Server-side pagination in Material UI Data Grid | Material UI | MUI | Data Grid | React.Js

Server-side pagination in Material UI Data Grid | Material UI | MUI | Data Grid | React.Js

The Nameless Coder

2 года назад

18,484 Просмотров

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Jubayer Rahman George
Jubayer Rahman George - 19.10.2023 13:35


Mohamed Khafaga
Mohamed Khafaga - 27.09.2023 22:33

Thank you for your effort.

Rashid Ali
Rashid Ali - 10.09.2023 12:38

Can you provide me updated code??
It's not working means, pagination showing only one

Russ Decker
Russ Decker - 22.08.2023 01:51

How do you apply the initial state on the backend?

K D - 20.08.2023 06:18

it works!! thanks man

Olga Matosova
Olga Matosova - 15.06.2023 13:53

Thank you for your lesson! It is really helpful and clear!

a work
a work - 18.04.2023 15:42

Thank you 😊😊

funny videos
funny videos - 18.04.2023 14:05

need video on server side filtering and sorting for MUI DataGrid

Nohemi Martinez
Nohemi Martinez - 14.04.2023 23:46

Thank you ❤

Gaby Barrientos
Gaby Barrientos - 07.03.2023 22:40

nice bro! thanks😉

Savan Trada
Savan Trada - 26.02.2023 13:42

really useful

Eduardo Fagundes Ferreira
Eduardo Fagundes Ferreira - 18.01.2023 21:55

The best video about MUI DataGrid that I've ever seen! Congratulations!

Vikrant A Vishwakarma
Vikrant A Vishwakarma - 31.12.2022 08:20

Hi can you make video on react table server side pagination with column filtering

Redi Girma
Redi Girma - 21.12.2022 18:51

This was very helpful. Thank you for sharing. One issue am facing though is when the page loads for the first time pageSize is set to 100 by default. I had given the same number as you did on rowsPerPageOption but stuck on 100 on first render. can you please give clarification for cases like this? Thanks in advance

free speech
free speech - 23.11.2022 03:31

I am also looking for simple login session with nextjs , i still do not know how to use nextjs. I see too much coding required for simple task. I want to basically develop website with nextjs first then gradually into Single Page Application where UI will be refreshed. Phase one i want to design DASHBOARD SKELETON LAYOUT Top Bar Side Bar Container Area. The plugin elements into those Segments. Everything needs to be isolated such that each area evolve on their own without depending on each other.

free speech
free speech - 23.11.2022 03:27

Work on creating generic CRUD. Only table name. Rest will be decided on client side. Admin may get all column but other users only see columns they allow to see.

free speech
free speech - 23.11.2022 03:24

I am new to this. You missed that i need to install express server in server directory. never before started server until now. node . started it

Thanks much. its big help.

Because it allow me get data from mysql and ask it to search filter and send jason data back.

Aries Dave Bantigue
Aries Dave Bantigue - 16.08.2022 05:34

bro thanks, can u make for filtering?

Xhak - 21.07.2022 13:08

Thank you so much, you saved me 🙏🙏🙏
I solved the navigation problem by only setting page to 0 in pageState initialization instead of 1. Because the solution you suggested created another problem in navigation when I reach the last page

Manjunatha MJ
Manjunatha MJ - 21.06.2022 17:53

Can you do grid crud?

Shivraj Nag
Shivraj Nag - 30.05.2022 06:28

Bro can you please make a video on Mui Data Grid with row selection ability via checkbox with server side pagination and our own custom search. Selected items remains selected when we move between pages and when search is active ?
