Create angular library, publish it to NPM repository (npmjs)

Create angular library, publish it to NPM repository (npmjs)

The Code Captain

4 года назад

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@stacknewbie3815 - 26.07.2023 15:02

Thanks, I'm still curious as to why the declarations array worked in your case.

@satanadam - 07.06.2022 13:59

Holy hell, this was soooo boring. Never make tutorials again!!!

@sokkimthanh - 25.02.2022 14:17

Thank you very much!

@fabiostrada1510 - 20.01.2022 22:27

Is it possible to publish your application to private repository? (for example Nexus)

@Nature-mb6yo - 21.04.2021 15:59

while running application , it showing added component is unknown element

@jamesikubi6831 - 10.04.2021 17:07

You should not add a component from a different module to "declarations", instead import the whole module of the library to app.module of the application that wants to consume the services / components.

@girlsincode9255 - 19.03.2021 21:34

ZOOM the screen....

@josepalacid - 09.11.2020 23:21

You're not teaching. You're just inflating your curriculum. Your code isn't readable.

@GalloFranco - 05.07.2020 07:48

Question: can I use my library in another angular workspace ?(I mean, in another Angular application outside the scope of the /project directory)

@prasannakumari9490 - 03.06.2020 19:37

Hi, wonderful video. Please let me know how to add third party libraries to custom library.

@apaterninajc - 20.05.2020 21:52

Please do a zoom to the screen, it´s difficult to see the commands

@MrTouqeerhameed - 12.05.2020 21:53

application is already created angular directive , services and component etc....Do I need to create these file in angular library project again ...Please advice because I need to convert it in to library and install by npm

@MrTouqeerhameed - 12.05.2020 21:51

hi nice tutorial ...I need to ask my project in on vs2017 mvc application with angula7 how can i generate angular library of it ...because it contains C# code contoller .cs file and some helper .cs file Please advice
