PATHFINDER: WOTR - NENIO Build Guide - Debuffs & INSTANT KILLS for days!

PATHFINDER: WOTR - NENIO Build Guide - Debuffs & INSTANT KILLS for days!

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@hamidious - 14.12.2023 10:34

I disagree, scroll Savant is an awesome class, if you take 10 levels only like this guide.
You can bypass a specialist Wizard weakness of Nenio in Abjuration and Necromancy schools using two slots by scribing schools in those schools. You need Enervation? Scribe a scroll and use it at Full caster level, same with Dispel or any abjuration Buff.
Scroll Savant even gives her access to full power mass heal and heal if you buy those scrolls, so she can act as a cleric when needed.

@JonahPedersen-tz3uk - 07.11.2023 20:45

I’ll really hate Nenio as a character. I never take her into my group.

I understand she is a useful character but her shit dialogue and quests are not worth it.

@johnnycandles8675 - 15.10.2023 21:05

Do you have a Google Sheet or something like that to map out these builds? That would be super helpful.

@yashsoman1125 - 21.06.2023 18:37

does this build work for EE as well?

@solomani5959 - 09.05.2023 14:17

Curious. What do people do with casters for battles where they are not casting spells? Cantrips seem pretty useless to spam by level 6. Use bows or is there a way to get scaling cantrips like 5e? Thanks 🙏

@Skeithization - 07.12.2022 21:08

So I have to ask, why the lore master? I thought that prestige classes in PF1e are rather bad?

@briankelly1240 - 22.11.2022 21:13

Nenio only has one use per spell when I fight, am I doing something wrong?

@HavenKhaos - 12.11.2022 13:34

Been loving using your guides, do you know when you'll be done with the new Nenio one?

@julienveillon4040 - 11.11.2022 04:47

i did the skad and when i activate rage NENIO cant use her spells !!! , help please

@DiscipleToki - 06.11.2022 22:53

Only thing I do different is use scaling cantrips mod and put that on auto, casters with ranged weapons is immersion breaking if you ask me.

@frankschoolderman6786 - 25.10.2022 02:21

1 question - Isn't it much better to take a Rogue Secret: Combat Trick -> Precise Shot? Love your guides and you have a great voice for it!

@V3x0r - 14.10.2022 13:17

You can pick a guaranteed glitter dust and see invis in the basement in Market Square with the cold demon (along with a nice longbow for someone). Because she can scribe glitterdust I would go with Blur.

@detech8757 - 06.10.2022 10:10

No selective spell? I think its better to use selective grease (forexample) than grease with +1 difficulty on roll

@stephanjohnson9205 - 06.10.2022 04:08

I know I'm coming to your page late in the game, but your builds are TOP TIER! I'm using your builds with only minor adjustments. You're the man!

@Ocean5ix - 04.10.2022 04:31

Hey man, I'm new to Pathfinder and your guides have been very helpful. That said I'm not fully understanding how to "highten" or "persist" spells. Is it something I have to enable?

Thank you!

@quickpawmaud4284 - 07.09.2022 01:37

I always end up greasing myself 😆. In the final battle of chapter 1 I greased my whole team except Lann and Daeran. Then after we won the battle they were all still stuck on the ground and I had to wait 10 real life minutes. Even Woljif who casted the spell and had +14 to reflex saving throws was stuck until the greased despawned. Then people are saying they are going to do a play of my character and how heroic he was in defeating the demons when he was laying on the ground covered in grease doing nothing 😂

@whinemax - 15.08.2022 20:16

Thoughts on picking up Enduring Spells and Greater Enduring Spells at lvl 4-5 mythic and then picking up what you suggested from lvl 6?
Nenio is my only character with Heroism and Greater Heroism, which to my knowledge is a spell that neither Camellia or Daeran gets access to. (My other Greater Enduring buffers.)

@neiljopling4693 - 15.07.2022 04:15

With the Librarian’s Cloak and Specialist belt Nenio can cast spells from scrolls as five levels higher. You can’t buy scrolls written with extend but if Nenio or another writes a scroll round per level scroll with the extend metamagic then Nenio could turn it into a 24 hour buff. She can get to level 29 with Phantasmal Guide and School Mastery but I’m not sure if it is worth it.

