Phoenix Point Beginner's Tips | Early Strategies For First Time Players

Phoenix Point Beginner's Tips | Early Strategies For First Time Players

Phoenix Point

3 года назад

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Ákos Kovács
Ákos Kovács - 26.02.2023 14:14

Hi guys! Wanted to put it under product review but my remark was too long.

Personal rating: 6/10


Someone said it's a flawed masterpiece and I totally agree.
There are some extremely good ideas implemented in the game, it's depth is much more comparable to the Long War mods than to basic XCOM2 but the game easily becomes a repetitive suffering where you are constantly surprised by bugs and unexpectedly executed mechanics.
I played with all mods active, veteran difficulty, rage quit, uninstalled and deleted my save file when the archeron appeared. Game might be more enjoyable later, maybe should have started without DLCs or at the lowest difficulty first. Might have solved some problems of mine but not all of them.

I still think this game is a gem. But at this state it seriously needs modding options and years of modding to make it a finished game. If that ever happens, it will easily be better than XCOM2, might be at the level of the Long War mods.

* Tech upgrades are both sideways and upwards. For example in XCOM you just buy the better tech and replace the old ones. Only consideration should be the weapon modifications but you almost always use the same stuffs on certain weapons (f.ex. a sniper rifle without a scope is a misplay). The sideways techs allow you a much deeper strategic layer. Which kind of weapon and ammunition will I need for my soldiers? What do I want to accomplish? Do I wanna shred? Diminish enemy will point then wololo with my priest? You have an extreme amount of options which is a genius idea.
* The factions are fine. All three are intriguing, feel thematically and mechanically different.
* The story itself is very interesting.
* You can use land vehicles which add further strategic depth.
* Base management. You can (and should) have several bases and base management itself is much more complex than the one XCOM has. It's not about 'excavate these spaces, build one of everything except for lab and defense matrix (mostly)'. You have several options with limited resources, and all of them have their own merit.
* You control several airplanes which can be equipped with weapons or with other tools. There are different plane types to suit your needs.
* Exploration. Going from dot to dot within Earth and scanning the sites has some Stellaris feeling to it, I liked it.
* Sub-factions and independent havens. The game feels more realistic with them.
* Targeting, ballistic calculation and overwatch. Manual targeting is a genius idea, including the fact that disabling different body parts results in different effects. Overwatch cones are much more realistic and strategic then just pressing overwatch then shooting at everything which comes nearby regardless of their position.

I really wanted to give the game more stars (and a hypothetical 6 stars for the mod which could save it) but the negatives are there and they are ugly.

* Tutorial. The lack of it. You have some tutorial missions explaining the tactical layer (some part of it) but that's all. With a game of this complexity, tutorials are obligatory. Unless you Wiki days before starting playing or it's your third playthrough, originally you have no idea what you are doing. It specially hurts, because you might need to restart your whole campaign if you ignored a very important thing in the beginning you didn't even know about. One example: with a game of this limited resources and this punishing gameplay you might not think of needing additional airplanes and crews to explore the whole world. You need them, and you need them asap. The game really needs a strategic layer tutorial, showing what to scan, what your priorities are, what to build depending of your gameplay etc. The tactical tutorial should be extended, too. Yeah, I learn how to move my soldiers and shoot but some tutorial scenario about abilities, will point management, inventory actions etc would have been fine.

Deathtoo Globalists
Deathtoo Globalists - 31.01.2023 03:01

I almost stopped playing this right off the bat because I couldn't figure out how to get the weapon by jumping at the very beginning of the tutorial. I didn't realize I needed to make the camera go upwards. Now that that is figured out let's see what this game is all about

TheJudgeraye - 19.07.2022 09:16

im completely lost. for a little while i was getting up on them, then i figured out finally how to assign troops to a second aircraft i stole. and i ran a few missions with my main group while trying to recruit troopsfor the other plane. sometimes though, i find that even though the missions are set up on the left side, when i take a plane to them, it wont engage. it just sits there. so i press it again. then i hear a haven is under attack. Surely when i get over there i should be able to defend, but...No. it says Deploy and i press it. then sits there as if ive never pressed it. then i press Haven info and i see a button that says 'Defend" so i press it. then it just shows where i am on Geoscope. Fucking Frustrating as fuck. is this a glitch? or Bug? whereall these things are popping up and Behemoths are flying all over the place. one time it said "Move to intercept" when i did, Nothing happened. What the hell? is this just me? the game was kind of fun when you get your troops in a small roomand wait for the enemy to walk through the front door, but as soon as you get back to planet view, you seemingly can do Nothing

Demitry Songer
Demitry Songer - 10.07.2022 23:33

Love the voice love the quick easy explanation 👌

Jamie Stewart
Jamie Stewart - 23.06.2022 13:53

Yea easier if you on pc 🤣

nicholas wiseman
nicholas wiseman - 11.06.2022 01:44

How many ship can you have?

