Euro 7: Europe's Civil War over Banning Cars

Euro 7: Europe's Civil War over Banning Cars


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@ioannisstavrou2677 - 29.11.2023 09:37

1000000000% hydrogen!!!!!! suppliers, business & people comfort & zero emissions
Ford USA make it clear no more butteries in cars! cost, problems for both people and business, profits ext ext. Toyota already selling hydrogen cars!! Few countries including England just added easily in petrol/gas stations extra tank for hydrogen!! Petrol and diesel will be available as well as the decrease of demand make the diesel low price!! And with ad blue is still part of green energy. Don't forget atmosphere need diesel emissions for recycle. Scientist know this!

@Kirmo13 - 14.11.2023 11:26

euro 7 should have been out in 2020 and we should have been talking about euro 8 by now

@geoff1971 - 28.10.2023 10:41

The EU would loss billions in revenue.

@palcube2467 - 20.09.2023 17:38

They could make small cars with good fuel concumption and emissions but they make big ass 2-3 ton SUVs.

@stevebradley8862 - 09.09.2023 05:48

EU bureaucracy measures its success by control and rules added. Logic like feasibility, cost, unintended consequences are of little importance to “getting things done.”

@PiOfficial - 28.08.2023 03:11

It would be insane to ban vans and trucks in 2030. It will never happen there’s no alternative

@Speedy4417 - 25.08.2023 05:18

As someone who absolutely loves ICE cars, I feel like we’re being pushed in a corner where people like me are not allowed to buy the one thing that puts a genuine smile on my face. This new set of laws is the worst thing to happen to people like me.

@abramburel11 - 10.08.2023 07:04

regulations have pushed cars prices to unsustainable levels for many people... we should be improving but not at a financially unsustainable level as people will be forced to keep old cars on the road as much as possible...

@nightrider12soul - 14.07.2023 05:14

Not bad idea

@Egotripperssr - 09.07.2023 19:58

the EU has lost their minds

@MagicNash89 - 30.06.2023 03:28

Id rather drive some smart of very small electric car than go back to public transport which I used for half of my life extensively and wasted so many hours in, nerves and overall it was just risky, unfortunately the public transport is used by...all sorts of nasty people. And not in the proper way.

@mv9787 - 28.06.2023 16:54

Civil war over cars? I think there are more important things for war

@user-rr6nl3cf5n - 27.06.2023 08:43

chau đang xem kiem tra co cai eu nao bi nga đôi lôt không

@Mishbanych - 26.06.2023 15:13

The use if private cars must be strictly limited. It's insane that people are allowed to drive when there is a public transport alternative. Cars produce emissions, noice, make our cities dangerous and less liveable. This must change

@JandyCZ - 26.06.2023 14:59

I think this will backfire badly. EU is undermining their own golden mine. Most of EU countries are dependent on car manufacturing, either directly or non directly. If sales in cars drop, because people couldn't afford new cars, partially because of these standards, the economy will suffer a very serious punch.

@p.f132 - 23.06.2023 11:37

Just exponentially tax them by weight and emission, rather than horsepower. Boom. Solved. If we can get rid of SUVs and (stupid) pick-ups, we're already most of the way there.

@jirislavicek9954 - 22.06.2023 19:01

Finally something the Czech Republic does right, thumbs up for Vondra 👍.
This directive is not about protecting environment, but about destruction of personal transport, it is designed to increase inequality. Make the West richer and the East poorer. No wonder that biggest proponents are countries that don't produce cars like Belgium or Netherlands.

@mjoelnir1899 - 21.06.2023 05:38

Europe is not banning cars. The Europe standards regarding emissions are because of air qualities especially in towns. The move to green energy is moving to electric cars.

@barrylastname8793 - 12.06.2023 20:46

Hope yall enjoy your outside prison cities. As they are taking your cars away. You get fined or put ib prison if you leave your zone. To bad yall are disarmed. Clinate change is a modern way of saying concentration cities. America will be last. Since we have more guns then all nations combined.

@brian13105 - 07.06.2023 18:16

Forget about the car industry , doesn't anyone ever consider people who live in rural areas ?

@raphaelspub0486 - 06.06.2023 20:08

I think, a video about E-Fuels would be interesting...

@Richard1A2B - 05.06.2023 00:04

What do you mean "there hasn't been much on it in the English speaking press"? Ireland is in the EU and English speaking, and there has been quite a few stories on the subject.

@miror1832 - 02.06.2023 13:12

I think you are mixing two things up in your report: Euro7 and a zero-emmission only new passenger cars registration as of 2035

@LostStylus - 02.06.2023 00:14

Also weird how they measure only car immediate pollution factors but not the pollution from “utilizing” batteries

@LostStylus - 02.06.2023 00:13

Very confusing video. Skoda is basically Volkswagen. Its just a brand. Isnit a way of volkswagen to seem like they are neutral? But that doesn’t full anyone.

@byunbaekhyun2283 - 31.05.2023 00:58

Just ban all passenger cars and invest heavily in public transport, what's so hard about that anyway?

@Dave1507 - 25.05.2023 06:01

how about banning private jets? or in-land flights? Those things have a far larger footprint than cars.

