I love the Hammerfall Bunker. not for its gameplay but for its looks. I love the big ass heavy bolter array and the even biggerer ass rockets
ОтветитьThe equipment supply was deffinitly a great addition
ОтветитьIt would only look good in the bin! Hate it!
ОтветитьThis model makes me think about the Quad from Dune 2. 10 out of 10! Any other opinion is heretic against both the God emperor´s!
ОтветитьIf you used the grimaldus helmet for the chaplain it would look more menacing
ОтветитьIt still doesnt suck as much as the stupid baby carrier Invictor “tactical war suit”. That thing is utterly retarded. It’s the size of a dreadnaught, but they stuck the space marine on the front with zero protection, and it has a far weaker armament than a dead naught. It’s the same problem that a ton of the primaris line has: zero thought was put into whether or not the unit makes any actual sense. Coming from a big space marine fan here: the primaris line, for the most part, sucks and makes no sense with the lore.
Ответитьnot a fan of the candles or blue highlight on the side but i can appreciate the creativity and time this took - wish i had all LOTR models again :(
ОтветитьLove it keep it going with the amazing content
ОтветитьI always thought the kit looked kind of cool.
Like a 6/10, not the sin everyone says it is.
The codex astartes decrees that the hearing loss sustained by the driver of any given outrider, is not service related
ОтветитьIs it only me or do those atv side panels share mould with the outrider sculpt? They are like 90% the same.
That or I'm going crazy
the gun placement is probably the most memed on
ОтветитьI know im late to this, awesome video, but I look at the ATV as a missed opportunity to replace the old scout speeder that could transport a 5 man squad of scouts.
Instead this could have been maybe half again as big with some riding rails or handrails for Reivers to hang onto. The driver and gunner should be in Reiver armor to really sell the whole kit.
This being an ATV, an ALL TERRAIN vehicle, makes me wonder why it looks and feels so heavy and "pushed down" to the ground. A mad scientist would cut the wheels off entirely and make them much more springy like a dune buggy to lift up the entire chassis a bit (or even just the back wheels to give it an aggressive angle)
ОтветитьGreat job on the ATV, the models I love but most hate is the Centurions but changed like Jack of Clubs Painting did his
ОтветитьDeckels kills me!!
ОтветитьLackluster? Pretty sure that's the word.....
Ответитьthats dope but having an active plasma core on the side isnt gunna end well hahaha
Ответитьthe reason you paint them purple is because they look amazing PURPLE
ОтветитьYeah I would've gone the orky route and added a dozer blade to the front of it with a tiny slot cut out for the driver to see through. Wider tires and some big gun that shouldn't be on there but somehow is.
Ответитьbruhhh I'm literally the only person that likes the design 😭😭😭😭
Ответить...why is the plasma gun on when it's strapped onto a vehicle.
Why is the plasma gun on while strapped...
good job. i modified mine as well for my white scars, carved the suspensions all to heck and lifted it a bit so it's stanced and looks wayyy better with a dash of ground clearance. agree with the front plate too, i ended up using a dreadnought shoulder for a 'display shield' instead, looks like a hardcore little cockpit now.
ОтветитьI love Centurians. They are just sooo soo 40K imho.
Ответитьtwo days ago i didnt give a shit about painting minis........WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!
ОтветитьThis is a much better purpose for a vehicle like the Invader ATV, in this kind of role it almost functions in the same way as a universal carrier would have in WW2. Resupplying and providing fire support for infantry.
Ответитьthis is fire
ОтветитьMe and my cousin called the new bikes the Xboxes of doom
Ответитьbit of a joke or not the bikers could have hydraulic suspension or automatic tyre pressure adjusters for smooth and rough ground drivinafter all this is the 31st millenium
ОтветитьNever heard somebody say decal that way.
ОтветитьIts like a space marines version of a ork war buggy
ОтветитьWow that looks amazing compared to the box set! Wanted to just say that it'd be super cool if you added a bit of green stuff or something to the candle flames so they looked like they were being blown back in the wind as the ATV drives onwards. That could have been a really sick little touch.
ОтветитьOhh yea by the way, the driver is definitely deaf
ОтветитьI think there was room behind the standing marine to attach an ammo bin full of bolter mags etc. And Mountain Dew. Space Marines LOVE Mountain Dew.
Ответитьdeee cals not de kals. You talk like a retard
ОтветитьAs a fellow Black templar player, I will say I nailed this challenge. I made it sort of a tsmplar chariot. I put a blade gaurd with the marshall backpack as the gunner...holding a banner(took bits from a repulsor for the Multi melta handle) .
ОтветитьI love Sternguard. Nobody else does
ОтветитьSTERNGUARD VETERANS!!!! As a Salamander, it's so nice to have a bunch of dudes with combi flamers and meltas (plus that pyreblaster they can use absolutely fucks)
ОтветитьHmmm... Just putty the driver cockpit into a smooth clean 45 closed triangle and boom done better model instantly.
ОтветитьDo this with the sydonian skatros
ОтветитьWhy is the plasma gun glowing when it's stowed for transport?
ОтветитьI've never really liked the push-fit models, mostly because they fall apart way too easily, and you always run the risk of inadvertently breaking them in transit to games, but I totally understand why they exist. Maybe if the push-fit variant was optional on GW's site I'd find myself using way more of these kinds of units.
ОтветитьVanguard Vets I love them so much I wanna get a bit more just a shame they got rid of their weapons and made them all "Vanguard Vet weapons"
ОтветитьThat looks absolutely average, does your husband like ut?