Tullius’s and Ulfric’s Reactions to Jagged Crown Betrayal

Tullius’s and Ulfric’s Reactions to Jagged Crown Betrayal


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Terra Ranger
Terra Ranger - 13.09.2023 22:59

"what are you playing?" Skyrim obviously...

Darth Biker
Darth Biker - 06.09.2023 22:45

Such a shame the Forsworn turned out to be cannibals and had no relevant stake in the civil war, except to act as terrorists. They were Zergs to the Empire's Protoss and the Stormcloak's Terrans. I would 100% join them if they had a quest line that had an endgame similar to that of Ulfric or the empire. Unfortunately the only quest they had where you got to be one is where they head back to the hills.

Jonquil Gemstone
Jonquil Gemstone - 03.08.2023 01:07

"NoOnE kNoWs how you got mixed up in that affair at Helgen."
Bro, you were there. You and your men didn't even try to say that thief and I weren't implicit with you.

EldritchOgre - 17.07.2023 16:40

I didn't know you could do this lololol ....uhhhhgh fuck the legion

Matthewbraith 0
Matthewbraith 0 - 16.07.2023 14:09

I didn't even know you could do this.

John Johnson
John Johnson - 19.06.2023 22:45

I remember when I gave the crown to Tullius, I exited the building and I saw Ralof running down the Solitude Streets saying he’ll have my head on his wall while being chased by 4 solitude guards

thatdudecaid - 14.06.2023 04:58

I always join the imperials bc I don’t want to kill Hadvar

CurvingFyre - 09.06.2023 07:04

Are there any other points you can switch sides I wonder

Laoch - 05.06.2023 22:34

imagine siding with the empire when at the start of the game they were going to cut your head off.

Pepe the Frog
Pepe the Frog - 01.06.2023 07:17

Loyalties? You're gonna have to get in line with all those Daedra that we've played.

Daxon - 31.05.2023 16:25

I didn’t even know this was an option

Branden Burke
Branden Burke - 28.05.2023 04:34

What’s amazing is that technically you side with doc Mitchell when siding with the imperials

Kenny De Metter
Kenny De Metter - 16.05.2023 17:11

Now I'm curious whether you could betray Tulius again by delivering those documents to Ulfric

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri - 12.05.2023 07:38

Imagine, just imagine how cool it would have been to have the option of keeping the crown and declaring yourself the true king of Skyrim as the Dragonborn and the holder of the jagged crown

Cailem Kostiuk
Cailem Kostiuk - 09.05.2023 19:04

Reverse pickpocket the crown into friend and give one to each

Éfar Isti
Éfar Isti - 18.04.2023 05:31

Ulric:"What's your game?"
Me:"I'm just a ball of pure chaos, playing with fate and changing alliances on a whim while wasting everyone time and sanity"
Think he would accept that as a answer? XD

Matthew - 13.04.2023 20:07

I like that perfectly placed cup that’s censoring Tulius’s jewels

Dimitri Propaganda
Dimitri Propaganda - 01.04.2023 11:55

Stormcolak 💀

Chapo - 30.03.2023 22:17

Skyrim has abhorent dialogue tbh

Cyberplays - 29.03.2023 01:19

i was the 9,300th like it went from 9.3k to 9.4 k lol

Cutest Demon
Cutest Demon - 28.03.2023 00:56

I like how Poisoned crown is the obvious answer, not "this guy may stab me at any point"
A poisoned crown

RyzzeRosé - 22.03.2023 12:51

Bro literally didn’t know about this dialogue only ever choose each respective faction from the start and never thought of trying this

Titan - 09.03.2023 18:47

It’s nice that Bethesda added the option to switch loyalties. It was only after I joined the Stormcloaks that I began reading up on their lore and found out just how awesome the Empire armor looked.

Warmy - 07.03.2023 22:16

I feel like if the Dragonborn himself in lore wise plays with how the DLC releases came out, he does take up the Vampire Lord approach. Alongside with joining the Empire and that he lives forever a Vampire and Dragonborn, however I feel like with the death of the Emperor due to the Brotherhoods assassination, cause I feel lke that'd happen. He would eventually end up taking the Crown due to his blood being in that being.
Not only that, but because he's probably continued with the Blades and the death of the Dragons are finally at peace. He would eventually face with them, unite Skyrim with the Nords at the rebellion phase out the way and attack the Thalmor to send them back once and for all. Allowing Talos to return.

