I love this idea!! I would love to have this tool.
Few things- with my most recent experience turning out to be lp fuel (either basket built in filter, or basket reg., pump improved but didn't fix it)
The frustration being I don't have the correct lp test kit, also, the LP pump has a PWM driver etc etc.
Suggestion: to include testing the hpfp filling, check valve, and pressure, add an inline quick connect LP sensor that correlates the cam lobe of the HPFP. Would be able to simultaneously see the LPFP dropping, and eliminate a possibility of air/low lpfp pressure, or worn cam lobe that drives the di pump. Just a thought.
Next question/thought -- would the lack of consistency and smoothness on the running car- could that be just the nature of the flyback-> driver capacitor mechanism of running DI injectors? Also, could that be confirmed by shielding or resistance tests? What about increasing RPM? Seems like maybe the shorter cycle duration might clean that up. Regardless - point is- it'd be cool to add a third test/monitor, that being plot of voltage and current to and from a DI injector. (Most are two wire right?... Idk. Still learning about di drivers and such)
Things I learned here
GDI Vehicles exist
How to use the ADDI Tool
How cool Scott is
A little more about waveforms.
As an electronics engineer who has designed many pieces of test equipment all he is doing is AC coupling the signal on the sensor that measures the fuel pressure be careful because that noise can be induction coupled through other wires running around the engine it may not necessarily be only the noise from the pressure transducer
ОтветитьTry cleaning to see a difference.
ОтветитьFord has injector testing built into the diagnostic software. Both GDI and port. I’m just not sure where I would need this tool. Even without the diagnostic software. Process of elimination can leave the GDI injector as the last item. Swap, coil and plug. Hell swap the port injector if it is dual injection. Compression and leak down tests. Sell an injector.
Not that hard. Some dudes just want to pretend they are some kind of scientists. “Now I will break out the scope and look at the crank pattern!” Huh? For what? “Oh look at the network messages going by!” Uh why? Just check voltages and you’re good.
I had to take training for my emissions license and dude was showing us this huge convoluted way to see if cam timing was off on a 3.7 in a mustang using PIDs and active command. It was pretty clever. At the end I asked why I wouldn’t just run codes since that car will set a cam/crank correlation code instantly if there is an issue. He was claiming he had lean codes caused by a cam being out of phase and found that. Nobody pays you to be the smartest dumb guy in the room. Diagnose it quick and logically. Move on to the next job.
Conclusions can't be drawn from a no problem vehicle only, should had more vehicle tests to validate including a known bad.
ОтветитьBeen dying for the Addi since I saw it in action in marios channel a while back. Ive told lots of guys about it but the price seems to kill it for them. Pricy but priceless in the arsenal of the diag cart.
ОтветитьDoesn't a Noid light help diagnose fuel injectors?🤔
ОтветитьDoes this work with sent sensor and piezoelectric injectors???
ОтветитьDoes it work on a regular (gasoline) injector? It would be a huge help as well.
ОтветитьCan you please post a link for that flash light/knife holster that you wear on your belt, I would like to get one of those. Thanks and keep up the good work.
ОтветитьI own serial number 1 of the addi. I have believed in scott since day one and watched this tool grow from the ground up. I am so glad that hes finally getting the air time he deserves for this tool.
ОтветитьIf you are using the Escope can't you just use the multiplier on that channel to increase the signal?
ОтветитьGreat looking tool, I gotta get one. Santa if your listening.......
Question on the scope, around 5.50 mark you separated the green trace, I noticed the scale on the left side is fixed. If needed, how can you accurately and quickly measure a signal after its separated when the scale doesn't move?
Powerful ! SMART !!
ОтветитьCan I rent one lol
ОтветитьI really hope he is getting a Patton on this tool??? Because after this video there are going to be people out there trying to make one of these and beat him to the Patton Office…
ОтветитьI've had luck diagnosing faulty GDI injectors by using an oscilloscope to monitor injector pulse waveform
ОтветитьTool is awesome, I definitely need more practice with it though because I’m having a hard time distinguishing between the events. What I’ve been doing to determine faulty fuel injectors is checking for lean misfires with the ECOPS at idle and WOT, and then performing an in-cylinder to verify integrity of the suspected cylinder.
ОтветитьDoes anyone understand why can’t you see the injector pressures on a scan tool?
ОтветитьThis is super awesome, their from my neck of the woods!
ОтветитьI really fail to see the usefullness of this tool when a Picoscope using a derivative math channel of the FRP sensor will show you the exact same thing so long as it is not a SENT type, digital requires an extra step. Maybe ask Bernie to add some usefull Math to his scope, then it truly would be the best.
ОтветитьTool is very useful. Scott came out to get some samples on a 2024 Duramax with a fuel delivery concern. Hes very knowledgeable and cant beat his customer support!
