10 Tips to Declutter FASTER

10 Tips to Declutter FASTER

A to Zen Life

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Life With Lisa Dee
Life With Lisa Dee - 01.10.2023 07:09

What if it’s your husbands stuff? Since his parents passed, we are surrounded by clutter. Everyone in the house has stopped tidying up. It’s overwhelming and only results in a fight if I bring it up. We couldn’t even put wood in the wood stove because of the piles of boxes in front of it. Please do a video on this.

Chrsitine Adriaenssen
Chrsitine Adriaenssen - 28.09.2023 19:51

Throw the ugly to replace it by nice, no minimalism

Chrsitine Adriaenssen
Chrsitine Adriaenssen - 28.09.2023 19:51

You must make a difference between clutter and collection art and nice items

Chrsitine Adriaenssen
Chrsitine Adriaenssen - 28.09.2023 19:49

Why is it a problem, just throw away what You don‘t like or donate it.

Grits Kennedy
Grits Kennedy - 28.09.2023 09:08

Look its Rose from Two and a half Men show.

Grits Kennedy
Grits Kennedy - 28.09.2023 09:05

You dont hand the clothes down to younger kids?

Tiffany G
Tiffany G - 26.09.2023 20:04

This is very helpful. Thank you!

truth seeker
truth seeker - 23.09.2023 12:07

3.24: she just throws plastic tubes of part-used sun cream into a plastic bag and says, 'we're just gonna toss these.'. How selfish, ignorant, wasteful and uncaring about the environment. YOU SHOULD USE THEM UP AND THEN RECYCLE THE CONTAINERS. Think about the environment, not just about what you feel like. Your form of throwing things out like this is EASY, BUT AN ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER.

Keep it Simple Here
Keep it Simple Here - 21.09.2023 10:43

Thank you!🧚🏼🌼

MrsGonzalez🦋💙 - 18.09.2023 18:46

My biggest enemy is paper😢
😣 I’ve been struggling with paper since I can remember

Rita Becnel
Rita Becnel - 15.09.2023 18:11

Love your videos

cajonesAFK - 15.09.2023 05:04

80% is not enough. I want to speed up decluttering 100%

Maria Stefani
Maria Stefani - 12.09.2023 11:57

Good work, thank you :)

Sylwia Taskar
Sylwia Taskar - 09.09.2023 10:31

Thanks for sharing. ❤😘

Mae Jean
Mae Jean - 08.09.2023 19:27

So true

lopoiu - 08.09.2023 07:18

It's the sentimental things I love that I find the hardest to part with.

Lane Rhodes
Lane Rhodes - 07.09.2023 18:27

Recycling all that’s accepted locally and donating helps counteract our seemingly out of control overconsumption.

I love keepin’ it out of the landfills!

Rhonda - 06.09.2023 22:13

Hey thanks! I ended up organizing shelves in the laundry room!

Beth Kemp
Beth Kemp - 03.09.2023 18:33


Death before decaf
Death before decaf - 03.09.2023 02:09

The Shein ads before the video is very mega

Eslah Yecal
Eslah Yecal - 02.09.2023 18:15

OMGGG the amount of times ive donated things to the thrift shop, gone in the next week and its STILL THERE i cant help myself i have to buy it back. i know it seems really dumb but im like THANK GOD NO ONE BOUGHT THAT and am so happy because so many things i feel so much regret for donating 😭😭😭😭

Lauren Ferguson
Lauren Ferguson - 01.09.2023 21:44

I relate so hard to the one blazer you were holding onto… I, personally, have an almost full closet of suits from when I used to practice law as a trial attorney. I’m a stay at home mom to almost two-year-old twins. Where we live, it wouldn’t be cost effective for me to work and pay for childcare, and I also don’t intend to practice law ever again even if I do work one day. Not knowing my future once my girls are grown has made it hard for me to get rid of suits (they are expensive and I wouldn’t be able to repurchase quickly if I needed them). I want to be ruthless but I’m also worried that our finances may one day reach a low point where I’m forced to go back to practicing law and I’ll need those suits. Any tips???

Candi Cunningham
Candi Cunningham - 30.08.2023 18:35

Great reminders! On a side note, I don’t know how much you like rugs or blankets, but in the large spaces you have, they can make a huge difference in reducing the echo (without creating clutter). ☺️

Maikel Molto
Maikel Molto - 27.08.2023 10:09

… and don‘t forget to seperate your garbage for easier recycling 😊 (Mülltrennung), otherwise you only shift your own clutter to somewhere else😉

Antenna Wilde
Antenna Wilde - 20.08.2023 23:00

Get to the point

Bia Fholm
Bia Fholm - 20.08.2023 01:22

One word... Shoppaholick 😅

Geraldine Budd
Geraldine Budd - 15.08.2023 18:55

I LOVE your dining chairs!!!! And thanks for the great tips 🙂

Kristi Robbins
Kristi Robbins - 14.08.2023 05:17

I've been on and off getting rid of stuff for years. We downsized and I definitely got rid of a lot but, my husband hates getting rid of things because "you never know, we might need it"- think that has to do with his childhood. And there are 2 other adults in my house (my mom and daughter) and so it'd almost like having 3 households in one. I'm just going to worry about my stuff and try to keep everything else as neat as possible.

J. LEWIS - 12.08.2023 06:04

Recycle while decluttering.
That is all.