If he decided to take the apporach of the rebellion, killing Tullius off and marching Skyrim together as one people. I think the Brotherhood would still take place leaving them in disarry with the Thalmor rallying up again to try and strike first knowing that Skyrim's rally is bound to happen. Thalmor attempted at the Crown only for the dragonborn with the blades once again as his protectors. To eventually strike out and living till a time he gives up on the Vampire approach from Morthal, using it purely for the benefit of the Empire which he'd be leading with Ulfric on his side as technically a Grey Beard. Even if the others don't like him anymore or Ulfric due to the death of an era of the dragons.

It does make me think, regardless of either side he chooses from. He will end up being the new Emperor of Tamriel to rally up against the Thalmor, and with the power of the Thu'um whom defeated Miraak (which in lore was what caused Solstheim to seperate originally) being a near walking Demi-god on Tamriel.
As for the Vampire approach, he may end up getting rid of it straight after the Dawnguard questline. And just being a normal being for the years he's alive, but if he doesnt. He's going to end up using that Immortality as the Emperor for a long time, keeping peace in the world if he wanted to.
Or lay in Hibernation after wiping out the Thalmor to eventually once again fight Alduin who'll devour the world as he returns. A never ending fight.


If not, I honestly just see the Dragonborn joining with the Empire due to the intelligence and how wise Tulius is with knowing the real problem at hand. Ulfric even in his own region was able to get captured and near execution if not for Alduin.
He'd join up there, defeat Ulfric. Carry on with the Blades and rid of paarthurnax (sadly) reunite the Blades as his protectors, and with the sudden death of the Emperor from the Brotherhood. Fear would spread, Tullius himself knowing the dragonborn and the heritage of the Empire of the Blood tree. Would see him as a very well potential individual for being the Emperor. With the feats of: "Saving from the World Eater and Defeat the World Conqueror's Miraak" as a good start off and being the main cause of the crush of the Rebellion. Not to mention saving the World from being submerged in Shadows.

The Thalmor now realizing their situation with the Dragonborn, who'm they're already hunting down with their alliegance with the Blades causing issue, with the Emperor dead. I do believe the Contract would break causing an all out war - the Empire with its centuries of Battalions of training with a soon-to-be Emperor and Dragonborn taking up the front assault against the Thalmor and this time actually winning without an issue from the last war they had.
I still think he would take up as a Vampire Lord, in secret. Since he can survive in the Sun and not many people knowing him of being one of these Ancient Vampires, plus his eyes. People would assume its that of a Dragon more so than late.

He'd as again, reign for a very long time. I can see his years being alive being questioned but the fact of all the madness in the world. Chances are he'd probably end up living like the Emperor of Mankind in Warhammer 40k in a way.
Living for a long-long time awaiting Alduin once again in an endless battle whilst the Empire survives.

But in the starting of this new Elder scrolls, I can see the dragonborn giving up on being a Vampire and living his life as Emperor till his death of old age naturally. I'd like to think that the Dragon souls be obtained will help him live for longer. Being that naturally of a "Dragon" in his blood, they usually live for a long time regardless.

So he wouldn't really need the Vampire blood to live for a long time, he'd just eventually like I said. End up near-skeleton like in Warhammer 40k. A former of himself as Emperor. With the Blades as his guardsmen, not to mention all the dragons serving him and pretty much anything else.

Carlos González
Carlos González - 01.03.2023 04:49

Yeah, make the guy who wants to change sides deliver critical diplomatic objects from point A to point B. Definitely a valid test of strength and commitment, and definitely a safe thing to do with your political affairs , and a good idea in general.

Filipe Matheus
Filipe Matheus - 28.02.2023 05:58

I never understand why ulfric doesn't use the fucking crown

Dalton Nash
Dalton Nash - 28.02.2023 05:13

I always choose to be high king with mods I'm like I'm tired of me having to bow and sacrifice for y'all

Kalamestari - 27.02.2023 19:38

This game has such shit dialogue and options.

