The Unspeakable Things That Happened In The Armenian Genocide

The Unspeakable Things That Happened In The Armenian Genocide

A Day In History

1 год назад

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John James
John James - 06.06.2023 18:47

Incident? Why call it incident and not genocide? Wanted to please someone by having it titled that?

Bayram Valiyev
Bayram Valiyev - 14.10.2023 21:38

It is not proven as the genocide. It was WW I and everywhere people had a tragedy

DinMamma - 14.10.2023 21:01

War, war war and war, people are fascinated with their own destruction and history is riddled with it. I just find it so interesting and then i´m disgusted with it only, say no to the governments try at enlisting you because of patriotism and "your duty", it´s a bunch of horse manure only.

Anonymous157 - 14.10.2023 17:49


Kaleah Collins
Kaleah Collins - 14.10.2023 17:48

Yet only the Ashkenazi can speak about their so called genocide and Holocaust

Ilian Dimitrov
Ilian Dimitrov - 14.10.2023 16:40

Подобно нещо се случва през 1913 г., с българите живеещи в Източна Тракия.
300 000 души са убити, прогонени или отвлечени в Мала Азия.

България никога няма да забрави това.

VideoDotGoogleDotCom - 14.10.2023 11:44

Religion of peace.

Monsieur Alex
Monsieur Alex - 14.10.2023 06:13

Turks and Azerbaijanis are still savages and want Turkification of all that area!

Aron Drecikaj
Aron Drecikaj - 14.10.2023 03:30

In Balkans there is no country that turks didnt genocided.They are responsable for creation of serbian chetniks that are filled with rage and anger toward muslims,even those that are not of cursed turkish roots.West again together with USA pushing chetniks to kill muslims on Kosova.Soon with their guadiance they will commit again attrocities agains us only cause fucking turks did same to them and to us Albanians but we need to pay price instead of monster turks.

Keith Ad
Keith Ad - 14.10.2023 01:35

In Australia, one of our State premiers is a descendant Armenian - Gladys Berejiklian, former Premier of NSW. According to Wikipedia, her parents were orphaned by the Armenian Genocide.

Gary - 14.10.2023 00:39

Israel not only denies the genocide, but sold 70% of the weapons used to massacre Armenians in 2020 to Azerbaijan and are unapologetic stating that sales to Azerbaijan that are used to kill Armenians is “just a business decision”

Gary - 14.10.2023 00:36

A journalist that spoke up about the Armenian genocide in Turkey was murdered in the streets in 2007. Turkey has not changed one bit. Charges were brought against no one even thought the police know the who committed the murder

Gary - 14.10.2023 00:35

Turkey is still committing the Armenian genocide with a proxy of Azerbaijan. 10,000 were just killed since 2020 and Nagorno Karabakh was ethnically cleansed of its 120,000 Armenian population in 2023 from their ancestral home of 5,000 years. 20,000 are still missing and presumed dead.

Gary - 14.10.2023 00:30

Typical of the Turk to murder you and then try to claim your estate as inheritance

Jefferson Wright
Jefferson Wright - 13.10.2023 22:07

This video lost me minute 15 showing Iranian Revolutionary guards massacring Kurdish guerrillas in 1979.

Robert G
Robert G - 12.10.2023 07:15

I live in Fresno County, California. I know many Armenians, hard working people, now many prosper through their own efforts. One told me that at one time in Fresno County there were signs that said " No Armenians or dogs allowed in". To me the Armenians are wonderful people. I am Chinese and I had an Armenian godfather. The Armenians will survive, but their horrible suffering can never be forgotten.

Nyerling - 12.10.2023 00:44

I’m disgusted with the fact that the Armenian, Rwandans, Gypsies and Palestinian genocides are rarely discussed, usually forbidden or even mentioned.
You only hear about,and , on a almost daily basis, is involving genocide of Jewish people.

Jovan Sormaz
Jovan Sormaz - 11.10.2023 21:52

Serbia lose more den milion in WW1

Arzu Aksen
Arzu Aksen - 11.10.2023 20:18

Armenians startted an uprising during 1st World War supported by English, Russians etc. After 1000 years with Turks, Armenians were dreaming of liberty and they rebelled. They lost and instead of accepting the defeat they build this genocide story. Even today they are traumatised for the defeat. Instead of living in piece they are still in the mood of revenge. Revenge and defeat is their character. Sad but true.

TarzanSabahanMegaTUHAU@cicot - 11.10.2023 19:50

Islam religious of peace..

Fatih Emre
Fatih Emre - 11.10.2023 17:07

so... can we talk about Hocali Genocide?