@InternetSupervillain - 07.07.2022 03:07


@magnusk9724 - 06.07.2022 02:45

I did not get a secret feat at first loremaster lv (lv 11), only an extra spell. How come ? This means I now don't have greater spell penetration like in your build.

@GPS08 - 17.06.2022 06:28

Is there a way to keep Nenio in her Human form? I noticed you had her on lvl 20 but with her Human form portrait.. If this was possible, it would be great, as the furry fox archetype isn't really appealing to me.

@jasonpauldegraaf - 12.06.2022 06:58

Wizards are so much work.

@xelloskaczor5051 - 02.04.2022 00:59

phantasmal putrefication is amazing for the level u get it at, it can save your ass in many spots, it used to be my mvp in blackwater before dungeon got rebalanced and demons got more reasonable there

also top tier in ivory sanctum where it ofren takes a bit for enemies to come after you for one reason or another

@philx2891 - 21.03.2022 05:46

Is it worth getting precise shot for hellfire ray? I'm trying this build, but my DC seems to be too low for offensive spells like phantasmal killer. I"m level 16. Perhaps duffing first is needed. Unfortunately I don't have much of the gear in your video.

@AkshayJoe - 14.03.2022 01:08

This is great! But all her illusion spells are mind affecting and a huge percentage of demons and enemies are immune to mind affecting. So I end up just having Nenio use scrolls to heal or buff which I don't like doing with Nenio. Do you suggest anything to overcome that?

@ibrahimaydn2995 - 13.03.2022 00:56

How did you get a 38 Inteligence score

@msr98111 - 25.02.2022 06:46

Love the guides. But as a new player the spoilers in them kinda suck. Maybe you could be more mindful in the future?
E.g. Imagine you just picked up Nenio, awesome new character, come here to find out what a scroll savant is and how to... oh she's secretly a fox?!
Or you want to build Seelah as a shield basher, so you check out the shield basher guide and cool feats and... the video starts spoiling future areas. Instead maybe just list the favoured terrain picks? Instead of describing why.
Again, love the guides. These are the best guides I've found and you do great work. But it's a minefield of spoilers as a new player and it sucks.

@isaacanthonydj4124 - 21.02.2022 23:10

do you have a guide how to get those insane stats and AC? i've only got to 18th level, but nowhere near those stats?

@isaacanthonydj4124 - 21.02.2022 22:49

pit spells annoy me because i accidentally get too close, all the time. i don't like that mechanic...

@neiska25 - 21.02.2022 00:54

Why abjuration spells though, like stoneskin communal? Its her prohibited school so she can't cast them right? Or am I missing something?

@Grrymjo - 15.02.2022 02:44

I wonder what would happen...
...if at level 11 for Nenio I take one level of a Crossblooded Sorcerer, choose Fey Bloodline twice (it is possible at least in 1.1.7), then pick 2 feats for the Enchantment school, then take Bloodline Ascendance - Fey...
and then Expanded Arsenal to Illusion.
What would be Nenio's Illusion DC in this case? Because every Fey bloodline increases DC of the spells of "compulsion subschool" by 2, so it's +2 * 3 = +6 at least.
The only problem is that a subschool may not apply to the whole school for Expanded Arsenal.

@AyameAkito - 11.02.2022 00:45

Okay, there is something very wrong about this build and is that it shouldn't actually work, illusion spells should be useless against high level demons because of their innate True Seeing meaning they should automatically know that is an illusion hence they should instantly disbelief the effect of any and all illusion spells and in the case of Phantasmal Killer just take the minimal amount of damage so i think this build success is the result of an exploit or a very heavy oversight on the part of the developers either that or the Grandmaster's Rod just lets you ignore it which would be strange to say the least as True Seeing isn't an immunity, on the other hand why the flipping fuck you pick ray spells while completely ignoring Point-blank and Precise Shot?

@michaeloxendine178 - 08.02.2022 00:55

I love the guide and will be using it! But damn, massive spoiler alert on her not actually being human.

@Xantexhunter - 07.02.2022 23:08

good build. I'd make one change, at level 13, give Nenio Selective Spell and Precise shot from her lore secret. That way when you're casting pit spells and hellfire ray, Nenio doesn't eat the entire party or miss every shot.

