Elex 2 Is the Worst Game Of The Year

Elex 2 Is the Worst Game Of The Year


2 года назад

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@xIkkito - 26.12.2023 12:56

Elex 2: Gollum only made by piranha bytes. XD

@slaudwn6110 - 02.11.2023 18:11

People who rate this game negatively don't understand game engines.
PB's game has a real-time system with no loading.
This real-time system is unique to ELEX.
You can't compare ELEX to other games because no other game has this implementation.

If you don't like the way PB does things, don't play the game.
Then you don't have to give a negative review.

Why listen to a genre of music you don't like,
and rate it as music that should be in the trash?

Play games that are at your level.

@lord_Angus_666 - 13.10.2023 10:01

I think this game is great. I can't liistin You blablabla. Go play some shit like Fortnite or Minecraft men

@jrpgnation6375 - 11.10.2023 07:44

Skipping cut scenes. Well I can really tell baldy is not the target audience.

@nomercy8989 - 10.09.2023 23:07

I played Elex 2 at the start of this year and it was actually pretty good.

@littlemister96 - 04.09.2023 06:30

The size of your budget doesn't matter its how you use it

@londonhamilton - 02.09.2023 08:56

Also my first video i watch on this guy and I already hate him 😂

@londonhamilton - 02.09.2023 08:54

This guy just talks smack about games that have small studios

@dondada1661 - 28.08.2023 17:25

Seems to me you just focused on the combat. You even compared it to the surge or lords of the fallen which are combat focused games. Yes Elex 1/2 had extremely bad combat with more than questionable hitboxes. Also the graphics were awful. But almost every other review ive seen pointed out that there is a lot of good stuff behind these obvious bad things and people like you will never get to see or experience them cuz you uninstall the game after the first combat. World and questdesign in both games are fantastic and even some triple a games should learn from piranha bytes in this regard. The game rewards you for not playing the game like any other open world rpg but go for your own creative path... All in all i wonder how ur opinion can be so different to any of the other reviews ive seen (IGN,Click4Gameplay,CohhCarnage,Gamestar,...)... i guess you are just some rdm dude in a gaming chair thinking you know something about gamedesign. Und jetzt verpiss dich!

@akara8691 - 23.08.2023 17:25

Your game is gonna have.... Problem

@theresapebbleinmyboot - 17.08.2023 20:18

Elex 2 is proof that bungie has a budget. If they didnt, D2 would look like this 😕

@Femaiden - 12.08.2023 02:18

i had to click off halfway. . the vitriol this guy is spewing is just ridiculous. yeah, it's not Elden Ring, we get it. he just never even gave it a chance, we goes in and immediately is "i hate this! this sux!" and then all he does the entire time is complain, instead of making an effort to appreciate it, he's just i hate it i hate it i hate it. . .

nothing iwe have today is on par with fromsoft games. if you set that as the expectation, you will always be disappointed.

PB games are all like this, and the combat is definitely an improvement over Risen and elex1, of which i played risen 1,2,3 and elex 1.
i admit i never played gothic, because no controller support. .
i have not played this yet either. I'm only here because this is on sale on steam right now $20 snf i'm doing some research.

it's just the attitude and the toxicity in this video is just. .i don't need that right now.
I might buy the game just out of spite. like this video is actually pushing me more towards buying the game.

@leonidasvonsparta - 11.08.2023 01:16

I hate it and i love it

@jeremiahthesongrains7583 - 04.08.2023 20:57

I saw we can cook & animation eating?? , Campfire ,

@mattd9881 - 31.07.2023 04:30

After just finishing the platinum for this game today, I gotta say this is the worst take I've ever heard.

@johnduff1010 - 22.06.2023 23:13

I play it now thanks to ps+ on ps5, there must have been some patches because overall its now an excellent game imo. Maybe a tad buggy but not worse than fallout or any game of that type

@vayce2970 - 17.05.2023 10:45

I played through the game 4 times because it was so fun and immersive. 1st time legit then every other time with infinite jetpack mod. The combat is simple and janky, especially when you start. To really see how fun this game is you need to play through as a Morkon focusing on tank abilities + jetpack.

@Ezio999Auditore - 10.05.2023 12:14

Pretty much, everything meshes well except the combat. Ugh

@MaximumVelocity13 - 01.04.2023 23:22

This game looks like a mod rather than its own game

@Holyknoble - 29.03.2023 15:37

Souls is dog shit.

