Can we learn to talk to sperm whales? | David Gruber | TED

Can we learn to talk to sperm whales? | David Gruber | TED


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Jason Nocera
Jason Nocera - 17.09.2023 15:20

When we learn to communicate I imagine they tell us we are the worst and that the aliens from millions of years ago were more cordial and considerate

몰랑이 님피아 💖
몰랑이 님피아 💖 - 01.07.2023 03:08

언젠가 고래 유치원을 여는 날이 오기를!

Shotz2thehead _og
Shotz2thehead _og - 21.06.2023 20:29

He said they are going to try this on primates and other animals. I wonder why they are trying to speak to sperm whales first with them being so hard to record

ArchibaldMeatpants - 15.06.2023 02:39

This “dude” is either wearing a mask/heavy makeup or this is really good robotics/AI. His face and movements are not natural at all

Ryan Javier Ortega
Ryan Javier Ortega - 12.06.2023 14:27

Maybe they can figure out a way to get my Dad to talk to me

Brian Sherling
Brian Sherling - 11.06.2023 08:36

We have been communicating with the apes. KOKO Use sign language to communicate sentences and intention and emotion.

Kan Rup
Kan Rup - 01.06.2023 11:52

its unlikely you'd get a good reply if you try to say "hello, how are you feeling today?". I don't think other creatures communicate in exactly the same way as us, they don't live in human world and human lifestyle or human nature. but they might have a signal for "greetings", and you might get a "greetings!" back.
They might have things that evaluate to things like "I am over here", "come here", "go", "help", "up", "down", "come together", "food", "safe", "danger", "run away" etc. But it's also a question of how would the young learn those signals? E.g- birds have various signals, but there are no bird schools.
but I don't know how complex their communication ideas get. It might depend on the world and lifestyle they live in.

Murray MacCuish
Murray MacCuish - 31.05.2023 01:53

the are not sending words as we do/they are sending pictures

PETER MIHA CERAR - 19.04.2023 04:09

Too much talk!

micliang3000 - 07.04.2023 06:51

Fantastic project, I wish you achieve what you dream of and beyond!

Boris Krestianinov
Boris Krestianinov - 04.04.2023 16:17

So exciting!!!

googleyoutubechannel - 01.04.2023 00:50

I wish you luck, but think the Project CETI approach has very little chance of working based on the diagram of what CETI thinks it's goals are, skeptical this label approach makes sense, and even if it does skeptical transformer networks are going to do anything except be misleading.

eg. Try this for a fun exercise, record tupac lyrics in Silbo Gomero, transmit it over a 56k modem, record the sound that modem makes during transmission. Give this audio file to your head data scientist and ask them to use any enc/dec network technique they want to make sense of it, should be easy, its human speech in bog standard grammar....

Negi Memorandum
Negi Memorandum - 23.03.2023 14:47

Learning languages of animal is a whole new potential subject this will produce a new big living society that will include different animal species. One can imagine what the world would be.

Markazul Islam
Markazul Islam - 19.03.2023 19:23

If you can crack this you deserve a noble prize

Alex Chaput
Alex Chaput - 02.03.2023 04:00

Four more years till the research is complete baby.
I am super excited

Arlequin - 24.02.2023 02:50

I'm all for saving whales and protecting them, but all I can think about is Will Ferrell impersonating this guy on a SNL skit, glasses and all!

TCT84 - 06.02.2023 02:26

This guy seems like he would say something about the sperm whales re-affirming the chosen ones deserving Israel based upon their own peoples writings😂🧐 typical masochistic J saying a whale is smarter than humans… well the average man is not a multinational conglomeration of evil, the common man is good and wants good for his people… his intentions of course are hijacked by the nefarious goblins running the show

Studio Skies And Water
Studio Skies And Water - 21.01.2023 09:39

Go vegan!

Albert Kim
Albert Kim - 14.01.2023 23:34

Project CETI is going faster than ever now with the recent advancements in AI

Tom - 11.01.2023 07:12

Is this guy Jewish / gay

Michael Griffiths
Michael Griffiths - 27.12.2022 02:49

Codas may transmit thoughts through water. The assumption seems to be that there must be a thought process that is broken down into verbalised sounds which are then decoded and part of the though understood.
However, when I indicate that I'm hungry; by saying "I'm a bit Peckish", only a tiny part of my thought process has been transferred to the recipients. I might well be thinking about my favourite dish, when I last had it, what it tasted like, how easy would it be to make it, etc etc. The recipient might think. "what, hungry again!" - they understand that I've said that I'm hungry, that's all really. Our communication is very linear, focused, précis and limited.
What if whales think, and then send their entire thought processes to each other? They probably don't have names as we understand names, but an address and probably coordinates. They probably also employ some form of natural encryption.
They may actually be 'reading' other whales minds..
Machine learning will undoubtedly fail as long as it's based on learning a 'language'.