@jmcc2k10 - 30.01.2022 03:51

how do you get nenios attack so high if you dont put any feats etc into martial or weapons.

@kiratt77 - 24.01.2022 22:44

I never went this build because I did not know Greater grandmaster Rod help to overcome fear/mind-affecting immunity :) thanks. 6/5 I was an arcane trickster + 1 lvl cross blooded sorc, and that is fine, but I really think this build is better. (I will miss my 200dmg lvl 2 scorching rays tough)

@shepherdlavellen3301 - 20.01.2022 03:32

How did you get all your stats that high?

@jmcc2k10 - 12.01.2022 06:16

can you do videos on where to get all the gear for your builds, that would be great.

@yichangwang8569 - 08.01.2022 12:22

Need your advice on the functionality of magician's ring, it seems very bugged to me:
The DC bonus is not added directly to the spell DCs in your spellbook to begin with, as opposed to amulet of clarity, one can simply tests it by put them on and off and see if those dc numbers change.
And another question, why is robe of mephistopheles is recommended for azata? where the synergy comes from for Nenio?

@pawep2966 - 07.01.2022 00:08

Is there spreadsheet?

@aectannko - 05.01.2022 17:46

at lvl 15 i have 35 DC Phantasmal killer (lvl 8 highten) and its just not working at all on unfair (A 4)
until lvl 20 useless

@disk3001 - 05.01.2022 16:46

wait. At level 15, doesn't Ranged Touch spells already hit the enemies touch AC? why do you need Shattered Defenses???

@guldbullengaming9104 - 05.01.2022 02:39

Correct me if Im wrong, but you said that shatter defenses helps hit with Hellfire ray, but don't hellfire ray target touch AC and not Flatfooted?

@saschavongeh6313 - 04.01.2022 14:13

Im a bit torn between this or going two blooded sorc for one Level to get fey+x for additional feat and the buff for Illusion magic. What do you think?

@Antonin1738 - 04.01.2022 09:27

Nothing more satisfying than when Phantasmal Killer and/or Weird "hits" and insta-kills xD

@T3CHN0M4D - 02.01.2022 12:20

I found that Nenio kinda builds herself. I also went 10 SS and 10 LM. I didn't go that much into ray spells and I picked enchantments instead of conjuration. But either way you build her in the end the weird spells make her powerful as hell. She's one of my favorite companions in the game because besides being very versatile and useful I find her banter hilarious.

@OrbitStamina - 01.01.2022 22:49

Nenio Written Guide:
10 Scroll Savant (get all 10 of SS before starting the 10 in Loremaster), 10 Loremaster (Be sure to buy scroll scribing kits and craft scrolls while resting, and use your scrolls! They’re honestly pretty plentiful, especially with crafting.)

Skills: Knowledge/Lore Skills, UMD (Focus on Knowledge/Lore skills first unless one or more of those is already covered by your MC/regularly used party members; in that case take the points that you would have used in that Knowledge/Lore Skill and put them into UMD)

Level 4: +INT, Skills, Level 2 Spells (Grease, Glitterdust)
For any spells listed in the guide, keep in mind that Nenio can write spells from scrolls into her spell book; if you find scrolls for any of the suggested spells in this guide, write them into her spellbook before taking the level that would give you these spells and use the freed up slots for other spells (either another of those that are suggested or just others that you personally find useful/suit your party specifically)

Level 5: Skills, Metamagic (Heighten Spell), Level 3 Spells (Haste, Heroism; Greater Magic Weapon if you already have someone with Heroism)
Personally I think that the best spells to use this on would be her Illusion spells given that's what she focuses on (i.e. Heighten Phantasmal Killer as soon as possible; the higher the DC on that the better, but maybe hold off on heightening when you first reach higher caster levels as you don’t want to fill up ALL of your high level spell slots to the point where you can’t use your “actual” high level spells. Once you get more slots in those levels (either from level ups or Abundant Casting), feel free to heighten all you want). Absolutely get haste by this point unless your MC/a merc you’re using is/will become capable of casting it themselves; the only other companion IIRC that can cast haste as well is Woljif, and even for him its only personal unless you get the Infusion medical discovery (This is assuming you’re doing 4 ES/16 Vivi on him)

Level 6: Skills, Level 3 Spells (Displacement, Blur)

