Neil deGrasse Tyson On "The Nikola Tesla Fan Club"

Neil deGrasse Tyson On "The Nikola Tesla Fan Club"

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Micky Nedovic
Micky Nedovic - 17.09.2023 03:48

So Tesla done what he did ? And now we listen to this Bill Cosby looking MOFo ?? Lol LONG LIVE TESLA

Space monkey
Space monkey - 17.09.2023 02:48

Youre an asshole and your not funny,Hands both yours probably soft AF, WEAPONS DUDE MI PPL🇺🇲🗽⚖️⚙️⚙️⚙️🪖🥾🦅👊🖕 O AND 🦕 already have struck back bitch🚀

google user
google user - 16.09.2023 08:51

Wish i could have been a fly on the wall during this discussion. Tesla wasnt interested in electric lightbulbs. The man made flourescent bulbs that created light by exciting gases using energy and that was the magic. Edison lightbulb filamints are the epitome of planned obsolesence.

Jon - 13.09.2023 14:39

I can’t stand this idiot

Ivan Padilla
Ivan Padilla - 09.09.2023 20:10

At the very least you would have enough power for lights and simple electronics.

Darrell Jesonis
Darrell Jesonis - 07.09.2023 00:35

Psst. NDG, Tesla did not want to use the Ether to transmit energy, he wanted to use the earth... a grounded conductor.

Robert - 07.09.2023 00:21

I remember seeing a TED talk about wireless electricity where on the stage the speaker performed a demonstration that has me absolutely convinced that "our" technology is intentionally limited in favor of financial gains. Wireless electricity is capable of much more than what is performed when you place your phone on a "wireless charging station". Wireless electricity can transmit radio, internet data and can be transferred to other locations thousands of miles away upon relay, just as NASA charged batteries on the ground from orbit high above the earth in the MAPLE experiment as it related to research in the harvest of solar energy. It would have been amusing to have had a time machine and go back to this moment and confront Neil and his mid-interview proclamation, though I could in no way contend with him academically and I doubt my own ability not to get carried away with the offense I take against his demeanor. Regardless, I'm sure it would be very difficult to explain how I arrived in Joes studio, and the resulting flurry of human logic surrounding such a wickedly dissonant occurrence of time and space convulsing around a seemingly insignificant point would detract from the minor and humble intention of arguing with an uncouth sellout eager to make money before making genuine contributions to collective intelligence, though in essence it would achieve a similar result: Niel DeGrasse Tyson would not have believed his own eyes had the unexpected happened, even though it did, because he is committed so deeply to what he thinks is the universe. He does not know what it means to see the unknown, because he has become an expert in what is known, which according to scientific principle may or may not be true. This is why people DO science; to see what the universe has to say because we understand nothing about where we are or the nature of our condition.
He would blink his eyes as divinity flashed in brilliance, assume it was an illusion or a dream, and ignore the facts which are not contained in a single person. He would think he was insane, and in an effort to save face, reiterate his commitment to his identity as a man with a nose.

With tentacles like keys.

BoldAMATUER - 06.09.2023 22:10

His people? What he mean by his people?

Viktor Baraga
Viktor Baraga - 05.09.2023 15:05

Edison has only invented what? Tesla was beyond the "scientific establishment" and since its them running the show,theystill do. It was so auckard to Mr. DeGrasse to even say Tesla's name. "I'm not upset if they steal my ideas but it concerns me that they don't have their own.". One can be insane and still think deeply ,but to think clearly insanity doesn't work". Would be pretty dark and cold and stupid if Tesla did not exist. We could live comfortably without all other theories which were the obstacles for Tesla to fully exploidvhis genious. They don't grow on the trees.

Guilito Torres
Guilito Torres - 30.08.2023 00:42

There are not too many people in the world that use logic and break things down like Neil. I feel like my IW just went up just by listening to him 😂. I enjoy all his conversations bc they always make so much sense

A0445 Abdul Basit Rahmani
A0445 Abdul Basit Rahmani - 24.08.2023 06:48

The more i listen to this guy (NDT) the more i realize how stupid he is.

