the cncxs domain to ppmsite (so the URL is now dta.ppmsite.com) and after the site came back online it has indeed been rather quiet around the place (although the URL of the old site redirects to the new one now, some people still might not be aware that the site is back up already).

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 04.06.2012 02:54

The AI is currently being recoded; although the AI will be more intelligent in the next update, the medium and easy AIs will be a bit easier to defeat, while the hard AI will be tougher.

@KetteDerWelten - 19.06.2012 19:27

new version (1.1117) - awesome! but AI still crazy - battle on map with 7 enemies on AI level-1, is unreal!) but same battle on AI level-0, is enough extreme and cool! so let's play!)

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 15.07.2012 16:44

It depends a lot on the map you play on; the AI is hardest on smaller maps.

@DawnOfTheTiberiumAge - 19.07.2012 14:54

Well, considering the development started about 6 years ago, I can only say it was (and still is) a lot of work. Whether it's hard depends on how you define hard, but several new discoveries have been made during the development of this mod which hadn't been done before in any other TS mod. So it has indeed been challenging.

@brandonvortex410 - 09.06.2014 14:20

ah i remember this

@Cupshadow - 06.01.2018 18:55

So this is how the old version looks like

@RealEnerjak - 07.12.2020 03:06

It's gone through so many changes since then. Still you need to add the Chronosphere and GPS satellite for the Allies and the Iron Curtain and parabombs for the Soviets. As well as the unstable effect for using the Chronosphere too much. I like playing DTA. It's actually pretty cool to see GDI and Nod go up against the Allies and Soviets.
