We Don't Talk About Dan Schneider

We Don't Talk About Dan Schneider

Quinton Reviews

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@QuintonReviews - 27.03.2024 00:55

Just wanted to clarify a little mental typo - towards the end of the video I say "Brian Robbins" when I meant "Brian Peck." It's just one of those slips I didn't notice until after it was posted! I wish I had more time to review this for the one or two flubbs like that, but for now my sincere apologies to Brian Robbins for not catching this.

@yanstein8464 - 09.04.2024 12:37

i mostly liked the video but the ending was a bit weak, the "dan the fall guy" comes off as something that only a person who runs too much in the nick kidcom fandom could've said, because i've NEVER heard someone in the general public say something like "the problems with child stars end with dan being fired" quite the opposite honestly

and the last part about the reboot has nothing to do with the thesis of the video and kinda smudges the message

@LateralTwitlerLT - 09.04.2024 10:57

The amount of destruction and depravity this group of people have wrought on Western mankind is so immense there's no surprise they need laws to protect them from public scorn and wrath. Not to mention how open and vile their nepotism and corruption is.

@Latedozer - 09.04.2024 10:14

Too cute is an adorable show

@Jonathan_Doe_ - 09.04.2024 09:32

Now do a video on how Elizabeth Gillies is still married to her groomer from Nickelodeon.

@MentosBejeweled2 - 09.04.2024 09:19

Also because it was not brought up - Moodys Point has a whole plot about losing a toe and then highlighting feet

@mckennanoakes3410 - 09.04.2024 07:28

moving outside the content of this video- i just want to say that the editing done and the creative film-making is fabulous, especially at the beginning and end. it feels like i'm watching the twilight zone.
also: fuck the industry that allowed all of this to happen

@morgue1484 - 09.04.2024 07:24

he's all anyone talks about

@mcZoehh - 09.04.2024 07:03

loved it. great conclusion

@Laeiryn - 09.04.2024 06:22

THANK YOU for just point blank calling the foot stuff out as fetish content. It so very clearly is. Glimpsing these shows over the kids' heads was always such a shock. "No, NIckelodeon just likes silly feet!" ..... riiiiiiiiiiight.

@julianunez4074 - 09.04.2024 06:02

why are given Dan schnieder a pass??

@josecuervos4961 - 09.04.2024 05:49

I really enjoyed this video, this is my first time ever watching one of your videos, and I think you bring up a lot of great points. I actually spent the whole 2hours watching, this was video really fired up my brain and got me to think a lot more of modern society compared to traditional society.

@teetee996112 - 09.04.2024 05:12

Okay, but you can't take out the fact that a foot fetish is automatically sexual because a fetish on its own is literally defined as "a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs." The content he was making was directly foot fetish material meaning CSA is very much a part of this, even if you were to say the foot stuff was part of a humiliation thing that is yet again a fetish, one which a grown man forced upon children. you give Dan way too much of a pass by acting as if it was anything but sexual especially given the way he continually got far too close to female stars and was intimately speaking with them. Alexa Nikolas has been open that what happened to her was CSA at the hand of Dan Schneider, acting as if his actions were not that of a predator takes away the reason why what he did was disturbing. hell the fact he was having pool parties with child stars where parents were not invited should not be overlooked.

@mochija_t2852 - 09.04.2024 04:36

The whole thing about the characters we love basically being self inserts for Dan Schneider kind of shook me to my core but it really does make sense.

@UnKnOwN-cs4kr - 09.04.2024 03:46

I loved him as dr Johnny fever baby lol

@pandill0 - 09.04.2024 02:58

28 episodes... WITHOUT????? jaw dropped.

@VideojugadorIrritado - 09.04.2024 02:31

No one remember the foot Guy from Rocco's Modern Life.


@sagabank - 09.04.2024 02:28

Thank you for your work. I found it insightful and thought provoking.

@yamicr - 09.04.2024 02:05

Very good and comprehensive video, expanding on the more sensationalist "Quiet on Set" docs

@gershwinfritz733 - 09.04.2024 01:25

The amount of times I was physically creeped out by the subject matter, tone and other things in this video has left me feeling like I’m in a different dimension for the last hour now

@kathrynkij5979 - 09.04.2024 01:07

I’m only halfway through and this video is incredible! It’s connecting all the dots, I didn’t remember Dan from being a kid, so I had no clue the history went this deep. You are so good at documentaries. Update: just finished watching and this is the best video on this subject, definitely changed a lot of perceptions I had and I like your balanced and logical approach. Very well done!

@liamspruyt - 09.04.2024 01:03

man that going back through the tape bit at the end, was freaky like a horror movie thing!

@shawnconway6009 - 09.04.2024 00:56

The reality is that creators only have importance to a work in two ways: when they're alive, and whether or not they are personally attached to the work. Does it matter that Lovecraft was a racist scumbag? That Hemmingway was a spy for the KGB? Ultimately, most of history's authors were virulent anti-semites. Reality is, nearly everything made for consumption is made by a scumbag, or in the service of scumbags. In the end, the damage is already done; the kids were already harmed. Nothing done now will change that. Consuming the content now does not change what happened then. You can't unring a bell. Asking if you can remove Schneider from these works is akin to asking if you can remove Frank Miller from comics history because he's a racist, sexist scumbag. Can you enjoy DMX despite the fact that he's a rampant, aggressive homophobe? Ultimately, the content is the content, and the greater context of the content are separate things.