The real breakthroughs will come from musicians.
Forget language, think; thoughts.

Drakarra - 06.12.2022 23:49

Thank you so, so, so much for your research. With the critical states our oceans are in, this is exactly the kind of research the world needs. I will definitely be following your research. You guys are phenomenal. Thank you.

Jan - 05.12.2022 17:26

Could african click language be altered to connduct whale vocabulary?

Reality - 05.12.2022 05:48

Grubers motivation? knowledge to enlighten all or manipulation, possession and profit.

Zeuqramy - 28.11.2022 09:27

It’s crazy the clicks are so loud they can kill you

Keith Faulkner
Keith Faulkner - 03.11.2022 23:19

Could a quantum computing help teach us to talk to sperm whales?

Toxichammertoe - 16.10.2022 04:18

I would like to have an update on this

Nodon8 - 06.10.2022 06:43

click click click -whale

Odyss - 23.09.2022 02:50

Maybe if we learn to communicate with whales and dolphins,
we can hire them to help us like keeping sharks off from beaches.

LakeoftheWoodsMusketry - 30.08.2022 22:35

I’m not apologizing for the crimes of my species

Machi Muse
Machi Muse - 12.08.2022 00:45

The day we can communicate with cetaceans, I hope they will be able to forgive humans for what we did to them, and are still doing to them (looking at you Japan, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands).

the hillbilly gamer !
the hillbilly gamer ! - 30.05.2022 03:06

My Chihuahuas very interested in the sounds of the mighty sperm whale so is his son that's a half Chihuahua

Liz C
Liz C - 14.05.2022 12:46

I happen to think they're likely more intelligent than we are.

Da Indian
Da Indian - 25.04.2022 21:37

Just think if we establish communications and all they have to say is “So long and thanks for all the fish”.

86 - 21.04.2022 06:50

Don’t they do that clicking to gauge your frequency ? So they can echo location - visualize you?

kajamix - 23.03.2022 10:50

It's a question of what we say to them really and what they say to us.
If it is aliens we know we 're going to start with the sequence of prime numbers and take it on from there - in a few days or weeks the aliens will read Shakespear.
Also the other way round. The alien will start with the sequence of prime numbers and after a while we will learn the works of their Shakespear.
It does n't matter if they have higher IQ or if they have IQ lower than ours, it will work.

Imagine we meet somebody from a faraway land.
He wants us to make him a sandwich and he says "glink glonk" which of course means "I 'm famished, I 'd like a sandwich please" in his language.
We won't understand a word but after a few trials we know - glink glonk is the sandwich.

But with the whale ?
What are common items of interest so they learn from us or we learn from them ?
If we solve this problem, then the rest is easy.

Kevin - 23.03.2022 10:46

This is easily more interesting than space travel and where I think we should be focusing our scientific efforts.

Gizmo - 02.03.2022 17:39

I’m telling them it was the Japanese, Icelanders, and northern Tribes.

Xander Jones
Xander Jones - 17.01.2022 11:16

This is amazing work, excited to see it progress.

Cringe Lord
Cringe Lord - 15.01.2022 16:00


Watchity Watch
Watchity Watch - 07.12.2021 00:29

What if we don't need technology to understand sperm whale communication, but can innately understand it?

Amal Mohammed
Amal Mohammed - 28.09.2021 18:13

Can any one summarize it to me please

Sebastian M.
Sebastian M. - 16.06.2021 12:09

This it’s amazing! But in the meantime we should protect them, because some countries allow companies to keep hunting them 🧐

Koushik Maji
Koushik Maji - 02.06.2021 23:37

Yeah! This talk provided me with enough motivation to study for my Statistics and Signal processing paper this semester.

Hugener Retho
Hugener Retho - 02.06.2021 09:11

in a way, its dangerous. what if we told them that we used to and still killing them to get a oil from whales, we dont know how they would react

Grant Solder
Grant Solder - 24.05.2021 22:01


mole oh
mole oh - 15.05.2021 02:43

Hi mr.Whale I'm your fans

dastretch - 14.05.2021 21:02

Gruber? Really? hans gruber? It was the larry smith ted talk that gave you guys away. Stick to science, not smearing.

Zach Rodriguez
Zach Rodriguez - 08.05.2021 22:00

I want to use this technology to communicate with orcas.

Maksim Ghyvoronsky
Maksim Ghyvoronsky - 06.05.2021 20:05

Sophisticated? Probably not. Incredible? Absolutely.
