How to Protect Your Etsy Shop / Handmade Business | Type Nine Studio

How to Protect Your Etsy Shop / Handmade Business | Type Nine Studio

Type Nine Studio

10 месяцев назад

738 Просмотров

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@jamiez1928 - 25.09.2023 05:24

P r o m o S M

@poeticnation6251 - 25.09.2023 00:04

This was an extremely helpful Etsy video (I learned a lot) - Thank you for sharing.

@sch728 - 13.09.2023 19:12

The copyright infringement and intellectual property violators will never stop as long as they’re making a ton of money and making Etsy tons of money. Etsy won’t stop them.

@henrycogo3013 - 12.09.2023 21:18

"You can't use Mickey Mouse in the [product listing] title just because [you feel] it's just a mouse. And yes, this includes fan art." Right?!? Great summary for beginner Etsy shop owners. Great reminders for sellers to adapt, test, and change to be successful business owners.

@steveelkins52 - 12.09.2023 08:08

The single biggest thing you must do is develop several income streams, never rely on a single outlet. the second thing is to accept change. the third thing is build resilience with savings. Can you fund yourself for a week/month/year? all good stuff in this video as usual, but hard going before breakfast!
