The T26E5 Is Broken

The T26E5 Is Broken


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@Spookston - 03.11.2021 21:44

The ventilator housing was corrected this morning.
BR decompression is the obvious solution, but I doubt Gaijin would do anything significant in that respect. Buffing the damage on its APCR could work but that might also have far-reaching balancing implications.

@godzilla5512 - 29.07.2023 22:28

I saw a panther show its side to me didn't make a difference to killing it tiger 1 and 3 tried killing me failed its funny how no one knows that they should shot the gunners cupola surprise i know literaly everyone goes braindead the moment they see this thing i dropped back to back nukes the 1 thing that kills me is cas or a russian bmp thats it

@matyasselmek3673 - 21.07.2023 11:45

can you make a video about 90mm M3 guns US has and its T33 shot? In reality it was able to pen Panther front plate at 1000 meters and even Tiger II front plate from about 200m and from game perspective it would be nice if us got something that can reliably counter Panthers from long range.

@thegamingzilla6269 - 08.06.2023 01:20

Honestly the armor of the E5 isnt all its made up to be. Theres a very easy spot to pen thays also fairly large. The hull hatches

@blobfish7159 - 26.05.2023 03:42

Just got this, and at 6.7 now the uptiers are murderous. There is very little you can do to most tanks in that BR bracket

@thunderouspasta - 19.05.2023 06:10

wait your telling me it should be even BETTER?

@seanmarshall5463 - 25.04.2023 20:26

I always thought the solution was simple to rework the BR system and try to remedy some of this nonsense. Add a .5 BR to decompress things a bit, this means you still have the same amount of potential BR positions but a narrower overall BR bracket when searching for a game. (EG if you’re 5.7 the lowest you could see is 5.0 which is 3 BR steps. 5.5, 5.3, and 5.0. And same thing for up tiers, with the max you could see being 6.5, again with 3 BR steps. 6.0, 6.3, and 6.5. This means your total BR spread is from 5.0-6.5 for 5.7 instead of 4.7-6.7. Less down tier stomping, and less uptier induced pain)

@peterpanzer5058 - 18.04.2023 18:07

Bruh, you are mostly just stating the obvious about tanks but when even you say that something needs to be debuffed but afterwards saying that it needs to be buffed somewhere else althought that would make things even more problematic you can tell that something is basically a shitshow

@GenFalcon - 25.03.2023 17:08

Balance? What are you a gymnastics coach?

@travian821 - 21.03.2023 15:45

Gaijin: Meh, it will be fine

@abdallhmohamed6442 - 19.03.2023 01:14

not in my experience its not

@nadavegosi5213 - 08.03.2023 05:58

Just got a NUKE with it. 13 kills with it and one death.

@darnelljackson2160 - 01.03.2023 17:58

I wish there was a filter you could apply that would automatically skip all up tiered battles. It's a paid in the ass the wait for the match to start, check what your top team mate is driving and then leave the match.

@alexmaximus9134 - 01.03.2023 17:54

It's easy. Just make its armour thickness realistic (because that's the quickest thing to fix, it's just changing a number) and then move it up in BR. It should be alright, because if it goes higher, it'll face stronger cannons and some of them get armour-negating rounds. Rather than facing the 85mm, it'll face the 100mm, 122mm (with the best shell) and 152mm cannons (the newer models) which should deal with its armour pretty well.

@errorpanzeriv - 20.02.2023 17:00

A year later, this tank was put up to 6.7

@andrewperkovich8184 - 16.02.2023 00:14

honestly the only armor fix its still needing a year later is the front of the turret ring which is still 110mm and it should be 190mm. i have a 3.3 KD in this tank when it fights between 5.7 and 7.0 the M3 90mm is manageable just bring in a lot of APCR to kill ferdinands, tiger 2h's, and jadgtigers. At 7.3 it really starts stuggling because not only is the gun obsolete at this point, but because the leo 1 and t54 were moved down to 7.3 it gets beaten up pretty badly. that why i thought 6.3 wass fine and to be honest at 6.3 it was a good balance against the tiger 2p imo, i had some crazy close quarter duels and sniping fights, now that its 6.7 (should hasve been capped at 6.3) fighting 7.7's is basically impossible. you basically go from being a heavy pusher to a support vehicle hidding the entire time and waiting to side shot other heavies and early mbt's.

@themedic7933 - 10.02.2023 23:59

I want to see a heavy tanks only game mode, I think it could lead to some fun chaos

@robertharris6092 - 07.02.2023 15:16

So. It still has less armor then a king tiger. A better armored turret. But a far worse gun.

@apersondoingthings5689 - 24.01.2023 22:10

Honestly it’s funny trolling king tigers who think I am a regular Pershing only for their shells to bounce harmlessly of everywhere and then they get scared when I run around in my fast M26 and rush shots and bounce of my armor

@Msjetaway - 24.01.2023 04:13

I got a 21% win rate so I have no clue if it is broken

@LoneWolf-kw3ol - 19.01.2023 03:03

gaijin thinks the T25 is a 6.0 worthy vehicle but this behemoth is only a 6.3/6.7

serious note i dont mind ahistoricsl values like nudging the armor thickness one way or another (theyve done it before on vehicles like the Brummbar and the T-34-85 D-5T and IS 2 1944) for balancing purposes. I think nudging armor values and mobility is a fantastic way to solve or begin addressing balancing problems in the BRs where ww2 and early cold war designs intermingle. The exact historical value is kinda a moot point when none of the vehicles in game have had accurate engine or cannon sounds for 3+ years, most vehicles have ahistorical performance values (reload, engine, traverse etc) and, well, ballistic codes, volumetric and lets not forget the fact that tiger IIs square off against post-1956 MBTs with stabilizers and APDS/HEATFS and its possible for pre-1956 to face helicopters.