Not Me
Not Me - 10.08.2023 21:43

What do I do with this huge collection of antique porcelain dolls 😭

Smitten - 08.08.2023 16:51

Question : Childrens Art ... How do I keep or toss?

Smitten - 08.08.2023 16:45

BEST DECLUTTER VIDEO EVER! I have watched a lot, and you really make sense and just to see you throw away half ful containers makes me feel like, ok its ok. I think one feel you are wasting, but the amount just overwhelms you. I just need to get started to get areas cleared for my own memtal health and then worry about donating and selling etc. That is what kept me going in circles and get overwhelmed at "am I being wasteful, people can use this, but I dont have the time now to go everywhere it "can go/be used". My mom passed and her things overflew my home. I need to get my sanity back, but holding onto everything for "what if"...

Carson Lee
Carson Lee - 05.08.2023 22:11

I'm in a decluttering process -- every Saturday I put on a movie and go through stuff and stop when the movie is over.

I always know by Saturday what movie it's going to be.
And sometimes it's Saturday morning, other times I have the day free until lunch, then later after a nap, do movie/declutter.

Witness, 1985
The French Lieutenant's Woman
Three Days Of The Condor

... are films I have used recently for this ongoing project.

Later on tonight it will be The Third Man (available now on You Tube!!)
They have the original black - and - white version, AND a colorized one.

Sara Rush
Sara Rush - 04.08.2023 15:47

I have decluttered my closet multiple times and keep thinking I’m down to just the definite yeses and then I still only wear about 30-50% of my clothes 🤷‍♀️ I really don’t have much left either.

Solitary pilot
Solitary pilot - 04.08.2023 15:27

I swear nothing beats the point you mentioned about sustainable recycling and items piling up with regards to mental health. This is something I wish I had known four years ago. Back then I was trying to get into minimalism and zero waste. Half way through i gave up because i was struggling mentally badly. Yes, nothing matters more than you and your mental health. Even if your needs don't fall into the box of any lifestyle you follow, it's important to meet the needs all the same.

Laurette Gliddon
Laurette Gliddon - 02.08.2023 22:55

Today is day 3 of full day of decluttering, cleaning and organising the house and I am feeling SO good! Thank you for giving me the motivation to start. It’s not been the easiest couple months as my husband lost his job and my work is seasonal and the winter has been long. But I’m feeling so much better now that the house is (almost) done. I’m already thinking about going through everything again and decluttering again 😂

T 3po
T 3po - 31.07.2023 17:09

Uh oh…. I just keep thinking, “WHERE did she get those adorable pants?”!

C Dean
C Dean - 29.07.2023 02:32

Donating to charity shops helps the planet too.

Wafa Girgrah
Wafa Girgrah - 28.07.2023 11:08

Your content is amazing but I dislike freebies that lure people to purchase in my book it’s deception please don’t use this strategy it’s very bad thank you

Mark R
Mark R - 27.07.2023 14:35

what a pretty lady!

The Mighty MeowMeows
The Mighty MeowMeows - 27.07.2023 01:04

Btw I run a clothing ministry so people drop their kids' clothes off, I sort them and offer them to people who need them. It's kind of started other people doing the same thing and skipping the middle man, me. Which is awesome!

The Mighty MeowMeows
The Mighty MeowMeows - 27.07.2023 00:59

Omg yes yes yes! That's exactly what we did. Donate in the back and the run to the front to pick up!

Cassandra Breit
Cassandra Breit - 25.07.2023 20:37

Re: make it fun; I'm not even a minimalist but we're planning to move out of state some time in the next year and I have 2 very young kids. I know most of the packing will fall on me while my husband handles the other aspects of the move, so I've been going through our stuff this summer and paring way down just to lessen the burden of packing for myself when the time comes....yall I don't need to do anything special for it to be fun, the 6 trash bags of clothes, baby toys, unused small kitchen appliances, etc that I'm donating this weekend and all the extra breathing room left behind are plenty fun on their own. I'm having a blast, I wish I had longer increments of time to work on it lol. I might become a minimalist by the end of it 😂

Simply Fatima Amiri
Simply Fatima Amiri - 22.07.2023 22:23

Thanksssss for this . Wondering video

Joy Pura
Joy Pura - 21.07.2023 03:54

That one trap i fall into while decluttering is when i pass by my kitchen and see dishes on the sink i have this tendency to wash the dishes and get distracted on my decluttering around the house. Thanks! Thanks for the wise tips! Focus😅❤

Embers Omega
Embers Omega - 18.07.2023 19:27

Lets get even better! Here is my constructive criticism.

Tips from listening:

1. Don't just stop the inflow of clutter. What I'd do, in this situation, is to quickly break all of the things down into indiividual boxes. Afterr this, I continue to sort until everything is handled.

2. Be proactive in your environment. Look around. Take stock. Don't stop the inflow or the outflow. Observe it first.
3. Once observed, begin to catalog all of your items. once you do that, sort them into separate piles of the following: Papers, Books, Supplies (Art, Cleaning, Etc), Clothing, medications, sex toys (if appropriate), etc. I use boxes, totes, and dollar store supplies for my little "de0fliccking()cluttering my existence.
4. While doing all of this, remember to think kind thoughts. And when you get angry, utilize your negativity to conjure more organization and beauty within your own home.

I love that you made this video. Your data was extremely important in a moment of panic. I have cPTSD and it destoys most of my good intentions. I don't want to come off as rude here, I sincerely just wished to exchange data sets with you. You're beautiful! Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to watching another of your videos when I have time.
