The Easiest Way to Create Tables on your Website!

The Easiest Way to Create Tables on your Website!

Brizy Website Builder

3 года назад

1,758 Просмотров

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@roberthubeek1555 - 17.04.2023 01:26

Any filter on column or sort by column?

@nssdesigns - 28.04.2021 07:55

I've been using DIVI, OXYGEN mostly and purchased BRIZY Pro (purchased very early in it's development) as I was a massive fan of the image functions allowing for granular adjustment of width, height, cropping and position (without using outside software and committing to a cropped image, making it a powerful and flexible design development feature). Even though OXYGEN is very powerful along with DIVI... I keep coming back to BRIZY Pro and the reason for this is the clean and simple UI/UX and it's the perfect choice when handing off a website to the client, who in most cases is easily intimidated with more scarier platforms. BRIZY is keeps surprising me with its clean user friendly interface which can be set up as 'white label' making it sit well within your business and giving that PRO feel for the client.

@nilsjorn - 05.12.2020 00:42

Can there be added a search field to this Table Element? Thanks!

@HMaxTube11 - 31.10.2020 13:54

Brizy team of obsessed demons can’t stop making the app better and better. ✌🏻👍👏🌟

@pikefurios - 30.10.2020 21:16

Nice element! 👍

@scottwhitlow8468 - 30.10.2020 21:10

Awesome! If you need to just change the background color of one header item (not every other one) is that possible as well? Thanks!

@WorkingInahanDiaries - 30.10.2020 20:39

Yehey thanks JP! 🤩
