The Evolution of Engineer [TF2]

The Evolution of Engineer [TF2]


1 год назад

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D1ego Mon
D1ego Mon - 15.10.2023 02:17

I watched a 2 hour video of a video game I don’t even play, about a class that I wouldn’t play

pizza roll with a gun
pizza roll with a gun - 14.10.2023 00:53

That "all wrangler" setup on upward actually gave me a heart attack

SymphonySystem - 12.10.2023 23:54

Seeing the 2010 jerma & star tf2 gameplay is such a nostalgia trip, jeez

Beckett Fordahl
Beckett Fordahl - 12.10.2023 04:54

I love the old footage you have at the start. Amazing to get a look back to the early history of the game.

LegoNutGaming - 10.10.2023 21:21

The repair node would’ve been a cool addition for battle engies

Mr Beaver1
Mr Beaver1 - 09.10.2023 09:27


3-Valdion Dreemur
3-Valdion Dreemur - 09.10.2023 03:32

I wonder if a good fix for the Wrangler that would make it more manageable in pubs, but still be decent in highlander would be something where it grows more damage resistance the more people are ganging up on it. Not too sure how that'd be implemented, but it could be interesting. Or maybe the shield would be directional to the direction the sentry is shooting, which still makes the sentry take a third of the damage it absorbs and reduce healing. That way, it would still block a lot of damage, but if you get behind it (be it by cloaking/flanking/walking around the engineer's corpse) you can give it a few good shots before it turns back on! Another alternative is maybe bringing back the spherical shield once it's unwrangled and deactivated, but giving it a lower resistance so that if the Engineer needs to defend against a spy that snuck up to him, the sentry isn't as tanky from the front.

Anonymaton - 08.10.2023 21:23

Here’s an idea I had for a dispenser side-grade: No definitive numbers for this, but in essence, it has reduced healing and ammo at all levels, but healing dispensed builds a meter, similar to ubercharge. Then, when the meter is full, you activate the dispenser which “ubercharges” all your buildings for a few seconds: sentries can shoot faster, teleporters recharge faster, maybe the dispenser gets a temporarily increased area of affect and/or can overheal users, etc. it doesn’t last as long as an ubercharge, nor is the effect it provides comparable, but it could be a viable medic substitute if the team doesn’t want to run one

LoneDeb - 05.10.2023 07:52

kinda hoping but also thinking that the rescue ranger and wrangler combo would have some stupid name like "Wrench R.R. Wrangler" similar to the stupidity of tommy gruvich and dr enforcicle, kinda sad it wasnt some stupid play on words but its still funny never the less

Random Furry (do not mind me)
Random Furry (do not mind me) - 29.09.2023 13:34

The more i realize that the Wrangler shouldve been a primary rather a secondary

LukeBerGG - 29.09.2023 05:57

my favorite class got reworked on my birthday (july 2nd) didnt know that. only startded playing in 2020.

Nienna - 28.09.2023 11:50

1. I can’t believe I watched the whole thing at this time lol
And 2. Every time I thought the wrangler was done being talked about, it popped up again xD

Zaxstar - 25.09.2023 19:25

All I can say for the Wrangler is to slightly reduce the healing rate and damage resistance, but only slightly.
This is just my first thought on the matter, but it does feel like the correct one. If you need two classes to take down one class, then at the very least, it should be a bit more in favor of the two.

One hundred effective healing, plus over six hundred effective health is way too much for one class, when even the Heavy, who is ironically less mobile than a sentry when you've got the Rescue Ranger and/or the Wrangler, can't take one down himself. Heavy has to stop for what feels like an eternity to eat a lunchbox item, meanwhile a Sentry is a little faster. The only way he almost compares is if he has a Medic, which is already the direct counter to a Sentry nest in the first place.

Changing it to something like 432 (50% damage resistance) effective health with 30 (max) effective healing isn't that bad, right? A Heavy/Medic combo is about as effective, but can actively move around and fight at the same time. The point of a Sentry is to hold down a spot and require a coordinated push to beat, which shouldn't be impossible to do.

Engineer needs setup to be as strong as that combo, sure, but he shouldn't be outright stronger. He isn't the strongest by himself with this combo, no, but neither is Medic. If he dies, that effectively means you killed a potential Medic/Power Class combo, and after all this, you've still got the Medic's Ubercharge.
Should the combo have to wait for an Uber just to get past a Sentry nest? No, not really. At least, not when there could be a literal dozen Engineers doing the same thing, if not similar with the Pomson 6000, Short Circuit, Eureka Effect, and so on.

Long story short, just by lowering the shield's damage resistance (and reduced repair rate) from 66% to 50%, you get a much more bearable weapon. You still get a Sentry with an increased fire rate, an increased range, and not just increased, but doubled health. The only downside is having to switch between aiming and repairing the weapon, though this balances being able to become a Heavy merged with a Sniper and Soldier.

kobray - 25.09.2023 16:51

put dispenser in the comments

Problem - 25.09.2023 03:35

I don't even play tf2 but I already know from this intro that I am gonna watch this entire video because I just really like hearing people talk about stuff they know a shit tonne about!

