Mysterious Videos From Around The Internet

Mysterious Videos From Around The Internet

Dark Matter

4 года назад

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@whatscookingresearch - 04.12.2023 16:55

The last is easy. The object was a holographic projection. The fact that NASA gave information about the object proves it is a hoax. A big hoax started years ago involving a plan to have a fake alien invasion.
NASA has lied about all the information they publish. Those who believe NASA are sheep who will be fooled by the project blue beam tech hoax years in the planning.
It is currently being ramped up to include many UFO sitings. The ufos are advanced tech craft in some cases and holograms in others.
What is the objective? Possibly a one workd dictatorship more tightly in control of the people than we can now imagine.
Not to worry. The sheep must die for the cabal to end. The ignorance of the masses is their power base.

@kimanderson5284 - 04.12.2023 01:27

It doesn’t say it’s a frame it’s says pray!

@surveyingfleaproductions - 30.11.2023 23:00

One of the best channels on the net. Keep these truth bombs flowing!

@DaveraveAndMadonna81 - 24.11.2023 20:38

Yeah and the witch one couldnt be balloons as the object is quite stationary and not something that would work as tr helium would rise much more, making the witch look as it its flying upside down. Itd be too heavy to stay on top and it wouldn't fly so fast sideways, itd be a rising effect until it popped and this you could even use a drone to do this as it wouldnt get enough air, and itd weigh too much.

@DaveraveAndMadonna81 - 24.11.2023 20:29

Number 9 is creepy as they must be the size of Manhattan Island! Man does not have that kind of ability to build a flying space machine of that size!

@daveross9288 - 07.11.2023 12:40

Plane frozen in mid air. See the banner it's pulling into.the strong wind? It's not frozen it's probably full throttle and struggling against the wind with all that weight on the back.

@sophroniel - 28.10.2023 09:56

The last one seems like a clip from a found footage film ngl

@whimsythecrypto-hippy-wolf1900 - 28.10.2023 04:15

Wow that 911 flight attendant one is haunting af

@lukeburton7448 - 11.10.2023 20:21

Cobain was 100% murdered.

@frankcotten - 23.09.2023 03:50

Huh so you see Bigfoot in the woods and are recording and your hands don't even shake even a little bit, BS

@donaldducko6580 - 22.09.2023 20:05

That pyramid is a hologram. Sorry to burst your bubble.

@donaldducko6580 - 22.09.2023 20:00

The Bigfoot is a hoax because it’s not how animals behave. Or even a human would behave. It would know they were there and it wouldn’t run across there path perfectly on camera no less.

@thisisnotachannel - 31.08.2023 18:11

Well, UFOs are basically confirmed at this point...

@ValiantKnight7983 - 29.08.2023 03:27

pilot here, the frozen plane theory is bogus, especially with smaller general aviation aircraft. a cessna 172 stalls around 40 knots, so if you set up for slow flight into a headwind of 40 knots, your groundspeed would be 0 but your airspeed would be 40, so you'd actually be hovering.

@williamwilliam5066 - 22.08.2023 17:19

"Led to fairies thinking it was a witch" What fairies!!!!

@williamwilliam5066 - 22.08.2023 17:14

"The woman is thrown by an unseen farce" Hilarious!!!

@btherema6724 - 12.08.2023 11:04

What's that meaning "it's a frame" ???

@guitaoist - 11.08.2023 04:12

Christopher Nolan finally found his niche

@tymesho - 07.08.2023 06:10

2nd. one: a powerline dropped at the street corner, was stretched by a vehicle, and snapped back at the womans neck.

@ronalddonald-cj8fu - 06.08.2023 12:40

The pyramid visited wales ....smilog wooded area.....local care home made 999 call to report explosions heard (said to be sonic weapon as the care home suffered window damage caused by sonic/frequency loudness) army shut roads and FOI showed local council had no army training drills in the area, roads were blocked and also radiation anomalies still exist at the site, its a popular mountain biking slalem downhill and walking spot. Check it out!!

@stud105 - 05.08.2023 18:48

What a great video. Loved it.

@AdBlock-User - 27.07.2023 12:00

Why are all your videos so bad audio and video. Is it only on purpose to deceive people?

@AdBlock-User - 27.07.2023 11:56

The "Kurt cobain" video is just an idiot who likes to talk shit. He is seen in several other videos and claimed a lot of nonsense. He is mentally ill and should be locked up.

