Is Spotify Ad Studio Worth It For Music Marketing?

Is Spotify Ad Studio Worth It For Music Marketing?

Andrew Southworth

1 год назад

15,499 Просмотров

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Michael Kabus
Michael Kabus - 09.11.2023 02:23

Thanks for the video. Sadly, it seems like the service doesn't exist yet in Switzerland. Which is a shame because I would love to promote my original songs over the tool. Do you know if it really isn't possible in Switzerland or maybe I can do something to use the ads-tool anyway? Thank you in advance 🙂

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 08.10.2023 21:12

From looking into this loads of people on online forums are saying Spotify ads only work if you are already well known. Think about it as the listener how do you feel when you are interrupted by some random Artist Ad ? I know for me personally it never makes me want to listen to there music regardless of how good it is.

Jay-Lew The Truth
Jay-Lew The Truth - 25.07.2023 21:54

I heard it’s almost a must to run the Spotify ads for atleaste 30 days with the goal of landing your song in the algorithm

Adore The Red
Adore The Red - 21.07.2023 08:00

I've heard good things from people who spread their budgets across longer lengths. Most people who seem to have bad results are generally running their ads for shorter lengths. I'm planning on starting a fresh music project and testing long term results in a hard rock context (ie evanescence linkin park lacuna coil etc)

Gasparuccio X
Gasparuccio X - 19.07.2023 20:05

but i don't understand.....WHERE you actually going to see or hear your ads? i mean you potential "buyers" where they can see the ad of your song?

Gasparuccio X
Gasparuccio X - 19.07.2023 19:48

it's fucking expansive!!!

RGA - 05.07.2023 05:13

A guy from Hypeddit swears Spotify Ads is way better than FB Ads and have plent of video proof. This is confusing.

Orend Johnson Jr (Optimistic Gangsta)
Orend Johnson Jr (Optimistic Gangsta) - 01.07.2023 19:02

Do we have to pay before te ads or can we pay after the ad campaign and just wait till we have enough money? I just want to test it out but i currently don't have a job.

GENGE ACTORS - 22.05.2023 19:28

Horrible results... FB it is!

Ali Shakeri
Ali Shakeri - 31.03.2023 03:54

Andrew, do you know if listeners is a separate number from new listeners? E.g. If you have 6 listeners & 4 new listeners, is that 10 total people who streamed your music it? OR is it just that of the 6 total people who streamed your music, 4 of them were new?

dilliot2k - 10.02.2023 16:19

When I tried to create ad sets, I could only do one. How were you able to set up multiple ad sets in your campaign.

Chace Bonanno
Chace Bonanno - 30.01.2023 21:10

From everything your channel has shown, Facebook ads seems to have the best results. I think that’s really just what is most fitting to the music you’re promoting though. Your data obviously backs it, but when I mention Facebook and IG ads to the hip hop artists I know, they mostly haven’t really even considered them as a viable method.

Alejandro H. Cruz
Alejandro H. Cruz - 26.01.2023 17:03

Maybe one could run a campaign with a very low monthly budget, in parallel to a Facebook Ads campaign with more budget. To see if the algorithm on Spotify eventually catches up.

Doomed to Rot
Doomed to Rot - 22.01.2023 05:03

Twitter ads video would be nice for those of us who have been banned from Facebook ads

MG - 22.01.2023 00:56

Hmm, I really don't like that Spotify offers ads for their own platform. This is the same company that made a bunch of fake artist profiles and put them on their own playlists. Their credibility is low.

100cena - 20.01.2023 16:39

Hi Andrew , i have a question about FB pixel . I have few artists with totally diferent genres , is there a problems for my pixel if i will run ads for every diffrent genres and my artist from the same account?

Down North
Down North - 19.01.2023 18:31

and could listeners mean follower and not just streamers is there a click number

Down North
Down North - 19.01.2023 18:28

could it be the ad itself cuz unlike facebook or instagram your not really competing with other musician on a music platform have you tried multiple visual and audio ads or maybe starting with the music first then have the voice over comes in

Meadows at Night
Meadows at Night - 19.01.2023 12:39

First of all I think your video ad looks great. Couldn't think of a better one to be honest. This in mind I'm still surprised that you got any listeners at all. Don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with you, but lets be honest for a moment:

Spotify is an app that is used passive! Most people open the app, pick an artist, a song or a playlist and start doing other stuff. As a company, if you are only interested in promoting your brand, Spotify ads could be worth thinking about, but as soon as you want the listeners to take an action its the worst platform on the market.

Anyway thank you for the insights and keep up the good work!

FrostFM - 19.01.2023 06:34

I've had a far different experience. On my best campaign I spent 250 dollars on an AD and got 2,218 clicks, 3.38% CTR, 1,167 listeners and 861 new listeners with an average of 8.29 streams per listener. I think this is more viable for people who make songs of existing IP's whether they be originals, remixes or covers of them. I ran an audio/image ad, explained the feeling/genres of the songs in the playlist, targetted the artist related to the series/genre and let it run for a month.

If you want, I can share the data with you, but I definitely don't think spotify ads are bad in my case. Everyone's case is different, though. I wouldn't recommend it with singles as I had a spotify playlist, the two singles I promoted didn't perform as well.

Corey Vanderiley
Corey Vanderiley - 19.01.2023 06:29

Thanks for the info!! Does the add studio give you the option of running verticle ads as well and do you think verticle vs horizontal ads would have much of a different outcome like on other ad platforms ?

Long Money Ent
Long Money Ent - 19.01.2023 06:24

Bro u ever thought about running ads for other people?

Redmond t
Redmond t - 19.01.2023 06:17

Short answer absolutely no lol

hoodraver - 19.01.2023 05:22

thanks for this, i was gonna use it lol

Luwop - 19.01.2023 04:58

Man fuck thatttt $250 for a campaign? I’ve gotten more conversions importing my tiktoks to YT shorts. Marquee is fire though
