Stalking techniques

Stalking techniques


8 лет назад

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@stanbrown915 - 18.05.2016 18:59

Whenever possible I step heel down and make a rolling motion thru the step, it's very quiet but slow going.

@edmonddantes1617 - 18.05.2016 19:15

oh deer. a lovely deer. please dont kill it bro. let them multiply

@Waldwaerts - 18.05.2016 19:17

Really well shown and explained. Deer not only don't see very well, they're also color blind. And yes, constantly checking for wind direction is "the way to go" :)
Takk for sist, Bernhard

@edmonddantes1617 - 18.05.2016 19:20

snake and deer have similarity. they smell the air.

@descattysBushcraftbydescattys - 18.05.2016 20:12

Thank you for sharing..
Kinda took me back to my days in the forces...A lot of these skills are often adopted when you spend time in the woods etc..
Movement.....spring to mind.

@henrywilson5204 - 18.05.2016 20:32


Great video. I’d like to see more videos like this. Cutting sign (tracking) is a good one too. This reminds me when I was a child stalking deer in the swamps of North Carolina, USA. The Waccamaw Sioux showed be some good tricks very similar to yours that really worked. Thanks


@NorwegianWoods - 18.05.2016 21:25

Nok en fin video. Her var det mye nyttig info. Jeg har lyst til å filme mer dyreliv i videoene mine, og jeg har ikke så mye tele på kameraene. Jeg skal gi dette en test utover sommeren :)
- Martin

@Far-North-Bushcraft-Survival - 18.05.2016 22:32

Good practical advice. Great job on the video.

@woodlandsnorth - 18.05.2016 22:48

Some good tactics here. Many people tromp through the woods and wonder why they never see wildlife?

@bugikraxn - 18.05.2016 23:11

Hei Odd, superb explanations and really good instructions. Great topic worth to deal with, I really enjoyed watching your vid ;-)
ATB. Franz, bugikraxn

@RandomButtonPusher - 19.05.2016 06:14

Good demonstrations on a worthy topic. Another aspect of walking is rhythm. Typical humans walk with a very regular 1-2-1-2 rhythm. By not only slowing, but staggering your gait, you will sound less like a purposeful human striding through the woods and more like a wild creature that is searching around for food. Once you spot some wildlife, sit back and observe them for as long as possible -- unless it's a skunk, about the only time they display a steady, even pace is when they are running from something or, in the case of a male during the mating season, running toward something. That's when bucks get shot.

Also, just as you could see that one game trail by getting down low, scan the area around you from down low. Most animals are not as tall as humans, and even the larger ones sometimes are bedded down. Their silhouettes are easier to find from a lower vantage point when it is available. Also, watch for deer by watching for horizontal shapes when in essentially vertical environments (body cross-ways to tree trunks).

@canesser1 - 19.05.2016 06:19

Excellent vid Odd! I was busted by a doe while still hunting (white tailed deer, they don't roar and scare the stalker in these parts lol). Thankfully had a brim hat on and kept my eyes hidden at less than 10 metres for what seemed like 5 minutes, not moving a muscle. She stomped the ground with her hind foot a few times to try and get a reaction but I didn't move a muscle. She walked down the bush line for maybe 60 metres then turned parallel with me and stopped to look my way, giving a perfect off hand shot to the vitals. Memorable hunt as the patience paid off.

@neanderthaloutdoors9202 - 19.05.2016 19:11

Some good and sound advice Odd and nicely demonstrated, always see without being seen and always hear without being heard was something our NCO's always told us in Training, and camouflage should always match your surroundings, and as you probably know Ghillie suits don't work too well in thick bush, too many snags, good vid, atb, Paul.

@Grasbakken71 - 19.05.2016 21:10

Artig å komme nær rådyra.
Du har fine teknikker, dyra må ofte lukte se og høre deg for at de stikker. Eliminerer du lukte, kan du komme nær hvis du er forsiktig.
En erfaren reinjeger jeg kjenner, har aldri skutt på lenger enn 50 meter.
Thanks for posting!

@windhamcabin - 20.05.2016 17:50

Very good video and information Odd! I have just started learning to stalk and move silently over the past few years. It is amazing how much more wildlife you will see when you slow way down!
Thank you for sharing!
Take care -Chris

@arthur4818 - 21.05.2016 04:30

Great video I love to track, keep it up.

@UTEavdelingen-OutdoorsNorway - 21.05.2016 16:52

Flott video med kjente tips presentert på en super måte! Det er alltid utrolig gøy å få møte dyr når vi er ute, men med to huskyer i følge har vi litt andre forutsetninger ;) Det blir ikke så mye 'å liste seg avsted' da. På den andre siden drar vi nytte av bikkjenes lukt og hørsel. Når de blir på vakt, så stopper vi opp for å prøve og se det de værer. Takk! Hilsen fra Tove og Kaja

@tomsawyer5280 - 21.05.2016 17:09

My wife and I are near silent in the woods using loads of these techniques and we see so much wildlife. Elephants move quieter than most people who then complain they see nothing. Keep up the good work Odd its nice watching you.

