AC: Magnapaulia Abilities Preview

AC: Magnapaulia Abilities Preview


4 месяца назад

914 Просмотров

So here's your Magnapaulia abilities overview. For the record: the reason I keep making "Big Chungus" jokes is because Magnapaulia's name literally translates into "Big Paul". Any rate, memes aside (i do not regret my background music), here's the deets:

Magnapaulia is a unique combat herbivore with references abounding: primarily Lambeo from Fossil Fighters (The X skin is a direct reference). The basic variant's skin is inspired by the JPOG Cory: Both JPOG Cory and FF Lambeo both being two of @m... 's favorite Hadrosaur designs/iterations in all of video games.

Base HP: **1,425**

Who said a tank had to only absorb damage? Magnapaulia is a paladin/vanguard-type mount which enjoys being in the thick of combat, and has a toolkit to reward that.

- Posessing Slight natural armor, Magnapaulia takes 5% less damage from any source of damage.
- Magnapaulia is also immune to knockback.
- Sitting mechanic for additional healing.
- Left Click: Bite. Basic herbivore damagetype, base 35 damage. Not too impressive.
- Right click: Hipcheck. This powerful attack has base 80 damage, 100 stamina cost and a 15 sec cooldown (deactivated in the video). While this attack also deals knockback, its main function is a rewarding parry-like counterattack ability. Time taking physical damage during the actual "shove" of the animation (When it shoves forward to when it stops from the lunge) to activate a successful parry/counter. Upon being damaged in that window, take ***zero*** damage for your efforts. The damage you *would* have taken is split in half, then multiplied by **your own melee stat** (ignoring buffs) before being re-applied to the target in the initial damagetype. (**IE:** You parry an attack that would have done 200 base damage and applied bleed. You take 0 damage on a successful parry. The resulting Formula would be 100 x {Melee Stat} = Parry Damage, which would inflict the attacker with bleed.)
- C Key: Aesthetic Roar.
- Spacebar: Counting Coop. Hold Spacebar to enter a jabbing state, each jab deals 58 base damage. While jabbing, you cannot run, and your stamina is steadily drained. You can keep jabbing without stamina, but you cannot start jabbing without insufficient stamina. Let go of spacebar to stop jabbing, which will prompt a roughly 2.5 second cooldown before you can begin jabbing again. This is generic large carnivore damagetype, allowing Magnapaulia to harvest corpses. Each jab also does decent knockback. Each jab builds up its meter by 0.02 per valid hit on a live target. Build up your meter to full using this attack. Meter drains by 0.05 per 10 seconds without a valid hit, unless at full.
- Left Ctrl Key: Healing Boon Roar. Once your meter is full, press Left Ctrl (or Alt Fire) to reset the meter and activate a buffing roar at a cost of 100 stamina. The attack itself has no cooldown, so prioritizing building up your meter as fast as possible to continue your buff's uptime. Upon activating the roar, deal knockback damage to nearby foes, pushing them away while applying a buff to allies (and allied tribes) within 6,150 units of yourself (roughly a Yuty's effect range, but in every direction). **This buff recovers 15% of max HP of the target (to a maximum of 10,000 HP healed per application), while also recovering Stamina by 50 per sec and draining torpor by 100 per sec, over a period of 40 sec.**

A potent Herbivore unlocked at Lvl 95, Magnapaulia isn't a basic KO tame or passive tame, having a somewhat complex and dangerous taming method I'll explain elsewhere!
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