Robert Chapman
Robert Chapman - 11.10.2023 12:27

Sadly this is not just turkeys problem, its all country's
All have done the same at variously times
Its just a sad relection of the human conditions which can change like the wind peaceful one day a wild storm the next.
No one, can be single out
Every case throughout history recorded or not of the same sad consequences.
History of violence repeats repeatedly in all Nations.

Robert Chapman
Robert Chapman - 11.10.2023 12:22

The sadness is the Mankind
Is in built with a inherited evil
Where he can not live his neighbours be it of any origin
All will fight if given opportunity to better only there own idealogical belifes and financial postion
Sad is the history of Mankind
A tragedy in the making right from the first so called word we call our species
A word too make us believe we are not the most destructive Animial that roams all roads and hills and valleys of the soil we live on.
How cruel we truely are,
A vlood lust which bubbles away like the volcano's and the earthquakes which erupt under pressures from Within
Trust my words are a truth.

Robert Chapman
Robert Chapman - 11.10.2023 11:59

Where hittler built his ideology from that and visting arab region's in his time.
Being if no one cares there we can do it in Europe too minoritys.
Andcwe see others trying still
With nuclear ambition to straight out slaughter of baby's.

Nedime Uzunyol
Nedime Uzunyol - 11.10.2023 09:35

As a turkish barbarian hi to everybody if you go on like that to hate turks you will never be happy l am Türk and l think its time to forget the past and start to love each other ❤❤❤

kobi berko
kobi berko - 11.10.2023 05:37

What is missing is to mention that this genocide continues today as, first of all, "denial of genocide" is part of the genocide, hence Turkey's denial as well as the blockade of Armenia today show that genocide continues today. Second, just few days ago Azeri government after starving and ethnically cleansing Armenian population from Nagorno-Karabagh renamed a street in the ghost capital city of Stepanakert after the Enver Pasha who was one of the main organizers of the 1915 genocide. By doing this they seem to sign under their own crime. Looks like they are not even afraid of any consequences and guess why...

Mrs. B. achristian
Mrs. B. achristian - 11.10.2023 05:22

Maybe the authors of this genocide escaped legal consequences in this life, but there is still the afterlife, the judgement day is still to come and Jesus will be the one who judges the world in righteousness,
so know that they did not escape justice, only on this side of eternity. all unrepentant wicked people are sent into Hell where they will pay for their sins forever.
God's wrath is building, and His justice is not sleeping.
At the last day all who have done evil and did not ask Go to forgive them and have mercy on them all who have rejected God's invitation of salvation by faith in His Son Jesus, will be sent away into the lake of fire where they will fuel that fire forever they will never escape.

Ramiz Huseynov
Ramiz Huseynov - 11.10.2023 02:32

Ermənilər Xocalıda azerbaycanlılara soyqırım edib ayaqyalın evlərindən qovublar. 30 il əvvəl evlərindən qovulan azərbaycanlılar indi evlərinə qayırır deyə binlar yenə genocid edirlər deyərək qaçırlar. Halbuki onlara birgə yaşayış təklif olunmuşdu. 1992 ci ildə azərbaycanlılara elədiklərini təkrar etməsinlər deyə silahlarını təhvil verib, Azərbaycan vətəndaşlığını qəbul etmək yerinə yenə genocid deyib ağlayırlar. Ermənilər gördüyüm ən yalançı millətdirlər... köç soyqırım deyil...

AhuraMazda - 11.10.2023 00:39

Let me tell you what “genocide” means according to the Armenians. Hit an armenian - genocide. Turned off the lights - genocide. If you said something against the armenians or against the opinion of the armenians, it is genocide. Well, and most importantly: to declare that, according to several population censuses in the Ottoman Empire, conducted over decades, from 19 century until 1918, the number of armenians throughout the entire Ottoman Empire did not exceed more than 1.2 million - also genocide. After all, these data do not fit in any way with the fairy tale that is actively being poured into the ears of all armenians, and from armenians into the ears of the whole world, that 1.5 million armenians were killed. But, again, in the world of Armenian fantasies, real facts do not matter)

Lorraine Butcher
Lorraine Butcher - 11.10.2023 00:37

Hitler use to justify his genocide

Wolf - 10.10.2023 15:56

С 1914-2020 г. армяни дашнаки убили более 4 миллионов мирных жителей Турции, Грузии, Ирана, Азербайджана, Казахстана, Киргизии, Таджикистана и Туркмении... почему об этом не говорите? Дашнакские идеи и сказки погубить всех армян... не было геноцида армян... было предательство армян. В 1915 г. Ване, 1987 г. Иреване, в 1988 г. Сумгаите, 1992 г. Ходжали, 2020 г. Гянджа, Барда , Тартар и Мингечауре армяни убивали много мирных жителей Турции и Азербайджана... армяни веками уничтожили культуру и архитектуру востока ... очнитесь же наконец