Small Code
Small Code - 21.08.2023 23:48

Electromagnetism is just 1/3 of Tesla's work. Two other major fields were water pumps and speed measuring. He was master of high pressure water pumps, and he design and deliver hundreds of them. One design wait until 1970's to be build, because than was develop a metal composition that can survive generated pressures. One nice design of his pump can be found in front of his museum in Belgrade.
Speed measuring was second field of interest. Tesla created FIRST PORTABLE (small enough) WIDE RANGE LINEAR speedometer. Before him, all speedometer were liner in short range of values, like 0-30 km/h.
Unfortunately, he insist to work on energy transmission, and lost years and lot of money on that without result.

spanky joe
spanky joe - 18.08.2023 20:44

Tesla electrified the planet. What has this guy ever done.

Mindovernonsense - 18.08.2023 13:31

Real scientist don't go out on podcast they invent and spend times in laboratories. Somebody should tell the pseudoscientist Neil, that!

Mike honcho
Mike honcho - 17.08.2023 17:45

Tesla was in love with a pigeon. The guy was bat shit

logan beddard
logan beddard - 17.08.2023 15:26

See Neil can't seem to open his mind to what tesla was thinking. None of us can sadly. One day we may get another genius I hope.its in my generation

logan beddard
logan beddard - 17.08.2023 15:23

He did get done.wrong. they still teach that Edison is the reason we have electricity and he's the reason for ac. When that just isn't true but there teaching it

Marc Oddy
Marc Oddy - 17.08.2023 13:37

Literally the guy who wants everyone to ignore science when it comes to gender. Establishment shill

TheArmchairrocker - 16.08.2023 09:50

NDT gonna hate on Tesla now. This guy is such a GD narcissist.

Grumpy-Dad - 16.08.2023 01:29

Too smart for the era. We know how to do shit but we don't have the tech

AzLo - 14.08.2023 12:54

Neil dumb as grass tyson is happy about his electric cars that children in africa mine the ore for -.-

juggadaaku - 13.08.2023 19:28

This guy is so salty and egotistical. He needs some DMT or some shit

Alex Alexandre
Alex Alexandre - 12.08.2023 14:07

Sounds like edison is talking

Alex Zimmermann
Alex Zimmermann - 09.08.2023 23:23

What's funny is the intersection between people supporting Tesla's proposal of beaming utility power through the air and people afraid of the latest generation mobile communication network.

efootball MASTER
efootball MASTER - 06.08.2023 11:50

For all those wo are not agreeing with Neil..
You can't transport energy through air with help of using electromagnetic radiations bcz if you use radiations that can have energy to supply to power machineries etc, you'll need waves of higher frequency and lower wavelength, but problem with such waves is that they are very dangerous to health bcz they can cause mutations and consequently cancers, and if you use waves of lower frequencies and higher wavelength then problem with such waves is that they can't carry enough energy to power machineries etc.
(Energy in a wave is inversely proportional to it's wavelength and directly proportional to it frequency)

Akash S
Akash S - 04.08.2023 01:41

was there really an industrial revolution? all machines are combinations of 6 simple machines , humans have known about 6 simple machines since antiquity

Nitko Nikada
Nitko Nikada - 02.08.2023 00:58

Edison is a liar. No edison
Only Tesla

K. Ol
K. Ol - 31.07.2023 14:38

dont corrupt physics black hole punishes

the copper chicken
the copper chicken - 29.07.2023 21:42

Humans are what are supposed to be used for those kinds of knowledge. Storing it in fundamental and physical form is what libraries were and computers are now. If you want to hold and transmit knowledge better and faster figure out how to store and transmit it through cells

Niall Connell
Niall Connell - 26.07.2023 21:40

Jesus Christ, NDT is insufferable almost all of the time. He's the epitome of 'If you've done it, I've done it better.'

Dunravin - 26.07.2023 04:23

Tesla's magnifying transmitter plan did not involve beaming energy through the air... His patent explains the method quite clearly. The energy was transmitted into the earth. To get it out required a machine that was tuned and timed to the quarter wave signals in the earth. They relied on having two copper plates at sufficient distance apart to get a decent voltage drop from which to draw the power from through the timing circuit and large capacitor to power machinery. He did have plans to power electric aircraft but these would not of received power from the tower directly. The idea was with a high enough voltage signal sweeping through the earth the charges in the crust would create an opposite charge in the ionosphere - like two plates of a capacitor, one being the earth crust the other the charge carrying layer in the sky, effect the one, you effect the other. Just like the ground receivers the planes you of required two large copper plates separated at sufficient difference to provide a voltage drop. NO BEAMING OF RADIO WAVES THROUGH THE AIR INVOLVED. (That method of radio is thanks to Marconi who just rearranged Tesla's designs to circumvent his patents and we ended up with a much inferior version of radio that wastes 90% of the energy supplied to create the signal - its lost to the ground)
Interestingly with a system of multiple transmitters at various places on the earth he envisioned and described a method for aerial and nautical navigation a hundred years before GPS and without the need for satellites.
Joe and staff get me on the show. I'd be happy to explain exactly what Tesla was up to and clear up the bunk surrounding him.

