What Really Happened to Dave Blankenship From The Curse of Oak Island

What Really Happened to Dave Blankenship From The Curse of Oak Island

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11 месяцев назад

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@lizmsim1 - 15.04.2024 16:23

Go Dave! Right on 👍

@tbnobs - 17.04.2024 01:36

Hope your doing well Dave God bless

@LindaAllen2129 - 17.04.2024 12:49

Hope all is well Sir. Enjoy life and be happy.🙏🏼

@jershwood - 04.05.2024 21:50

He just got too old and wanted to have a role behind the scenes. That was explained.

@hans-georgwarkentin7345 - 22.06.2024 09:02

das alte Readers Digest Heft von 1963 wäre wohl heute den Wert des Schatzes wert - mit viel Neugier damals auch geschmökert 😊

@mayajasinski5972 - 28.06.2024 06:35

@tbnobs you are not talking to him. This is not his channel. You barely even know him so maybe kinda keep your nose out of his business. Even famous people need privacy.

@mayajasinski5972 - 28.06.2024 06:36

Everyone. This is NOT Dave'a channel! Stop commenting hope you are well cause he will never see it! I don't understand why ppl waste their time on this lol

@pendleton42 - 20.08.2024 11:37

I fell bad for the families of the fool that died or lost families wealth. For a myth. That a item that may never have been. Or lost gold of warrior monks.

@Jennifer62389 - 12.11.2024 22:04

David's father needs to be brought up on the beginning of every episode, shame on you in charge of the history of the series. How disrespectful of Dave and his father. And bring Dave back on the show as an important piece of the history.

@kensmotherman922 - 13.11.2024 17:58

Rick does not like sharing the spotlight with anybody. He sits there trying to do his best Mr Spock impersonation and explain things in the most complicated way he can to make himself appear superior. I couldn't be around a punk like that. I'd be paying for yet another jawbone

@wdethoma - 20.01.2025 21:41

No answer to the videos title. Click bait