Charan Bambal
Charan Bambal - 10.10.2023 12:27

Islamic terrorist is threat for world

Esther Oz
Esther Oz - 09.10.2023 22:23

Let's talk about the KHOJALY MASSACRE. . In 26 February 1992, armenians killed thousands of Azerbaijani people. Also, the government of Turkey offered and requested to open up the archives and legal documents to prove that it was the aremenians that killed the Turks. but the Armenia did not want the documents to be revealed.

Karl - 09.10.2023 19:19

Turkey needs more diversity and inclusivity

Yucel Kocak
Yucel Kocak - 09.10.2023 15:20

Full of lies and deception..

Arshahan 1999
Arshahan 1999 - 09.10.2023 14:59

I am Armenian and my ancestors came from Adana and Dikranakert (Diyarbekir), from my father's side and from Van and Daruynk (Bayazet), from my mother's side. My father's paternal grand-parents were 9 siblings from a family of farmers and tailors. In 1915, their parents were slaughtered before their eyes and only 2 siblings were spared, the youngest blind one and the second youngest 7 years-old, surviving the death marches from Adana to Aleppo. They later were moved to Beirut thanks to the few humanitarian organizations. My father's maternal grand-parents were 4 siblings of a noble family from Diyarbekir whose entire family were forced on the death marches to the Der-Zor concentration camp where their parents died and became orphans. They later reached to Beirut from Damascus.

My mother's paternal grand-parents were sugar-makers from Van. They escaped the siege of Van and once the Russians liberated, they returned again. But when the city fell back into the hands of the Ottomans in 1917, as the Russian troops were recalled after the Bolshevik revolution, they fled to Yerevan, leaving everything behind. My mother's maternal grand-parents came from a dynasty of priests of Daruynk (Bayazet), their entire family were massacred except a handful 3 brothers in 1895, during the Hamidian massacres and were forced to leave to Sevan where with some other survivors founded "New Bayazet" near lake Sevan in present-day Armenia.

Vox Dei
Vox Dei - 09.10.2023 10:57

All the paramilitary Armenian forces who assisted Russians sentenced to death, and the rest deported to other part of empire away from Russian border to Lebanon…

Crazy HGamer
Crazy HGamer - 09.10.2023 10:40

God will have vengeance

Oaf Huck
Oaf Huck - 09.10.2023 02:25

Muslims murdering christians again... historically it is what they believe ir right

EyeSeeYou - 09.10.2023 00:34

Right, the cult of "peace" claims to be so sophisticated and tolerant that they discriminated, enslaved, castrated, practiced rape humiliation based upon race and religion...and are still doing all this today. Vile.

Marika Jamacochian
Marika Jamacochian - 08.10.2023 23:46

It is happening again today in Karabakh and the World once again is silent,

Namaste Reciprocity
Namaste Reciprocity - 08.10.2023 21:29

Cenk Uygur Disavows this Video lol

Z A - 08.10.2023 20:57

Fake genocide

L W - 08.10.2023 19:50

Pope URban said all Muslims and Moors should be slaves of Christians . THe the church declare all Jews and Muslims were heretics and 20 million people were killed including German Protestants , If one included the famin 50 million died.

Ana Gasgun
Ana Gasgun - 08.10.2023 18:52

Turks have killing and destroying things in their blood-GENs. They will continue century and century. Arminia on the first line.

ilias katsoulis
ilias katsoulis - 08.10.2023 14:25

And some people wonder why the Armenians are fleeing Artsakh today.

WFP - 08.10.2023 11:31

Today schools teach pronouns and that gender is fluid... why clutter up indoctrination with history?

turistömer - 08.10.2023 10:55

No such thing as an armenian genocide, the armenians with the help of the french and the russian armies, murdered 523.000 turkish civilians to ethnicaly cleanse the arda for armenia, but when the russian and french left them, they sere aprehended, but the otttoman empire simply moved them to different parts as there were too much public anger towards them and there were international observers to monitor the move and its documented by them that there were No genocide, these documents are still available, and Turkey offered armenia an independant enquıry by international experts but armenia refused, and the armenians that murdered 523.000 turkish civilians remain unpunished to this day

strfltcmnd. - 08.10.2023 06:19

This is far worse than the Holocaust. Why have we not heard of this before? Because the victims are Christians?

cp93 - 08.10.2023 05:34

The cancer that is Islam...