V M - 23.07.2023 04:23

tesla was visionary man

Mr Handsome
Mr Handsome - 22.07.2023 00:46

The main problem of sending electricity through air is that the permeability of Air might get disturbed resulting the loss of electrical power that well be attracted towards earth.

Groucho'sfoil - 20.07.2023 17:39

Tesla's inventions touch almost every area of modern life on the planet. They have real, practical, concrete value to life. Tyson's demi-god Einstein? Nothing. His ridiculous theories make absolutely no difference to anyone but the theoretical physicists and cosmologists that make a living espousing and promoting them. He is the biggest fraud of the modern era.

Z A - 19.07.2023 09:26

This Neil guy is full of sh.. Tesla wanted free energy for all humanity ,but guy like this dude are giving there best to not let that happend.Same sh.. he speaks about UFO.BTW ,0 point energy,world be better place to live.But no chance they let it happend and guys like this dude is helping them...I mean Man in Black.He is helping them so that people think its inposible to have free energy.

TheNarrowGate - 15.07.2023 21:50

your an astrophysicist(Lackie) Tyson not an electrical engineer...stay in your lane Look at what Tesla gave us, what have you contributed???

WingsofaDove - 14.07.2023 13:45

Joe: ok science man, test your hypothesis.. touch it!!

Mr. ENGlishJELLo
Mr. ENGlishJELLo - 10.07.2023 23:35

As Tesla's mother told him "If you want to find the real truth in life, read the bible"

Epic Children
Epic Children - 09.07.2023 02:04

Isnt solar energy is travelling trough the air?

jke - 08.07.2023 09:14

Neil is a tool wielded by the matrix. You get the point. Tesla was anti establishment and was progressive at heart. Not Fake progressive. But genuinely trying to improve the world around him.

Strahinja Peranovic
Strahinja Peranovic - 07.07.2023 17:46

I am so proud that Serb was a smartest man on earth of all time !!!!

MyRook - 07.07.2023 00:23

Neil...They had to perfect the battery first.

Rony Zoramsanga
Rony Zoramsanga - 06.07.2023 13:09

Tesla denied the existence of electron and Einstein theory of relativity, claim that by his own experimt he measured the speed of the cosmic ray from arcturus to be 50 times the speed of light. Ishall say no more. That explains about it what kind of a man he is

john stamos
john stamos - 05.07.2023 20:03

If you use Neil's definition of 1st,2nd,3rd, and 4th dimension theory, Nikola Tesla was thinking on a 4th dimension wave length

HassleCat - 03.07.2023 21:51

People are upset with Tyson for calling them out as members of the Tesla Fan Club. The problem with the "fan club" is that they believe anything and everything Tesla said or thought. Tesla had some proposals that went beyond the possible. They seemed outlandish because they were intentionally outlandish. Tesla might have known some of his ideas were unworkable just to promote himself and his financing attempts. Or maybe he genuinely believed inventions like the Wardenclyffe Tower would have worked. I don't know. Tesla was a bit of a huckster, a self-promoter, in keeping with the spirit of the day. Nothing wrong with being in his fan club, but keep in mind even the greatest genius does not know everything, is not always right.

Black Flag
Black Flag - 02.07.2023 14:51

Tesla is definitely the most overrated man in the scientific community. He didn’t actually discover anything. All he did was make popular fantasy contraptions of others.

Bane - 01.07.2023 21:41

Tyson is the dumbest smart guy I know. He’s always hell bent on something that’s not in his field of expertise then when he gets corrected it’s like an awkward humbleness.

Parangaricutirimícuaro - 30.06.2023 22:38

what he invented?

Insidious Coil
Insidious Coil - 30.06.2023 21:08

Neil can take a bike ride through lava and so can anyone who is so caddy enough to call an appreciation of something else mockingly fan club. Acting like his ass doesn’t stink. Give me a break. Booooo.
