Call of Cthulhu Review

Call of Cthulhu Review


3 года назад

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Drazar Kabalblade
Drazar Kabalblade - 24.09.2023 19:54

A bit late in more than one sense, but considering the... quality of the Werewolf the Apocalypse: Earthblood game you think you'll ever going to cover it or it's not worth the effort? ( To be fair I would think the second, especially considering that there is for sure more famous and interesting things to dissect and observe, but still, my curiosity still stands d: )

James KANEKI - 24.09.2023 18:50

can u plz do a review of The Sinking City, sire ? :) thanks for all that good amazing content !!!

Doug R
Doug R - 15.09.2023 23:59

Ah, I liked this game. Way more than I thought I would

Mackie Messer
Mackie Messer - 23.08.2023 22:54

lmao that subtle pedophile joke xD

GARGEAN - 18.08.2023 18:02

Sinking City review planned?

JoJo Rose
JoJo Rose - 13.08.2023 10:20

There is something magically stupid about making a detective game where you can build your character well, cleverly investigate and look in all the correct places, but still miss things and fail. I want to say that it's malicious game design but I'm told I should attribute this to ignorance.

JONICS - 09.08.2023 10:14

Call Of Cthulhu: Naval Warfare

Gato Bravo
Gato Bravo - 04.08.2023 05:36

Got it for $5 and enjoyed it pretty much. Great subtitling, man!

Je Ry
Je Ry - 24.07.2023 20:09

The whole percentage thing is directly based on the TTRPG call of Cthulhu/pulp Cthulhu, the difference is that in the TTRPG you have LUCK points that help you pass rolls.

paul-antony whatshisface
paul-antony whatshisface - 24.07.2023 01:23

I brought it at launch. Dissapointed is a understatement.

Orfeas - 18.07.2023 03:07

This is the.. best..bad game i have ever played if that makes sense? If you are a lovecraftian lover like me ,you will find something to enjoy here...under the rubble.

Nick Fortier
Nick Fortier - 07.07.2023 17:15

This game was so deeply disappointing, so much potential just squandered. The idea of the skill system is cool except when you realize it is largely squandered, because the game slowly abandons it and makes you play as different characters which obviously don't use the skills you've been investing points into. The story is all over the place, the stealth sucks, the AI is terrible, the graphics are bad, it's just not a good game. Dark Corners of the Earth is still way better than this game and people should play that game instead.

Otero - 27.06.2023 12:02

"The more creepy people you investigate the more CP you find" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nojuan Atall
Nojuan Atall - 12.06.2023 00:49

Eternal darkness is the best "Lovecraftian" game I've played.

Arkaye Ch.
Arkaye Ch. - 01.06.2023 13:08

Given how Lovecraft mythos games tend to rely on big visuals to deliver their content. I wonder if a point-and-click game with pre-rendered backgrounds might make better games in the genre. You would save a lot of resources and the point-and-click might fit better for the investigation side of things. When you want to pull out big puzzles or scary cutscenes, you can dedicate those saved resources into making them look and feel better.

Lizard Media
Lizard Media - 17.05.2023 07:22

A lot of these criticisms seem very odd considering it's a AA game meaning they don't have shit for money, especially if this is their first game.

Max Mach
Max Mach - 15.05.2023 07:09

French-American production, that may explain weird lip sync.

Officer Hotpants
Officer Hotpants - 09.05.2023 02:41

I can no longer hear "Aslan" without thinking of demon kings. Doubly so in this video. Thanks, Mandy.

Suspect that statue is still less horrifying than whatever was going on in that play, though.

m - 26.04.2023 12:50

I couldn't beat this game, the stealth sections were just too painful to get through.

Denis Fedorovskyi
Denis Fedorovskyi - 17.04.2023 11:51

Ok, that the sequence when you need to stab the painting is such a bullshit. I never saw any hints on what dagger i needed to stab it with so i was taking them randomly and oh boy there are a lot of them. Maybe i missed some clues but its my first play through so i could miss some stuff.
Btw all of the cutscenes was just laing in a video format in the game folder so there was no need to replay it

sonofhades57 - 17.04.2023 06:51

Not gonna lie, I vastly preferred The Sinking City.

foxeh123 - 16.04.2023 23:25

The last shot of Cthulu is kino though.