@frankfurtrob866 - 24.05.2023 17:17

Hmmm Euro 6 stickers don't exist in Germany - all are Euro 4

@Tysonhayter - 24.05.2023 02:16

this is campaigning, not news

@RemofRenaissance - 23.05.2023 14:59

Would that 2035 ban include basic hybrid cars that are ICE (like most Toyotas) I wonder? E fuel (the explicit exemption) I thought is the synthetic fuel developed by Porsche but I may be wrong. Seems like an exciting but expensive project (synthetic fuel). Thanks for this post, appreciated.

@catlerbatty - 22.05.2023 20:28

Europe should be the first ones to ban all cars. They can do it easier than most and set an example.

@Roel_Scoot - 21.05.2023 17:51

In the Netherlands for people that are less mobile because of old age or a medical condition there is a taxiservice on demand. For other people there is bus service with a minibus in rural areas. You have to plan and you are not as independend as someone with an auto but it is a nice way to get more mobility. There are alternatives as well in most places, but it is just a matter of choice. Taxi's and Uber, Shared auto's and normal hired auto's. In large places on the earth people do not have cars, they walk or ride a horse or a camel. It is just a luxury discussion and easy solvable.

@H.H.NotAnExpert - 21.05.2023 12:37

Clickbait. No discussion of banning all cars.

@cornelius54321 - 20.05.2023 02:40

Just ride the horse just like the good old days of Europe then 😂✌️

@uranusneptun5239 - 18.05.2023 12:20

The issue is that it's way too late to act. And now everything has to be done within such a small time frame that it's impractical and sometimes even unbearable for the normal citizen. Instead of investing more into green power and public transport enough, decades ago they start now but not with building the necessary infrastructure but only with regulations on vehicles or consumer products. Imo it's too late anyway. You barely slow down global warming by now. Let alone stopping it. Plus it doesn't matter if the Western world is going to take environmental measures if the rest of the world is not. Most countries have completely different issues and are not even thinking about stuff like this.

@tg8199 - 18.05.2023 09:12

It is clear Euro 7 will come, most German manufacturers plan an end of combustion engine cars by 2030. the question of exemptions for e-fuels was brought up but it is unlikely they will play any significant role in the future. It is also not clear if exemptions will even be included in the regulation, at the moment it seems like it will not be the case after all.

@avancalledrupert5130 - 18.05.2023 09:03

It's like they trying to force is into cities. If they try make me live in an urban environment I will bomb it .

If you can't live in the countryside then I'd sooner be dead . No point in a life not worth living.

@nikitarose2 - 18.05.2023 07:38

Id like to see this happen, giving a try for a society without cars but great public transportation.

@MemoryMori - 17.05.2023 14:00

Okay, they will "BAN" smelly whats the alternative?
Electric cars? Do we have enought of them?... NO...
Are they affortable for a normal user?... NO...

okay, so where is the "solution" then?.... eh doesnt matter, what matters is the ideology and warm feeling in the chest of politicans that are pro BAN cars -.-"""

@TTBOn00bKiLleR - 17.05.2023 01:54

Wet dreams

@UnipornFrumm - 16.05.2023 20:46

Electric cars were invented in 1910,cmon car manufacturers,whats so hard about making electric cars? Tesla is doing it since 2012

@Xyronium - 16.05.2023 19:59

Euro 7 adding only 100€ to price of each car is total bullshit. I have heard that price increase for Skoda Fabia would be something like 4000€

@chrisclark1761 - 16.05.2023 18:45

Two lies in the first 45seconds:
1. It's a ban on the sale of new petrol & diesel cars...
2. There has been a lot of talk in the English-speaking press.

@BBme - 16.05.2023 17:17

US forced green projects to make more money and lashed dogs to US, Europe must obey. This happened to previous US projects said that diesel, palm oil, LNG, LPG,.... were cleaner but after the market had saturated, they came up with newer projects and said these were dirtier. EV still need to charge and the chargers are oil supported. Lithium is not clean when harvested and processed! Charging station, Car charging system breakdown and bad for environmental maintenance. Like our phones, battery deteriorate after 2 years and the cost are huge and bad for environment too. EV projects are worse than petrol cars!

@paulogmf - 16.05.2023 15:44

Meh, it's a political move. The idea is great and we should aim for it, but only a handful of countries might be able to do it by 2035. The energy grid needs to be updated, charging stations in every single road ,recall , compensation, career transition , subside ,etc. And that is just the tip of the issue regarding electric cars. I believe our main goal before that should be to reach a closed cycle economy ( "no waste" ) instead of unreachable goals like this.

OBS: I work with bioenergy btw , i don't speak out of fear or hate.

@bogdanLZR - 15.05.2023 22:08

Those electric cars will probably be bought from China. With such leaders, Europe will become an island of idiots

@Diegovnia - 15.05.2023 21:27

This whole green new order is just a scam... Why do Europeans have to pay so much to reduce carbon footprint while China India and US are barely trying?
We are producing less than 10% of global CO2... I'm tired of this BS, seriously...

@irson8981 - 15.05.2023 19:47

EU and western world represent around 20% of world population, it won't have any significance if bricks countries develop more and will buy more cars. They won't use electric cars as they will have cheap petrol. All the green agenda is pure madness to ban movement. Of course elites will their private jets.

@irson8981 - 15.05.2023 19:43

Agenda 2030 movement restriction no BS pollution
