Claire is a wonderful thoughtful young lady
ОтветитьI would love to live my life over forever. I love my husband. I know I have lived at least 1 other life with him. I don't know what a soulmate actually is but. I feel connected to him mind and spirit. Our life has not been easy. For some reason I feel we did not learn what we were here to learn and we will return to this life time again. 😮As long as we 🎉are together we will be happy. ❤ No one knows the truth about death. Only when it's our turn😊
ОтветитьGod will always give you a second chance
ОтветитьI don't disagree with reincarnation but, why do the stories I hear of it center around a famous event in history? Why not just an ordinary person?
ОтветитьI remember all sorts of weird stuff. Sometimes have very vivid dreams that im someone else . Also had a "speech impediment " and knew a hugely different vocabulary from normal, 80s kid. I remember learning to read and it was like someone just had to remind me...
ОтветитьWhat about to just give us the story without the music and effects
ОтветитьThe sound design is so over the top. Is this a horror movie? Lmao. Tone it down guys
ОтветитьI wonder where they are now
ОтветитьThe last story the boys voice is exactly like the former mom from his past life! Wow!
ОтветитьThe Empire State Building plane crash happened in 1945. It was a B-25.
ОтветитьEven though I've been raised a Catholic and went to a Catholic school, and was even an altar boy for several years, I've always believed in re-incarnation, without anyone ever mentioning it. It was just extremely logical, and dying, going to heaven for eternity seemed just wrong, and there's nothing to learn from our experiences. Early Christianity believed in re-incarnation for the first few hundred years until a pope and a king got rid of it. They said that you can't control anyone who's not afraid to die, because you have no power over them, and the church and king needed to control their subjects, and needed them to fear death. If people only have one life, and the fear eternal damnation, you can control them, completely. This is also why they forbid people to talk to the dead, because then they would know that it's NOT the end. If you control people's fear, then you can control the people themselves, and they've been controlling people ever since. This life is NOT the end, and we're hear to learn throughout our lifetimes, and the day you stop learning, is the day that you start dying. Some lifetime experiences are too tragic to be easily forgotten, and why most people don't remember their past lives. I believe all of these stories.
ОтветитьSounds to me like Jamie was in the boiler room when he died. I dont think he was this prominent builder. I think he was one of the poor souls who died in the boiler room. It doesnt matter really but the death story doesnt sound like someone who probably died on deck helping people board the lifeboats.
ОтветитьI enjoy stories of past lives, but this documentary is frustrating!! They retelll portions of the children's experiences three times.
ОтветитьGoosebumps when Jamie was on the bed saying she’s going down! Poor Designer guy.
ОтветитьWhen I was a kid I used to dream a lot about playing a violin at some theater, and then for some reason I went to the roof of that building, and then I remember something or someone pushed me from the top. I've always been terrified of heights. I wonder if it wasn't just a dream.
ОтветитьUmm, I’ve been watching these episodes for awhile—Has anyone else noticed that all these kids have very big eyes?? Hear me out, eyes are the window to the soul— some say.. is this feature in all of them perhaps evidence they’ve had others lives/“doubled downed on souls” idk. But check it out all their eyes are larger than average.
ОтветитьI have vivid memories of my own past life in 1882. I ver clearly remember where i lived, the name of the woman i was married to, all of it. I don't remember how i died, but to this day i vividly remember everything about it.
ОтветитьReincarnation is not from God and it makes sense its not from God but if its not from God is from another god or another thing as well as god doesn't punish but karma does punish what goes around comes around is a universal law reincarnation is not from God the creator of the universe and Jesus Christ
ОтветитьHey her kids might be alive still 😀 (the empire bldg girl)
ОтветитьI'd come back as my own cat.
ОтветитьIt would be awesome if Anna’s family saw this & contacted her.
ОтветитьWhat a sweet story for the ending!
ОтветитьShe saidnTeal was his sir we ans then a different one with auburn hair a forensic psychologist was his sister of Jamie.
ОтветитьI have never seen a story that mentions Payson AZ!