Jozef Luhový
Jozef Luhový - 11.04.2023 15:02

Two years too late, but... Neverhood music as a background for a Lovecraftian horror game? Really?

TheGnomeGuardian - 28.03.2023 03:31

"I know they're making a Werewolf: The Apocalypse game and I'm excited to see that."


The #6 Runaway Guys Fan
The #6 Runaway Guys Fan - 18.03.2023 03:39

A giant painting-monster as the final boss? Even Luigi's Mansion did it better.

marlow - 17.03.2023 07:04

eerie! that's downright macarbra!

LAVATORR - 16.03.2023 15:44

Just once I'd like for the Lovecraftian abomination to not be evil. Just totally neutral. Poor guy just wants to exist and everybody's mad at him for no reason.

Juice Patrol
Juice Patrol - 12.03.2023 22:13

grant us eyes

Jordan Galvony
Jordan Galvony - 12.03.2023 00:49

Late to this party - but tried this game out a few months ago. got to the first town and poked around, tried to figure out how to progress. Feel like I burned through most if not all options to progress and RNG soft locked me. gave up and never returned to this. the end. I was disappointed to say the least and aggravated enough not to try this again, probably ever again.

Morten v
Morten v - 10.03.2023 03:08

Jonathan Reed out at night again

imlukehughes - 09.03.2023 20:44

Waiting on that Sinking City review

Alex Gowin
Alex Gowin - 07.03.2023 15:44

The main character's voice actor is criminally underrated in my opinion. Same guy as the main character in Vampyr. I WISH he was in more games.

Eric Bright
Eric Bright - 28.02.2023 08:02

I always figured officer Bradley was a red herring for people in the know about the "Innsmouth look". His appearance gave me gil-man vibes but he's really a good guy.

Mads Clausen
Mads Clausen - 28.02.2023 01:50

I love how he even put the green filter over the gatchi intro.

I have a black friend
I have a black friend - 23.02.2023 12:24

the protagonists voice sounds the same as the one in vampyr

Safe House
Safe House - 13.02.2023 02:43

Very nice game

RoboticMonkey Gaming
RoboticMonkey Gaming - 08.02.2023 21:41

I got the good ending my first playthrough and didn't have to fight the museum beast. It was actually disappointing, because I know that I didn't play it perfectly, but the game seems to be pretty forgiving with the insanity stuff as long as you make certain choices.

Pataro - 24.01.2023 00:06

"The more creepy people you investigate, the more CP you find."

Pretty good fact of life.

Ethribin - 22.01.2023 01:45

My biggest complaint is the design of the shambler in this game.
It's just a boring naked rat >:C
And it's the MAIN Monster, aka not human, that you run from throughout it all!
and it just looks like a generic naked human/rat.
What a big disappointment...

Everything else, is good to me.
Even the limited visual quality. It adds to the uncanny feeling and weirdness.
I know that's not the intention, and some better visuals would have been my preference.
But as it is, it works much better then it's quality level would indicate.

RushBotRock - 06.01.2023 23:43

In Sinking City, you can save before the ending and choose whatever you want over and over as long as you unlocked them all.

Corsair Carl
Corsair Carl - 31.12.2022 13:09

The only good part of the game is while investigating the manor, lightning strikes in a certain hallway, and with the glimpse you could see what might be the silhouette of a Dimensional Shambler. It spooked the ever-living SHIT out of me and I was more pissed that the game didn't do that sort of thing again.

Bear Wooden
Bear Wooden - 28.12.2022 00:15

Loved the game! Story is awesome so is atmosphere - it kept me interested up until the end. The psych asylum mission could've been more polished, but all in all the game was everything I hoped it would be!

pierce newby
pierce newby - 08.12.2022 23:19

my name is pierce...

Skill5able - 30.11.2022 07:02

>are you excited for space legs
>I'm expecting rovers 2.0
actual oracle

Dave Jones
Dave Jones - 26.11.2022 07:02

Lmfao, you upgrade with character points, aka "cp"...gotta collect as much cp as possible to level up! LOL.

Sebastian Acosta
Sebastian Acosta - 24.11.2022 23:46

It's Edward Pierce, not William