ОтветитьWe bought one 3 or 4 months ago, 3weeks ago we were having a problem analyzing a signal on late model 6.6 Duramax. Called Scott drove up to our dealership from Missouri to south Chicagoland and spent the day with us. Great guy and good tool!
ОтветитьIf there’s a pressure sensor in the high pressure rail sending a signal to the PCM then shouldn’t we be able to access that data with a scan tool? If not, why not?
ОтветитьThank you for sharing this valuable information . I will definitely look into this tool. Happy holidays by the way
ОтветитьIf the existing PCM was tweeked by the manufacturer of the vehicle to be more sensitive, especially around cylinder specific misfires , and if the existing fuel rail pressure sensor was used and corrolated , then it would seem that future on board diagnostics could do the same thing. Next level PCMs and their self diagnostics might make a tool like this obsolete . Too much detail and information could become a problem itself. If you jumped from the 2nd floor hay loft into a bale of hay, and this tool found a needle in that bale of hay, that does not prove the needle was the root cause of your broken leg as the result of your fall.
ОтветитьSherwood, thanks so much for passing on this and all the other great diagnostic information. I will be watching for some additional reps with this tool. I think it will be like all the other pressure / pulse based diagnostics we do; we going to need to see lots of known good next to known bads, before we can be fully confident . Thanks again for you very good work.
ОтветитьTapLike &Comment 4AIgos
ОтветитьScott's probably aware of this but I doubt it'll be long before someone copies this box.
A friend was in a similar situation over here in UK, when he made a much more compact tool design than anyone else had. He'd added a hidden, redundant circuit into his design and all the copies had that, proving they'd stolen it. He easily won every court case when he asked thier expert what that bit did.
With Fuel pumps disintegrating plugging up injectors at 1,000s of dollars to repair; sloppy signals on known good systems indicates more than design flaws! It's junk on the drawing board, it's junk when it's new with Lousy mileage and poor fuel economy and after a few years it's going to die a horrible expensive death or cost you $$$ often enough to make it's design obsolete in just a few years. FORD QED sell more Trucks.
Ответитьwill cover your butt with this tool by informing there will be a problem with x y and z in the future pay me now or pay me later
ОтветитьYou can definitely test gdi injectors with an injector machine. I do it frequently. But something like this would definitely be nice before pulling the injector rail
ОтветитьNeat tool and scope captures! Looking forward to seeing the ADDI in action on some known BAD cars to diagnose GDI problems 😊
Merry Christmas!
ОтветитьLooks like a tool that will be very useful if you can prove the drop in pressure or lack of drop in pressure is due to the faulty injector and not the ecm changing the injector pulse width as well as making sure you have correlated the correct injector with the correct drop. Im excited to see where it goes and congrats to Scott for being innovative and helping to solve a problem in the automotive world. As techs we battle so many problems every day!
ОтветитьMy hyundai is at the shop now they thought it was the fuel rail pressure sensor and its not so this tool would come in handy about now
ОтветитьYou know thats great... but if you are using an 8 bit oscilloscope that waveform will still look like Steve from Minecraft built your waveform. You can filter out all you want, but if your monitor is a 256bit monitor you are gonna be playing a lot of retro games.... all I am saying...
ОтветитьSuper cool tool. Have to say it, anyone only doing one injector on a vw deserves a come back lol
Ответитьinteresting look forwards for more videos on this tool!
ОтветитьThe tool that manufacturers use is called afit. Replaces the vehicles ecm and cranks for each injector and watches leak down using the pressure sensor. Been around for years
ОтветитьOscilloscopes have a place in the auto repair shop, mostly to keep the tech from having to do disassembly in order to test the bad part. Scopes are for warranty work, if you're just gonna replace the bad part, reality is if one coil or fuel injector is bad, we pitch them all, and note when the customer just wants the bad on replaced.
ОтветитьQuestion is there a way to tell if a high pressure pump sensor is off (skewed) and what pressure is actually at the high pressure rail
Ответитьthank you, very well explained
ОтветитьIt doesn’t make it easier than just buying a 1990’s Toyota with port injection. Or 2022 cast iron 2tr-fe from Japan. All these new designs are complicated crap.
ОтветитьSt Louis does not claim,dope fiend Jeff county
ОтветитьIt would have been interesting to see if pre (AFR) and post O2 showed any indication of slight misfire activity or profile of spark line via paddle probe compared to ADDI. Always nice to have another tool in our arsenal. Thank you for posting Sherwood!
ОтветитьGreat video you are making real changes you are helping others its wonderful. wish i were younger all the great tools are coming at the end of my mechanical life but still very useful information thanks so much for the time and effort you go to helping others
ОтветитьCan't wait to see it on a dead miss. !
Great tool for sure. ❤