Odee Dillon
Odee Dillon - 13.04.2022 17:25

This game can easily be the Prelude to Terror from the Deep, if Julian & company would make it. With the enormous following of the original XCOM games, Terror remake would be an instant Smash Hit! So HOW TO MAKE TERROR FROM THE DEEP?
# the Hardest part, would be Scripting Missions, Story Background, and Voice Acting. Maybe, some of the transitions from Sea Map, to Ship Combat would be hard. But hey, a Combat Map is just as Easy as it was for Phoenix Point.
1. To save system and Development Resources, it can take place on water, instead of underwater. (Think of a Wet version of Festering Skies)
2. Phoenix would have small Fleets, or Fast Attack ships to patrol the seas. Escort Civilian & Faction shipping. Defend Ports and Seaside Cities.
3. Sea Combat might consist of Sonar Contact of Underwater Pandorans. Phoenix Depth Charges, Torpedoes, or uses Missiles to force the Pandorans to the surface, where squad combat takes place either on the Pandoran vessel, or your own.
4. Enemy Faction Combat would be all Surface & Land Warfare.
5. Land Combat would be as you see in Phoenix Point now.

There are more things, that I will leave for later, if enough interest is shown by Players and Phoenix Point. Until then, Happy Slaying in the Misted World of Phoenix Point & its DLC! 👍👍🏆

tunç tokgöz
tunç tokgöz - 06.02.2022 10:10

I cant see inside the buldings. On the videos when one of our troops inside, the roof become invisible. But mine on Xbox is not. Is there a way?

029 20
029 20 - 30.01.2022 19:02

So the mist is effectively the Avatar Project in XCOM2?, Ah that sucks, I was really gonna play through this game and take my time with it, seems I can't even do this with Phoenix Point... Only completed the First mission then decided to look for tips to help, to find out there is a Mist that is quite similar to the Avatar Project... I'm disappointed, I thought this was gonna be different, but ultimately, it's just the same as Xcom2, I hate anything to do with having to essentially rush. Maybe if there was another mode added without this 'Mist' I'd play, but not until there is, I can't see myself playing. Luckily I saw this on Xbox Game Pass so it was worth a shot. Fell short because of the Mist and the customisation for troops suck. Though I must admit the mechanics and the fact you actually can kill someone at point blank range is what makes this better than Xcom, so I have to say well done with all of that, just please make a few changes and I'd be very happy to play through and buy all DLC, I was gonna buy behemoth edition, rather than play for free on Game Pass to support Devs... You know what, I'll go ahead and buy anyway because I see very good potential in Phoenix Point, I just hope there can be a few changes to make it spectacularly better than Xcom.

José de Arimatéa Artwork
José de Arimatéa Artwork - 29.10.2021 01:32

Phoenix Point is an amazing game! We Brazilians would be very happy if the game received subtitles in Portuguese BR

Sam R
Sam R - 24.10.2021 17:30

Please help! Can't recruit a soldier in my base "Not enough room". I have one facility of living rooms. What the capacity of one living rooms?

Robert Cavanna
Robert Cavanna - 05.10.2021 20:01

For the Behemoth Console edition: there is a game breaking bug where the research tab remains permanently greyed out and inaccessible. This seems to be fixed only by restarting w/ the tutorial option turned off, but then new players are on their own for early guidance.

bhargava pothakamuri
bhargava pothakamuri - 02.10.2021 23:43

Played it on XsX on game pass. Loving it. Wish listed the special edition game.

There are bugs.
1. The thumb stick moves automatically.
2. The info of the will/strength/speed overlaps on the SP number.
3. Certain height platforms are glitchy.

Abu Hajar Al Bugatti
Abu Hajar Al Bugatti - 13.09.2021 01:41

Place make the base Interface better looking or more alive. Xcom spoiled us too much. Even xenonauts made it more attractive. The entire base system is broken anyway. Pre placed bases? Food production? Anti air defense? This game has much potential hope they dont give up and overhaul sll the ugly armors and units and weapons

Abu Hajar Al Bugatti
Abu Hajar Al Bugatti - 13.09.2021 01:37

The biggest mistake of this game was last minute changing the beta design to what it is now.
Beta: stylised cool unit portraits and units that actually look like military
Now: shitty looking portraits and units that look like Power Rangers roleplayers.

Beta: gritty and hopeless feeling designs and portraits
Now: not sure it wants to be uplifting and lighthearted or dark and realistic

Beta: Armor looked cool and also kinds realistic
Now: looks ridicilous maybe aside Jericho faction.

Also some good enemy designs that are missing and the randomized city System is just broken. It makes horrible looking cities with all stuff nonsensically placed all over. I mean what went wrong????

Tahir Khan
Tahir Khan - 12.08.2021 13:01

43 second mark, i didnt know that!!!!

Spartak SCI
Spartak SCI - 03.08.2021 09:37

Bro i could listen to that soundtrack all night

Buddy Cherrix
Buddy Cherrix - 07.02.2021 18:59

I wish they would upgrade the base look and add air combat. This game is looking better and better. I am waiting until the new dlc to try it though.

Emyriad - 07.02.2021 13:01

Feels like theres a lot of lies in this video including "grenades can easily destroy cover". Most cover in Phoenix point is obnoxiously resilient to explosives save for thin walls, and even then there are a lot of unseen rules that apply to whether those objects take real damage.