@liamspruyt - 09.04.2024 00:40

enjoy the series even if bad people are behind it! i do get if you don't like it! i don't like my job, it has loads of advantages, in essence its perfect! but my coworkers are racists and sexists and it makes me feel icky. if it was not often i could stay but i feel to icky now!

@liamspruyt - 09.04.2024 00:37

i do fall asleep to your videos, or put them on the back ground while gaming, you have a good voice man!

@liamspruyt - 09.04.2024 00:35

Spenser is one of my favourite characters, this puts a bit of a downer on it but i can see what you mean

@wilderulz - 08.04.2024 20:05

Dan Schneider abused Shirley Temple, Dan Schneider forced Judy Garland to take and subsequently be addicted to pills, Dan Schneider kicked Bobby Driscoll out of disney when he was no longer "useful" to them
Thank-you for this video, the conversation about the inherent toxicity of the entertainment industry is one that, while has been had before, needs to be louder and ongoing.

@edwardchytil8868 - 08.04.2024 19:40

What is the song in the credits?

@EPC-ue2ci - 08.04.2024 19:40

I found it interesting that you slighted the daily wire when for years, actually decades, its been conservatives who have said in perpetuity that these shows are overtly sexualized for kids, that the child actors are being sexualized and abused, that the content is inappropriate and that the ppl involved are up to no good.
Yet you still had the need to slight conservative media when the ideology has again been proven to be correct in its observation of how standards of conduct are eroded on TV even decades before the more liberal minded have even a slight clue of whats happening.

@clarab325 - 08.04.2024 19:13

this series has been a real journey, it has accompanied me through so many different moments of my life. thank you for ending it with such an important video and highlighting not only the issue of this specific case but the overall problem in this industry

@konstantinoslygnos2072 - 08.04.2024 19:01

my guy so excited for this vid currently rewatching the entire "mini" series to watch it.
Thank you as always for the company you have been keeping me 2 to 3 years now. lots of love

@Sl0ppyJ0s - 08.04.2024 18:38

He was a c#%t of a boss but those other creeps were the real problem

@Blairskirock - 08.04.2024 18:28

As a person who is mildly into feet in the relatively normal sense, Dan Schneider 500% has a very unusually intense foot fetish and was trying to bury the lede by mixing non-fetish foot stuff and fetishy foot stuff on his shows. The idea for the foot pics from the kids was definitely his idea. I see no benefit of the doubt on that point but that's just me

@shannonmiles4503 - 08.04.2024 17:55

This video is absolutely amazing. You, sir- are super dedicated and talented at what you do. PS you had me crying when you looking into what “Too Cute” was!!! When you first said it- I was like that cannot be the show about kittens and puppies!! I also do NOT know how to feel about that!!! Ewwe!!! ❤

@stolkalforhire - 08.04.2024 17:53

It's kind of funny because at this point President Biden is in more, awful, compromising photos with young girls. We made sure to do an in depth investigation into Dan Schneider, but we continue to allow a pedo in the White House. I'm in no way saying this to diminish what Schneider did, only that there is yet another example of "our" president having a different set of rules than the rest of The United States.

@kcaviatrix - 08.04.2024 17:11

I liked iCarly as an adult, because I prefer innocent shows, without violence, dirtiness or vulgarity. This entire thing has made me sick to my stomach. I wondered why kids thought that feet were so freaking funny, but who was I to judge?
My dad acted like a little boy with farting all of the time and thought it was hilarious. It always made me sick, and he would berate me for having no sense of humor. I just assumed it was my stupidity to wonder about it. This has been so upsetting to me, and I didn't have a teenage mind when I was exposed to the shows.
Could anyone understand the supposed humor behind the butter sock? Butter would spoil and become rancid, while it oozes at room temperature. It would not be an ideal weapon, so is there a meaning behind that as well?

@kelsymarty8999 - 08.04.2024 16:33

So bye. He did abuse children.

@VexylObby - 08.04.2024 14:37

What's with the weird drawn out outro????????

@bensprink9943 - 08.04.2024 13:29

You skipped something about the feet. He'd make kids try out for parts with no shoes on. Every time

@dylanmonstrum1538 - 08.04.2024 13:13

dailywire is better than any shit today btw

@mcmike89 - 08.04.2024 12:34

Dan Schneider is just another Harvey Weinstein.🤣

@Annie640 - 08.04.2024 12:26

Despite the “due diligence” I think your thoughts shared on Drake Bell are way off base: you give so much leeway to Dan Schneider of “we’re not sure so we shouldn’t accuse”, but then for Drake your stance is “this is just what’s he’s been caught for; imagine what else he was doing!” On top of that, what he was “caught for” isn’t true to what you said. It’s true to the media portrayal but not the actual trial/court documents. It’s odd that you allow so much plausible deniability to a person who has had way more accusations than you even touched up, but are so sure in your portrayal of another, whose accusations have been determined to be unfounded.

@drpelliper5818 - 08.04.2024 11:33

The king of soy is back with another banger

@extropiantranshuman - 08.04.2024 10:51

the funniest thing about the whole dan schneider talks is that no one ever talks about pair of kings - where so much was on that show that flew under the radar - it was absolutely scary. Then again - other shows too are not discussed and were bad too maybe worse and not discussed. The 90s wasn't a good time for tv. While I didn't like that my parents sent me to bed early, I was really glad about that - because the show had a big fallout. The stars on the show would explain how it went really downhill and wasn't to be watched. So I listened and had distrust for dan schneider back then.