R Bahia
R Bahia - 24.09.2023 07:37

The actual counter to the wrangler is the enforcer cause it pierces resistences

Jerry-OCheesy-O - 23.09.2023 14:49

i honestly think that keyboards are really cool bro

Luxai - 20.09.2023 14:55

Lmao wait, gunslinger and hightower was added in the SAME UPDATE? LOL! So all those trolldiers who were complaining about minisentries on hightower was just being petty?
The map was actually added to be used by everyone, including battle engineers, you don't own it, anyone can do what they want on it, shut the hell up!

Mike Diaz
Mike Diaz - 14.09.2023 21:04

Finally got a new pc so I can play tf2 after 6 years, I wanna main engineer. This video’ll catch me up to speed

FaolanTheLoneWolf - 14.09.2023 04:41

The thing with the wrangler, is they have sort of put themselves into quite an impossible situation really. The only real use of the wrangler is the massive shield, and nerfing that in any meaningful way leaves the item as a gimmick tool for a terrible way of playing. The only real way to deal with the wrangler is to remove it and try something else, but im not really sure with what.

On a different note, one thing i wish Valve had added for Engie was a more or less level 2/support build thing, there you have a stronger sentry but more focus on the dispenser and teleporter. An item that would give more range and potentially speed to the dispenser, but limited the sentry to only being level 2 at max. It would give engie a better spot in game modes like Koth, 5Cp, and CTF that arent just the turtle at spawn/last/win more.

Unknown - 11.09.2023 05:03

A good way to help prevent Short Circuit spam via the payload cart would be a nerf specifically reducing the amount of metal gained from the cart while the Short Circuit is equipped in your loadout, and see what happens to determine future changes. Let's say...
"-50% Metal Acquisition Rate from the Payload Cart"

The Wrangler however could just receive a big debuff to its shield, either 50% resistance for -50% repair rate or 33% for -33%.

(i personally believe the shield is there to "comfort?" the fact you are losing the all-seeing aimbot the sentry has by default)

Zac Jackson
Zac Jackson - 10.09.2023 02:36

I guess this really was an engineer gaming

Alex Crudu
Alex Crudu - 09.09.2023 16:20

Do scout

aznpikachu215 - 08.09.2023 03:48

Wow, I never knew that Engineer got so many changes.

Jerry-OCheesy-O - 06.09.2023 15:08

Goddamn the wrangler

RecklessBravery - 05.09.2023 06:12

i love those 144p clips from 2007

Slukke - 05.09.2023 03:51

i remember when they made it so you could upgrade dispensers and teleporters. i played engineer for weeks after that

‍1marcelfilms - 04.09.2023 16:34

tf2 seemed a lot more fun at launch

Sushi-dieb - 04.09.2023 14:57


Hazel Leath
Hazel Leath - 03.09.2023 12:42

He does need a medic demo man an a lot of lube and that’s all you need or Uber charge but literally that’s all you need just get the rock in the Boston bomber to help you blow a goddamn sentry

Enderpanda24 - 03.09.2023 05:19

How I wish the wrangler work...
- friendly engineers cannot upgrade or heal your sentry while in use
+Gains a 150HP shield that negates all delt damage till the shield is broke
- shooting the wrangler will take 5 metal each second
- sentry will take double the amount of damage when shield gets deactivated for 3 seconds
Get to control the sentry
+ Pressing the alt button will put a 300HP shield on the sentry for 5 seconds but will remove your wrangler till the shield is lost
- user will have 125HP when equiped
+ near by players will get a slight damage resistance
- over heats if used to long breaking it for 15 seconds
- teleporters and dispensers will turn off while using the wrangler
- won't be warned if a spy is sapping his buildings
- takes 250 metal to upgrade a sentry

Also a cool secondary idea I had
The moving gear
Can grab 2 buildings at once
Placing a building back down will just place the building instantly without the upgrading animation
Moving buildings cost 50 metal
Slower movement speed and gets as slow as heavy holding 2 buildings
Teleporters and dispensers can only go up to level 2

Federated States of Micronesia
Federated States of Micronesia - 02.09.2023 09:18


Halliwedge - 01.09.2023 20:16

"The widowmaker is already perfect" ...The weapon that can be used to such a degree that when playing engineer, you needn't do that one thing that makes the classic unique. Perfection. 👍

s - 30.08.2023 22:02

did this dude just say secondth 😂

TheFrantic5 - 30.08.2023 07:36

One of the things i miss from TFC is that the dispenser did explosion damage based on how much ammo was accumulated when you detonated it. So you could block the doorway to the back elevator on 2fort and spies couldnt pass, and then they tried to destroy it you would often take them out with the detonation.

I would love for this feature to return.

CØSMIC - 28.08.2023 02:36

my guy made an entire movie for Engineer

[PROFILE REDACTED] - 27.08.2023 22:17

Production quality is great, it’s well voiced, well researched, everything a good video essay can be. Extremely good work

Liam Dudics
Liam Dudics - 27.08.2023 03:22

2013-2015 valve on crack

August Day
August Day - 26.08.2023 20:40

This video gave me an idea. Maybe the Wrangler should be split into two weapons, similar to the original Equalizer. The Wrangler keeps its ability to manually aim and fire your sentry, but has no shield. A new unlock can be created which keeps the shield, but can't aim (however it still disables the sentry while in use). This forces the Engie to pick between offensive utility and sentry jumps (Wrangler) or defensive utility (Shield). I think that could be a good way to balance it.
