[Web Scraping] Automate Linkedin Profiles Scraping/ Linkedin Automation Bot

[Web Scraping] Automate Linkedin Profiles Scraping/ Linkedin Automation Bot

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Afri Yenni Lubis
Afri Yenni Lubis - 18.05.2023 14:25

Hello, thank you for the tutorial. I got stuck with search for profile. Whenever I tried to do "search_field send_keys('Software Engineer people')" then wrote other lines, it could not show up and search automatically. Specifically in the line (search_field.send_keys('Software Engineer people)) could u pls help?😢

Vasto - 15.02.2023 21:55

Just wanted to thank you for this video, one of the most elaborate videos I found about scraping. This is 2 year old video, linkedin has changed but the basic logic was very helpfull.

Talha Rauf
Talha Rauf - 17.12.2022 00:08

Sis, I'm unable to extract multipage with this concept

Matteo Zaccagnino
Matteo Zaccagnino - 05.07.2022 01:03

Can i scrape from a list of name, how can i do this?

lightaim - 30.06.2022 03:15

can you help? when i do driver.get(URLs_all_page) it goes to the my network and above parts instead of accessing the profiles

whoistom - 13.06.2022 22:55

Thanks for the tutorial. Aren‘t the chances high to get bannend?

Abel Doolaard
Abel Doolaard - 23.04.2022 15:04

Great video, although I had to change some of the code, your overall explanation was great! Thanks a lot and keep up the great work!

boubacar bah
boubacar bah - 03.03.2022 19:01

Hello , where can i find the codes please ?

Vidisha Arvind
Vidisha Arvind - 01.02.2022 00:25

In the last cell I'm getting this error:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-82d10d710ea7> in <module>
15 loc_div = soup.find('div' , {'class': 'pb2 pv-text-details__left-panel'})
---> 17 name_loc = info_div.find_all('h1')
18 title_loc = info_div.find_all('div')
19 loc_loc = loc_div.find_all('span')

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all'

Vidisha Arvind
Vidisha Arvind - 28.01.2022 16:55

Can you make more web scraping videos using bs4, selenium, scrapy, and other tools? I've seen your other videos as well, but if you could recreate it in English like this video, that would be great.

Yashar Arafat
Yashar Arafat - 17.11.2021 14:36

The video is useful, but i found a problem with this. when we try to get the link of target profiles, the tags that belongs to the profile is same as the tags of shared connections profiles or software engineer job profile. so this code not only scrapes the target profiles, but also scrapes the shared connection profiles, job profile etc.

Agnostik Shaco
Agnostik Shaco - 23.10.2021 21:39

You didn't tell the best part, -scrapping the contact information :D

Guilherme Mendes
Guilherme Mendes - 24.06.2021 21:13

Do u don't need connect with API LinkedIn?

Manish Karki
Manish Karki - 15.05.2021 09:42

how do you save data into csv file using URLs_on_page in for loop and when i execute driver.get(linkedin_URL) inside for loop, Message: unknown error: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED occur. how to solve this?