ОтветитьThis is just like my kid, but it already started a long time ago, and she just turned two. The night terrors are scary. She says things all the time that she shouldn’t know about since she was a year and a half. Sometimes I forget she’s a little toddler, the way she talks and acts sometimes. So, several nights ago, when she woke up from a night terror, she was horrified, looking out the door, saying what sounded like, “our family is watching us in the bushes!” She was inconsolable for a while, like so many other times. I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean, but it terrified her. There are so many other strange things she’s said, and times she’d get scared of things for no reason, I just don’t know what to make of it. When she started talking, I caught some Korean words , and I thought, that’s weird, because I was making jokes about how she sounded like a little Asian kid when she first started talking.
ОтветитьMy grandmother lives in payson
ОтветитьMy son told me when he was big and I was little daddy he used to help take care of me and that I have to take him fishing so he can make sure I didn’t forget how
ОтветитьI really enjoy the stories, but that music. It makes them sound less authentic and maybe even a little embellished. Overpoweringly Creepy music not needed.
ОтветитьI love reincarnation stories but these specific ones are hard to watch with the overly dramatic music and sudden sounds almost drowning out the speakers is very annoying.
ОтветитьMy friend told me that we have many lives to live and she had a dream and this voice told her she was in the last life.
ОтветитьWow, Jamey resembles Thomas Andrews!
ОтветитьMy oldest talked full sentences and count to 50 at 10 months i couldnt keep him contained at 8 month. Was my second oldest that believed in his past life he was a worker for king tut...
ОтветитьI believe I was a soldier in a past life I use to freak out when I heard fireworks still do sometimes my mom said I use to tell her I heard that sound before I died.i still have a dream I see a soldier in a foxhole and he is taking cover from gun fire and I hear a bang and see a bright light and I was wake up after that.
ОтветитьI’m glad little Ken’s mother was able to do a ceremony to help him, and that his Dad was so supportive. All these parents are wonderful.
When I was little my parents and I would travel on the old Murfreesboro highway in TN to go see family and every time we’d pass this one old house I’d get excited and tell my parents that I used to live there when I was somebody else’s little girl. They’d say “honey we ain’t never lived there and you’re just our little girl”. Nobody had ever heard of reincarnation back then. But honestly, even though I’m curious I really don’t want to know about any other of my past lives because I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve all had ones where we were a perpetrator, like Kit Carson. It would be a lot to deal with.
I truly believe that every one of these kids are speaking the truth about the things that they remembered from their past lives, and I can't imagine how scary it has to be when going through something like this at such young ages. I hope all of them are doing well, and have come to be able to enjoy the life that they are living now. I couldn't imagine reliving through the horror of going through such tragic events for a second time. 🤍🤍
Ответить😳 WOW
ОтветитьOk, so one kid has a past life of Titanic, the other one a girl has a past life of the in Hiroshima getting bombed and another two boy who have a past life during the trail of teas. And a girl who has a past life of the 9/11 victims that took place that hit one of the Twin Tower in 2001 of the September.
ОтветитьI feel like I’ve been reincarnated, but I have no clue why and how. My mom said I never said anything creepy or anything along the lines of reincarnation. I’ve always believed in reincarnation, and felt connected to it in some way. If anyone has an idea on how I could move forward with this please let me know, I really want to see if it’s possible if I was reincarnated since I feel so connected to it
ОтветитьHow could people not know who Kit Carson was???
ОтветитьJamey's sister's joke at the end of his story about the Titanic was extremely stupid and insensitive. WOW! I hope she regretted it as soon as it left her mouth. I would have begged them to edit that out. CRINGE! She's a professional making a joke about past life PTSD trauma. Again...WOW!
Ответитьwhat about bringing jacob killer to justice
ОтветитьEven though the Bible says there is no reincarnation I do believe in reincarnation I heard that they erase reincarnation from the Bible
ОтветитьI think instead of reincarnation that we are all one entity and connected together through out our “individual” journeys.
ОтветитьI love watching things like this. Makes my experience with my one child not feel so crazy.
ОтветитьI really like this video but not the sudden flashing.
ОтветитьIt sounds like Cain and Abel
ОтветитьI believe in this but how did is show let that blonde guy in payson change his story several times and not edit it. No wonder mom didnt say alot she didnt want to lie.
ОтветитьThe ship broke because of physics, not construction materials. The 4th funnel was ventilation.