@chrismayhem5447 - 22.03.2023 23:08

Games fun acrually

@0176280 - 02.03.2023 06:57

The budget man is the reason 😂

@ave3360 - 28.02.2023 14:14

just get good... hate these reviews when ur just bad and dont put the time to learn it properly

@sekarmaltum1695 - 24.02.2023 21:04

this game looks like a ambitious fallout new vegas -mod

@sekarmaltum1695 - 24.02.2023 21:03

well, i guess its time to just return to gothic 2 and mod the shit out of it <3

@drogonaut2012 - 12.02.2023 18:22

all enemies in piranha bites games had telegraphed since scavingers in gothic 1, guess this guy needs to git gud

@resiliencevideos - 03.02.2023 04:14

eh it is worse than elex 1 but its still decent n playable :)

@mgamesmgames8661 - 30.01.2023 20:42

Who love Gothic love Elex and you must know to playe it, combat is not same as Witcher that is why you cant play Elex

@iamrightyouarewrong6730 - 29.01.2023 17:41

rice rice rice field bing bong

@themoogle22 - 27.01.2023 16:50

I enjoyed Elex. I was definitely disappointed with Elex 2.

@marianp11y - 09.01.2023 07:52

What kind of gamer you are????

@burretploof - 06.01.2023 12:02

As someone that played through all PB games, including Elex 2... I can't even disagree, you're absolutely correct. The games are trash and yet I can't stop playing them. I'm part of the problem. 😔

@JorgeCorner - 02.01.2023 23:10

L u dont know shit about rpgs lol ur mad at the combat i get it but just get used to it and itll be okay

@_Winfried_ - 31.12.2022 19:30

This game truly is the worst thing that company ever put out and as always they barely patched the bare minimum after release and then neglected it

@kingkushezio2581 - 27.12.2022 11:18

Bruh great video . I played this for 2 hours and stopped and deleted it. But for me I can handle Elex 1 more than this crap 💩

@graves234 - 23.12.2022 22:14

It's not shit nor the worst game

@romariogee - 23.12.2022 01:19

your the best :D

@PerionTermia - 21.12.2022 13:21

I have to STRONGLY disagree with the "Prinha Bytes" don't know how to make good combat point. Gothic 2 had one of the most interesting and best combat systems in an RPG IMO.
In the beginning it does feel janky, but once you get the hang out of it, it's insane how fun it is. Knowing how to fight certain enemies, finding the right rhythm with your attacks to prevent them from hitting you is just amazing. This goes for melee combat of course. You really have to test it, seeing it from videos looks boring, but by playing it, you'll see that it has some sort of a rhythmic feel to it. It's kinda hard to describe for me but I just really liked it.
But in future games like Risen for example it was much worse so I can understand why you're saying that in the context of Elex.

@jasongeyer2111 - 16.12.2022 15:23

I like elex

@machopi - 08.12.2022 00:33

i think the word we're looking for is 'incompetent'

@RedhairedMungo - 06.12.2022 20:45

elex 2: Was mir leider alles verdirbt sind die Waffen und kampf. Schlechter als im 1. Schlechter als in Risen 3. Vor allem Design hat seit dem echt abgebaut, nahkampfwaffen im 2. elex Allesamt unglaubwürdig wirken geradezu lächerlich. Schiessen fühlt sich nachwievor total komisch an Sound Wirkung Geschoss, war in Risen finde ich besser gelöst. Dabei waren klingenwaffen von pb immer authentisch schön in elex 2 schrecklich. Proportionen stimmen nicht, Haltung komisch. Warum keine finisher mehr? Bin womöglich pingelig aber die Griffe, griffstucke, handschutz sehen aus als wären die nicht fertig designt. Am schlimmsten sind aber die Proportionen gerade Länge hat wahrscheinlich mit optionaler Nutzung von Schild was zu tun. Möchte auch nicht auf neues aussehen und Style verzichten, nur sollten die Waffen auch gefährlich oder überhaupt nutzbar aussehen.

@Wazztheweasel - 26.11.2022 19:09

It isn't that bad ,just because it doesn't fight like nioh it still is a fun exploration game.

@johnwetziggaming5964 - 25.11.2022 15:11

Sounds like to me this guy saying lie to me as a consumer you know just put out f**** garbage but lie to the consumer you know one thing I gotta ask is guy have you made a game go help them if you but take your own budget and go help a developer that you think their game is so bad go help people like this complain about games makes people not want to make games

@DrawingTrance - 21.11.2022 01:04

Elex is like an AAA phone game

@malamri424 - 20.11.2022 13:59

Elex 2 is amazing... so immersive and enjoyable

@chrisk3835 - 18.11.2022 02:58

alter , hast du deine stimme mit doppelter gesschwindigkeit abgespielt ???? Das ist schlimmer als das game. Und ja ich höre das du eine deutscher bist

@syro2412 - 15.11.2022 06:07

The guy who said this looks like witcher 2 has no idea what he's talking about