@AdBlock-User - 27.07.2023 11:50

I have seen the platform video before. The one I saw was not edited like this video was. So i call FAKE on Dark Matter.

@AdBlock-User - 27.07.2023 11:47

Just because it looks like a plane doesn't mean it's a plane. It could be a drone.

@Lillithscorpio - 19.07.2023 11:23

All these videos are obviously edited !! It Ain’t real it’s fake

@henrih1621 - 19.07.2023 05:17

5, nothing strange about planes hoovering against the wind, its basic illusion

@NKal - 17.07.2023 20:58

This channel is truly a hoax. All content is grainy and bad quality with zero credibility.

@richardnz07 - 16.07.2023 23:43

Every mystery videos are blurry

@Laura-kg9le - 11.07.2023 04:05

How could anyone ever think that Alia person is not an alien??

@MuttonfudgeRacing - 27.06.2023 22:47

I hate life, so let's go!!!

@CNSCatch - 24.06.2023 17:28

Dark Matter, I shit you not. SWIM, SWI not the account owner has witnessed the exact same "pyramid" moving horizontally through the air. Its motion was as if the visible centrepiece of an invisible gyroscope Not exactly a pyramid though, a triangular prism. I have also witnessed the same behaviour from cubes and donut shapes all several tens of thousand feet in the air. With the Triangular prism, every time it flipped to reveal a face it was a triangular, no square base.

If the matrix could be one thing, it would be a population convinced that very real and inherent aspects of the universe are "in fact" fictitious. Making people perceive an anti-reality where they cannot see what's in front of them, for they are uninformed of its existence

@TenMinusNine - 19.06.2023 08:52

Look how she walked? She looks like she is still adjusting to the human body. She is definitely one of the floating pyramid dwellers!

@lloydfrazier3682 - 17.06.2023 17:47

HUGE EYES... DARK SKIN... that's a "gray" aLIEn (demon) that took the shape of a witch

@lloydfrazier3682 - 17.06.2023 17:45

The "bigfoot" also has a HUGE fuckin gate... like the distance between the legs when it takes a strp

@lloydfrazier3682 - 17.06.2023 17:42

I'm not saying it's what happened to the chick... but wind CAN be very strong... I've been knocked down by a big gust when I was younger... and I weighed a lot more back then too

@azznnj - 16.06.2023 01:33

Then years later authorities founds out that guy was responsible for multiple abductions and found bodies in his basement. Texas Massacre vibes.

@Moonlitkiss - 13.06.2023 06:49

I love how in the 2nd video the man doesn't even notice she was pushed.

@shawnnixon2616 - 09.06.2023 14:21

Did we even have cell phones when 911 happened?? Also, that call seemed stage, especially when she makes sure to tell them she is on the plane, like that was an important detail they wanted her to say. She seemed too calm in the call as well, like she thought they would release her after she does what she is told. Idk. Nine of 911 makes any sense and is definitely not what we were told it all was

@mypronounsarehewhothinksfo7083 - 24.05.2023 08:53

Uh. I hear “need to pray.” Don’t go looking for evidence that isn’t there.


@jenifferpelino2521 - 19.05.2023 11:44

the girl in the track was just on the safe spot theres a big hole under the side walk

@AsymmetricalCrimes - 16.05.2023 04:51

The UN speech one looks fake as hell

@kirstymac9437 - 14.05.2023 03:27

And the CeeCee Lyles recording right as she is saying 3 guys hijacked the plane you can hear a woman whispering something, I cant make it out i think i hear her whisper hey" dont try anything," but maybe some fan of Dark Matter will be able to figure out what the lady is whispering in the back ground. And I kind of think that the woman who is whispering is also the one who whispers its a frame.

@kirstymac9437 - 14.05.2023 03:22

In the Kurt Cobain story when the man is being interviewed and the woman screams i actually think she is screaming Helter Skelter. And no finger prints found on the gun, and the suicide note having two different types of hand writing suppably its not really his signature on the letter and the letter was actually a song in progress.

@ATomRileyA - 10.05.2023 02:20

That woman talking about the aliens seemed like a alien herself got real bad vibes from her but still totally would hit that just to see what would happen.

@ErectedGasCan - 08.05.2023 11:34

Oh my god i have not laughed this much for months, thank you! 😂😂❤️
Some of these videos are ancient! Surpriced they even circulate anymore, the russian bigfoot one even has a "making of" video made by the kid in the video now years older. 😄
