How To Level Horses Fast & Get ALL Tier 9 & 10 Skills | Black Desert

How To Level Horses Fast & Get ALL Tier 9 & 10 Skills | Black Desert


1 год назад

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Xen - 05.11.2023 22:08

would it be better to level my two dines separately to 30 or connect them both to a wagon and train them together?

Z三RO Lyn
Z三RO Lyn - 28.07.2023 21:42

Just gonna wait 2/3 more years for them to give out free t10.

Tent - 28.07.2023 21:37

good guide! thanks, I myself a new to training lifeskill, I always train on Elvia realm since less people and npc on roads :D

micke - 28.07.2023 19:35

You're reading in my mind ! A second ago I minimized BDO because I am leveling my T8 with the intention of making them Courser (I have almost 100 coupons for changing skills from free events). Currently I have a Training level: Master 12, I want to have as much as possible because apparently the level affects the statistics of the horse we level. For example, less chance of hitting the minimum stat for horse speed. As for horse gear, since Krogdalo is hard to enchance, I recommend Granverre. It's much easier to enchant horseshoes to +10, which will give us Movement Speed ​​+8%, (same as Krogdalo +10). And as you know, the faster the horse goes, the more distance it will travel = more XP :)

Joey Brady
Joey Brady - 28.07.2023 19:22

I been trying to buy a TRI manos riding crop for weeks now no one makes em or sells em