@jackwolf3030 - 17.01.2023 02:27

6.7 now and still not fixed armor wise

@GreenStuffConsumer - 05.01.2023 03:10

Irs an American tank. At this br American ground players are used to combustion when hit by a stiff breeze.

@flareamv5503 - 21.12.2022 18:27

Last thing this game needs is more op US tanks they are too op IS-3 OR ASU 85, SU100P etc cant pen both jumbo T34 T29 etc without angle on the turret side or the side of the tank in lobby says it can pen but in the game tanks are invincible unless ypu shoot direct center of the tank from the side frontally jumbo is killable if u shoot turret but others u cant even pen anywhere
Besides they put weak spots on russian tanks that shouldnt exist cos apperently a IS2 can be destroyed by Panzer III if shot at the lower plate game needs major balancing in that regarding american tanks

@Mark3nd - 14.12.2022 04:46

Besides, Wargaming actually already had this tank. Anyone who sees the tank actually would have trouble distinguish it or know it actually exists.

Thanks to Wargaming's known tactics of fakeness

@pulmonary_fibrosis6509 - 17.11.2022 20:18

I love my Fatshing

@DutchManticore - 28.10.2022 00:37

Fuck this thing. Its incredibly overpowered. You just cant pen this thing. Especially with volumetric shells bullshit

@alpacaofthemountain8760 - 04.10.2022 09:06

Nice video!

@agravemisunderstanding9668 - 19.09.2022 22:21

Maybe if they decompressed and let some tanks be op but lower their rewards so that players are encouraged to play more difficult veichles, idk WT will always be WT

@akosburian4422 - 18.07.2022 16:05

I hate this shit I play panther F and I cant do anything against it.

@whymustyouignorereality - 15.07.2022 00:02

This thing is insanely survivable. One of my new favorite heavies.

@baldr2510 - 13.07.2022 16:21

You think american tanks got it bad with armour being wrong? How long did it take for them to fix the maus turret, and even that is still wrong..

@makfrags14 - 27.06.2022 06:23

I mean they could make it my guess is the only counter against it would be barrel and track torture...

Or you can go for the machine gun port but most of the time it'll be angled so you'll probably get a Non Pen

@NotGeorgeBush - 25.06.2022 04:48

I swear everyone wants the Americans to have Sherman’s all the way past the Cold War lol whenever a nice American tank comes along everyone cries for a nerf, people wont be happy until their king tigers will be fighting solely 75mm guns

@Grace17893 - 23.05.2022 07:11

Great job; God bless you man

@brunobegic3841 - 05.05.2022 12:10

The easiest way to kill it is to shoot the barrel since it's not a very hard shot because of the huge muzzle brake. Lower glaces can also work, since hitting the turret weak spots can be tricky. That's from my own experience of playing it a whole lot. I have the best stats in this thing, mostly because I play it slowly and carefully because you can't really be aggressive with it because it's crazy underpowered. It has the same power as the Bulldog while weighing twice as much.

@men6868 - 15.04.2022 21:46

Stop the cap

@zacklp3844 - 11.04.2022 02:59

I still dont get why the repair cost on this thing is 3.7 k and the Jumbo 76 is 4.4k sl

@andrewperkovich8184 - 05.04.2022 07:53

I understand how it’s difficult to balance i personally play it alot and find it fun, I thought it was fine at 6.3 seeing as it can see the leopard and t-54 but 6.7 feels inflated to me.

@moechammaddjochan5118 - 12.03.2022 04:34

E5 in WT: Nerf'd every 0.01 seconds

E5 in WoT: Literally unkillable

@waffleman2370 - 05.03.2022 03:46

The E5 was my first 6.7 I have no idea what I'm doing, besides crying.

@FunkyTwoCats - 01.02.2022 04:37

Funnily enough, as broken as the T26E5 is/was, it is my saving grave for american 6.7, as its one of the few tanks that don't slap you in the face with a 10k+ repair cost, like the M26 or the other T26, and for my poor F2P ass, beats having to go back to germany to grind SL with the RU251

@thunderer8275 - 11.01.2022 19:30

Very disappointing. I paid a total of 232 SL for this thing, and this is what I get. Thank god most of these issues have been fixed right now.

@Blackdragon271 - 03.01.2022 22:50

In the case of vehicles like this and the F-4C, its best to screw over one vehicle instead of screwing over a full BR bracket

@battleshipman56 - 02.01.2022 13:47

Yes so much bs US proto shit, same shit that made WOT shit

@zbee5705 - 30.12.2021 06:57

Damn i wish that the other side was giving me free kills.

@holeefuk6719 - 19.12.2021 00:44

Now that it’s at 6.7 it’s almost constantly up tiered, probably one of the least played American tanks thanks to being sucked up into higher brs where it almost exclusively fights Brit apds or German heatfs

@darkmoon1289 - 16.12.2021 05:46

I just wish the T26E5 was this powerful on wot...

Feels like it can't really face any of it's enemies nowadays

@ryantheroo1172 - 10.12.2021 15:38

T26E5 Fanboys(?) after release "One needs to learn some morals and values"

Spookston/WT dev team "Look at them and tell me there's a God"

T26E5 "He made me in his own image"