@Swisswoods - 25.05.2016 22:56

Dear Odd, Really good video, thanks. Getting so close to deer is not easy. Some very good tips and great demo's. I need to try the apple! ATB, Colin.

@SwedishOutdoor - 27.05.2016 21:00

Good advices and nice video Odd! Take care, Joachim

@sovereignaussie8627 - 29.05.2016 11:57

Great vid, well done. Cheers for the demos.

@steinwaygoat - 01.06.2016 06:10

Hrh heh, this reminds me of my favorite times fishing! Great fun!

@adelarsen9776 - 10.06.2016 13:39

The trouble today is that most people live in a world where "I want it now" is the rule they live by.

Because of this, and the advent of technology and flat shooting calibres, people are too lazy to learn the art and skill of stalking.

Today there is a wide chasm between hunting and shooting an animal.

Many things make up a successful hunter / stalker. A good trait to have as a hunter / stalker is to be patient and learn how the prey lives and operates.

When you become the animal you can out wit him. That's the cycle of life that the true hunter completes each time he takes an animal.

Having said that, and knowing that no one reads these comments, the best advice I can give a new hunter / stalker is to Stop Often, Look, Listen, Smell - That's EXACTLY what your prey does. Imitate and mimic that and you're on the right track.

@TheAnnoyingThingOutdoors1 - 25.07.2016 20:11

I never thought exactly how I move in a situation like that but it is very similar now when you point most of it out, thanks. :-)
I,m not checking the wind regular though.

@WELSBYROOTS - 29.07.2016 15:53

Thanks for this video, it was excellent! I would love to see more like this for sure!

@lakirbs8927 - 09.08.2016 16:22

Awesome video! Thanks for the tips. I also wanted to know if eye contact was a big giveaway on deer?

@furtherskies9624 - 17.08.2016 21:35

Wicked channel dude. Exactly what I was looking for.

@QuehannaWildman - 13.10.2016 03:02

awesome video

@zackarymiles8842 - 14.11.2016 00:43

extremely helpful and informative. thank you very much

@sebastianstahl1871 - 23.11.2016 01:08

helpfull video and clear understanding of nature,
keep doing what your doing


@TheGreatPornholio - 23.02.2017 01:30

Great and helpful video. I'm wondering what the moment is that you decide to slow down with walking. I mean, I assume that you start off by entering a forest in a normal pace? So at what point do you decide to walk very slowly and for how long do you keep doing that? The issue with slow walking is that of course you don't travel much distance, so if there are no animals around, you can keep doing it for hours but you're not coming across anything. So i'm wondering how you decide what to do at which point.

@HenningAndersen - 19.07.2017 23:09

Very good video! I actually learned most of these "tricks" by myself (apart from the wind and scent-part) trough many years of airsoft! It's amazing how close you can get to people without them noticing!

@zyriab5797 - 24.11.2017 02:35

Let's not forget that one of the most distinctive human thing (apart from the upright position) is the head, if you tuck your head or wear a hood, you can also fool your prey's senses. When you where in that ghillie suit, putting your head on the ground would have helped concealing your presence/position even better.

Speaking about ghillie suits, there are net-cloaks with dedicated bands to put vegetation on them, they give you the ability to use the local vegetation to make your ghillie suit on the field.
Also, they are lighter than ghillie to carry. I saw one on ASMC for 40€, just got to re-paint the fabric because it's nylon or something like that, and shines (:/)
Also, ver heard about the Russians sniper summer suit ? Those are lightweight camouflaged suits you put over your normal clothes, I think it'll give you good concealment while not being as "bulky" as the ghillie. Got to try :)

Thanks for this video, Odd, really good, as always, I hope you didn't take my comment as offensive or bragging-like, I just wanted to share a bit of what I sort-of know. :)

I never thought about walking upright like that when going uphill, that so smart (and logic) !
I like, when I move near the ground, to use my hand as well, to reduce the weight on my feet and then reduce my overall noise.

Thanks again for that really informative video, that was good to go :)
Take care and happy stalking !

@chacuajxengvue3056 - 04.11.2019 23:23

Very helpful.

@ladybug4762 - 17.11.2019 01:29

Cool! Do you hunt, or how or why did you learn these tricks?

@ProApto - 07.07.2020 15:06

very good tecniques, but you forgot to wear a ProApto Ghillie Suit :D

@Only_God_Is_Allah_SWT - 04.04.2021 04:02

Beware! Deer might report you to the bear police and they are nasty cops.

@davidjohnston3172 - 03.05.2021 21:05

i do this everytime but checking this out - you get in before deer arive its easy to remember
you go ahead of time getting there erly is your best options in even seeing a deer or coyote understand this its not to hard

@kingoftheworms3070 - 20.08.2021 18:40

Thank you..

@fetcorran1 - 26.09.2021 19:59

Bra video! Det där ser morsomt ut.

@SamTheMan12 - 01.10.2021 22:39

I thought it was about how to stalk a person…

@airplanemechanic5561 - 05.04.2022 21:40

Its amazing that if i want a deer, i have to stalk, other times they seem attracted to the front of my dodge ram truck and horn blast...

@HumanN8ture - 28.08.2022 22:41

Excellent video!