Level 7: Skills, Metamagic (Persistent Spell) [Use on CC Spells/other powerful spells with saves; can combo with Heighten, keep in mind this increases CL on the spell by +2 on top of whatever level you heighten the spell to], Level 4 Spells (Phantasmal Killer (Priority #1 with Heighten/Persistent Spell), Greater Invisibility)

Level 8: +INT, Skills, Level 3 Spells (Stinking Cloud [Only prep 1 copy b/c demon immunity], Scorching Ray)

Level 9: Skills, Skill Focus - Knowledge (Arcana), Level 5 Spells (Animal Growth (if someone else doesn’t have it already, Stoneskin (Communal)

Level 10: Last Scroll Savant Level, Skills, Level 5 Spells (Hungry Pit, other Pit spells)


Level 11: Skills, Greater Spell Focus (Illusion), Secret (Wizard Feat, Greater Spell Penetration), Level 6 Spells (Hellfire Ray, Heroism (Greater) unless someone else can cast it)

Level 12: Skills +INT, Spells (Mind Fog, Mass Animal Buffs (unless you run Camellia/Sosiel, Chains of Light)

Level 13: Skills, Improved Initiative, Secret (Rogue Feat, Improved Evasion/Hare Familiar), Level 7 Spells (Legendary Proportions (scribe the scroll during rests to bypass the material requirement, Ice Body)

Level 14: Skills, Spells (Echolocation, Firebrand)

Level 15: Skills, Metamagic (Bolster Spell), Secret (Combat Feat, Shatter Defenses), Level 8 Spells (Frightful Aspect, Seamantle)

Level 16: Skills (Spillover points in Perception/use to bring lower skills up to character level), +INT, Spells (Dragonkind 3, Rift of Ruin)

Level 17: Skills, Improved Critical (Ray), Secret (Fortitude), Level 9 Spells (Weird, Heroic Invocation unless someone else in your party can cast it)

Level 18: Skills, Spells (Firey Body, Foresight)

Level 19: Skills, Any feat (either something new or move one of the earlier feats to here depending on your exact preferences if you want to get some of the other earlier feats even earlier, Selective Spell is a possibility, also Toughness. However, try to get Martial Weapon proficiency at some point, either here or in place of Improved Initiative at Level 13 because of the gear we’re using), Secret (Reflex) Spells (Anything)

Level 20: Skills, +DEX

Mythic Progression:
MR1: Abundant Casting
MR2: Expanded Arsenal (Conjuration)
MR3: Improved Abundant Casting
MR4: Spell Penetration (Mythic)
MR5: Greater Abundant Casting
MR6: Mythic Spell Focus (Illusion)
MR7: Master Shapeshifter/Ascendant Element (Fire)/Favorite Metamagic (Bolster)
MR8: Improved Critical (Mythic) [Ray]
MR9: Archmage Armor (or any)
MR10: Any

Glass Amulet of Clarity
Haramaki (Ex: Haramaki of Divine Guidance, Haramaki of Deadly Rays)
Robe of Mephistopheles (If Azata/Aeon), Robe of Inevitability/Robe of Determination (if other MP)
Belts that increase DEX/CON; from Chapter 4 onwards, give one of your frontline melee characters the Display of Power Belt to help with lowering saves
Twisted Temptation
Ronneck’s Sacrifice (Storyteller Relic; Wintersun)
Gnawing Magic
Goggles of Mind Control
Highest Cloak of Resistance
Magician’s Ring
Steady Finger
Lesser Bracers of Archery
Quarterstaff of the War Mage (Spell DC), Death’s Consonant (Crusade Relic, Chapter 3) [Fighting in Melee; must have Martial Weapon Proficiency]
Devouring Lust (Crusade Relic, Chapter 3)
Grandmaster’s Rod
Greater Quicken Metamagic Rod (X2)

@frogman1286 - 01.01.2022 18:40

Top tier content. You have quickly, and easily, become my go-to for WoTR builds!

@vivienmercier3733 - 01.01.2022 17:28

Hello ! Question, I see you use Scimitar over longsword quite often. Are scimitars better or do you just prefer the playstyle?
I plan on doing my angel oracle just like yours but with longsword/iomadae instead of scimitars/sarenrae
