A Doctor Proves Near-Death Experiences

A Doctor Proves Near-Death Experiences

DEAD Talks Podcast

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@deadtalkspodcast - 05.02.2024 23:40

Do you believe in near-death experiences? If not, did this episode change your perspective?

@rjsimpkins2911 - 12.02.2024 01:29


@jmama2909 - 11.02.2024 07:19

my twin sister been dead a year and a half and I trying to figure out where she is

@abductedbyaliens8892 - 10.02.2024 03:52

Its real

@No2AI - 08.02.2024 21:30

Someone is uploading our consciousness into Ai managed simulations … perhaps we are the authors of this technology perhaps another advanced species… it may be technological rather that supernatural.

@rosarule1796 - 08.02.2024 18:43

In minute 22, he said the experience are extremely similar. However, I heard a lot of ppl saying they see Jesus. I assume you see Jesus if you are Cristian, I doubt a Jewish will be seeing Jesus.

@Jesus_Loves_You2 - 08.02.2024 04:05

I have been a fan of NDERF for many years. In fact, it's open on my browser now and stays open. Dr. Long is awesome! God bless!!

@SurprisedCompass-lz6vk - 08.02.2024 03:53

Good questions Man ?

@shaunaireland7781 - 08.02.2024 03:14

My dad just passed do you think hes in heaven? I wish there was proof

@Dalester1979 - 08.02.2024 02:39

I'm refreshed with his open thought process dealing with NDE's. About dayam time Science catches up with reality. LOL

@dar_jada - 07.02.2024 12:45

Thank you Dr. Long for your dedication and all your hard work in helping us to understand this phenomena.

@yazstar9342 - 07.02.2024 09:09

Until beings understand the nature of reality and their own true nature..all thinking goes round and round.

@petertaranto8192 - 07.02.2024 06:09

I believe dr long,he's done solid research on a tough topic, he's trying to explain the unexplainable

@annetteperrin122 - 07.02.2024 00:58

Love this, thanks so much ~🌟

@barbaranichols7024 - 06.02.2024 22:19

Love your podcast and your research. I agree with most everything you've said after a full two years of listening to and reading nearby death experiences. I do disagree on one point. You said it's best that everyone doesn't know how beautiful life after death is because if they did they may cop-out and prefer to die VS to live. I, however, believe that if everyone knew about the magnificence of life after death, they would work harder to be their best selves while here, like those who have suicided and survived. They and other near death experiencers know there is a reason why we are here and they want to stay here to fulfill their purpose. If it were true that it's not a good thing for everyone to know of the beauty of the other side, the great teachers on the other side wouldn't send people back with the message that they are to spread the knowledgeof the other side. Isn't it true that your mission is to educate people so that we all know what is beyond this life? Knowing brings great peace and helps us to recognize that we are all one, that to harm others is to harm one's self. It seems to me that the more people that know this good news the fewer acts of violence and a greater chance of creating a heavenly existence here.

@Trace7173 - 06.02.2024 20:13

If there is reincarnation (I hope not) why do people see dead relatives in a NDE? Wouldn't these souls be in another life form? You said that your dad died when you were 12 yet your mom saw him..Is he not reincarnated yet? And what is so important that we have to live multiple times when most people live mundane lives that aren't that significant

@IanKerry-ip6fx - 06.02.2024 19:53

People accurately describing events from an out of body perspective in the emergency room and sometimes in other rooms that is out of range of the physical sense are not so much anecdotal more evidentual

@Dion_Mustard - 06.02.2024 18:50

I've had 2 OBEs and various lucid dreams states so I am quite confident from what I've experienced that consciousness can separate from the body. I'm not sure how it all works or why, but it has made me realise we are here for a purpose for definite!

@hydrorix1 - 06.02.2024 18:28

If you can just get past the whole idea of standalone, objective, material physicality, spacetime, distance, time, the idea of traveling anywhere, anytime becomes a matter of conscious will and intent. Remote viewing on cosmic steroids. Nonlocality of Reality is a Nobel Prize recognized fact that favors the idea of a much more fundamental substrate to Reality.