Matthew Leach
Matthew Leach - 26.02.2023 04:04

What a convenient, and somewhat necessary, goblet placement 🍷

Rusty Jones
Rusty Jones - 24.02.2023 20:31

If you put off the main story quest and do the civil war quest, and if you show up in a Stormcloak uniform with message from Ulfric, Balgruuf still demands you go to bleak falls Barrow then acts shocked that you're a Stormcloak.

Keira - 20.02.2023 18:51

I didn’t want to join either side because I didn’t like either sides, but when learning that Argonians were forced out of the city in Windhelm, I grew resentful. I married one of the female Argonians and became her Wife and then chopped of Ulfric’s head. It does suck that they’re still forced out. I can’t believe they made that a dialogue option. It made me want to kill the new Jarl.

AKUankka - 19.02.2023 11:03

I changed from imperial to stormcloaks because I like the ulfric and stormcloaks more, though lorewise I’m pretty sure the imperials might be the better choice.

Sweet Carotid
Sweet Carotid - 14.02.2023 13:01

The funniest way to betray both sides:

- follow Hadvar in Helgen
- immediately join the Stormcloaks
- switch sides to the Imperial Legion via the Jagged Crown
- join the Dark Brotherhood until you meet up with Motierre
- win the civil war for the imperials
- you are now regarded as a high ranked war hero
- stab the legion in the back (again) by completing the Dark Botherhood questline, aninihilating the Penitus Oculatus and assassinating the emperor

Praise Mephala!

This name is fake
This name is fake - 04.02.2023 00:44

Didn't even know you could switch sides like that

Woodland Socialist
Woodland Socialist - 01.02.2023 18:51

I've never tried but it would be awesome to just go to the ruins without joining either side and fight both to get the crown yourself xD. There really should be a become high king option like how in New Vegas you can take the strip for yourself.

Enderminer 103
Enderminer 103 - 23.01.2023 09:23

Ulfric: You’re doing some sketchy shit. The fuck you doing? I don’t trust you, but I guess I feel inclined to give you a mission.


Tullius: Oh damn, you was in Helgen? Cool. Here, have extremely classified documents. Go deliver them to whiterun. Bye

Zach Steiner
Zach Steiner - 21.01.2023 09:29

Tullius: “So. You were working for the Stormcloaks but now you come to me with the crown and want to give it to us while betraying your faction?”

Me: “No.”

Tullius: “Then, why are you here?”

Me: “I already killed Ulfric and his stupid country boys. It’s your turn to die.”

Tullius: “Oh.... OH FU...!!!!”

AzzyGG - 19.01.2023 23:41

Wtf you can do this?

Zipperhead Percxan
Zipperhead Percxan - 16.01.2023 14:02

Just betrayed the legion in my current playthrough. I would never join them because I'm a strong believer in the 1st amendment. Are you able to read the secret document?

Rafael Luca de tena
Rafael Luca de tena - 11.01.2023 04:40

Ulfric is a really good written character. You can see all of the days of torture by the thalmor he had to suffer in every paranoid line he gives to you in this interaction.

Baya Booz
Baya Booz - 07.01.2023 02:55

“Remember, joining the legion is for life”
After the war: “well gtfo we don’t need you anymore”

Unborn Heretic
Unborn Heretic - 01.01.2023 18:55

This is like the only time they reference seeing you in Helgen

MyNameIsBucket - 27.12.2022 04:56

"How do I know you're not an Imperial spy?" - Thalmor spy, 4E 201

Cross - 26.12.2022 19:37

That chalice is perfectly placed where Tullius is sitting!

TheSunMoon - 26.12.2022 09:15

I like how he's just sitting beside Tullius, like a friend, discussing about the last World Cup.😂

Starman Crusader
Starman Crusader - 23.12.2022 00:33

All my years in this game and I’ve never done this. I’ll try it on my next playthrough

ToroFox - 20.12.2022 21:03

Perfect cup placement XD.

nah - 15.12.2022 15:53

I like skyrim don't get me wrong but this "it just works" mentality is just lazy writing to compensate for lazy players, a very clear drop in quality when compared to morrowind

Christian H
Christian H - 14.12.2022 16:04

Oh I just realized general tullius has the same voice actor as commander baily in mass effect

B C - 10.12.2022 21:17

Do they have any unique dialogue if you go back to them after betraying them?