Take a moment to imagine a Reality that orthodox reductionist materialism adamantly claims is absolutely impossible.
Imagine Consciousness is all that actually exists.
We're partitioned bits of a Consciousness Singularity with separate self awareness, of, by, and within the Singularity, or Primary Consciousness.
Everything is Perception In Consciousness. What we think of as the material universe is Perception In Consciousness and has no separate standalone objective existence otherwise.
Psychokinesis isn't mind over matter. It's mind over Perception In Consciousness. "Miracles" are examples of mass manipulation of Perception In Consciousness. UAPs are Perception In Consciousness.
Your body, brain, neurons, protons, quarks are Perception In Consciousness, with scaling as our ability to peer into the micro and the macro improves.
Reality IS nonlocal.
Consciousness is all that actually exists. Your Perception In Consciousness is all you will ever know.
You do not physically exist and therefore you cannot physically die - you transition to a new Perception In Consciousness. Veridical NDEs are best evidence to our true nature as Consciousness Beings experiencing various Perceptions In Consciousness, for the pure sake of having the experience to add it to Primary Consciousness. No two life experiences are ever the same - they are our unique Story. We were deliberately made by Pure Consciousness in an act of will with specific intent, not a random act of Nature.
We are fractally and holographically identical to Primary Consciousness and are in fact made "in the image of God," to borrow a phrase.
Science suffers severely from a chronic case of cranial rectal inversion in a latent aversion to all things remotely religious or even spiritual regarding Consciousness. Without Consciousness, Science would have no existence.
Max Planck said Consciousness is fundamental, but went even further, saying "matter is derivative from Consciousness."
How can that be?
In my view, the simplest, most plausible possibility is that matter is experienced, just as is everything as Perception In Consciousness.
We are in a symbiotic feedback relationship with Primary Consciousness, sharing our individual experiences - Our Stories - and adding to all that is. The Whole is incomplete without us, endowing us with value, meaning, and purpose.

We are deliberately partitioned bits of Primary Consciousness. We exist of, by, and within a Consciousness Singularity, an infinite Consciousness hard drive partitioned infinitely into separate self awareness.

It is then, therefore, our job to learn to control Consciousness.

@Armageist - 06.02.2024 13:53

Great interview.

But once again, really wish you could delve into the implications of hauntings with these NDE Proponents, not that he'd have much insight given the focus; much like Reincarnation. But it would be interesting to hear his opinions, if any.

For those that wonder why, Hauntings imply being able to escape the whole tunnel experience and , essentially remain floating in the Hospital cafeteria, as he said. Now, this may fall in line with the free will aspect of what he said in regards to choosing where we go. But the implications of paranormal investigators is, is that many are lost or need help, somehow stuck, or don't know they're even dead. This could be paradolea in the sense we hear what we want in the evps; subjective proof over objective truth. But some EVP's are class a crystal clear.

How does this intertwine with the "seemingly mandatory fade to black and leaving here to go into the tunnel?" Where does the disconnect happen from the "Dungeon Master board game creator" that forces everyone else but them into the NDE transition?

Psychics like Theresa Caputo or Investigators like Cody & Satori (assuming you believe) imply these realms are on top of ours but somewhat separate, or perhaps those that fully cross over can return at will, but are somewhat separate from those that are "lost" or "stuck".

It could also be, that hell realm he speaks of is this Purgatory, or there is a spectrum, where your conscious/ sub conscious choices place you in the realm of your making, like a nightmare.

Also, if suicide is such a mistake, what does he think happens to the People that are successful? As he only hears from the ones that are sent back.

It also seems awefully paradoxical that people can have a purpose or much to learn in some grand plan but god can't seem to account for accidental deaths in his elaborate board game.

For example, there are plenty of people that die from complicated "Final Destination" type events, or even trying to reach a train jumping, tripping and getting ran over. I've seen the videos.

The implications are that life can be flippantly thrown under a bus so to speak, and Death can also come with complicated elaborance as if either ordained or implying the accidental deaths are more elaborate and impirtant than the life taken.

If people are dying by grand schemes or flippant accidents, are these also part of gods board game? Does not everyone deserve "more to learn"? Or are they as much of mistakes as the NDEs that get sent back?

And if so, again, what does this imply in the paradox of a lesson plan ordained by the creator that immediately gets thrown out the window, or under a train, because of something evidently unforseen by an all knowing, all powerful being? Kids die, and don't come back. Babies die, and don't come back.

If they are murdered by cancer or pneumonia, is that ordained? If they're murdered by a person on the grand plan of god to learn life lessons, is that also not ordained?

Would be nice if an NDE'r could grille this god, but they get too wrapped up in the sancity of it all.

@Here.now123 - 06.02.2024 10:14

Those that deny it are either genuine in their expression of their awareness, the other half, dare I say it are sick in the mind and cannot handle the possibility of their inner most mind being known. The latter has awareness hence the fear.

@sebastiansviatky3482 - 06.02.2024 05:26

I think we need a Mom Ferrugio interview!😂😂

@killa47338 - 06.02.2024 04:23

Ok I have a serious question and this has been bothering me for so long why has only 20% only experience nde and the rest of the 80% didn't experience nothing afterwards did see nothing didn't remember nothing didn't realize they were dead? And why is it that people that experience nde say it was just hallucinations and dream like? I'm sorry I'm not trying to be a skeptic and all. I don't wanna parade negatively about nde but Its just all scary with the thought that we are all just nothing more than just biological matter.

@TheRogueCommand - 06.02.2024 01:34

Honestly I think their data collection would be more reputable if they included somewhere to upload medical records associated with the events instead of just questions.

@adua78 - 05.02.2024 23:32

At this point it’s honestly pretty irrefutable.
