Ex-Pentagon Official CONFIRMS That Aliens Are Demons

Ex-Pentagon Official CONFIRMS That Aliens Are Demons

Michael Knowles

1 год назад

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Tom Fitzpatrick
Tom Fitzpatrick - 21.09.2023 16:29

This is the truth.

Tom Fitzpatrick
Tom Fitzpatrick - 21.09.2023 16:24

This is the truth.

James Dixon
James Dixon - 21.09.2023 15:40

I agree that what we call “aliens” are demonic forces, presenting themselves, in such a way, invoking fear and confusion. We have to remember that the devil is the father of lies and confusing the masses is how he accomplishes that. Having said that, I have no explanation of the clear and obvious photos, videos and testimonies, in regards to the flying objects, that seem to defy the laws of gravity and motion. Maybe it’s some top secret military technology and maybe it’s more demonic confusion. As hardcore of a christian as I’d like to think I am, the confusion still remains. Is my confusion and inability to explain what I’m seeing a demonic force? Am I not as much of a christian as I think I am? Am I flat out wrong about aliens being demonic forces? Can someone point me to scripture that can possibly clear this up? Thank you.

Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis - 21.09.2023 14:59

Walter Martin on Christian response to aliens convinced me

DC Publishing
DC Publishing - 21.09.2023 14:50

Michael, many professional UFO & paranormal researchers have been saying this for years, much to the chagrin of "Ancient Aliens" proponents. You are spot on! Thanks for your post!!

Linda F
Linda F - 21.09.2023 13:28

💯 they are demons!

joey86bu1 - 21.09.2023 11:49


Paulie Thompson 3rd
Paulie Thompson 3rd - 21.09.2023 10:50

It sounds like you really want this to be the case. Evidence and proof based on a non bias account is what will tell the truth. Its obvious that you want this to be the case. Religion is just going to cloud your judgment obviously. Who cares if its physical or spiritual. The fact is that there are beings with super intelligence operating with impunity in our air space. That's a problem and we need to find out what it is and what they want. And that's for an obvious reason.

Matthew Chu
Matthew Chu - 21.09.2023 07:53


Rusty Shakleford
Rusty Shakleford - 21.09.2023 07:36

It's funny how confident and haughty he is while being completely unequivocally wrong. If they do indeed have recovered physical metallic craft and biological bodies as it's pretty clean and obvious they do now...that isn't demons. I truly wonder if he or the majority of Christianity can define what the bible calls a demon. Have demons ever used the guise of aliens to torment ppl? Debatable...but Lou only said that this one guy believed that. He (lou) said what he found out is goin to make ppl "somber" and change alot of ppls paradigms. Period.... nice try there buckaroo but no dice

Osten Terry
Osten Terry - 21.09.2023 06:44

Aliens are demons

Dave - 21.09.2023 04:43

I don't think so. They don't serve Satan at saturn . But I herd its like aushwitz . And their experiments . Anything goes. Dulce .

X_FLies - 21.09.2023 03:43

Dude you’re showing OLD clips of Lue Elizondo and Steven Greenstreet talking. Lue Elizondo has since turned out to be a total liar fraud and scammer and if you look at the guy interviewing him Steven Greenstreet , he and many others have debunked all his bullshit. Steven Greenstreet has made a whole series about it. Look it up.

George Philippopoulos
George Philippopoulos - 21.09.2023 01:53

Aliens are demons one million percent the govt will use it for deception in the end times they will say they created us.which is bullshit. nasa would see them coming into are atmosphere they just pop up from another dimension.

gabriel Xb123
gabriel Xb123 - 20.09.2023 02:14

the dumbest thing I heard, I smelled fear mongering in the air. ask yourself why they are coming up with this after several years denying it 🤣

James Jurovic
James Jurovic - 19.09.2023 17:08

We simply do not know do we.. They are very similar as have reviewed both over decades. One thing is absolutely certain is either way we are going to experience whatever it is soon...

Daniel Bradler
Daniel Bradler - 19.09.2023 16:09

Isn't everyone stating this actually devaluating all the testimonies from former and current government and us navy employees when you say it's not technology?
Like, i understand when someone says it's religion in disguise because, to some degree, it is like a religious cult. But something is coming here we don't know from where or when but something is here and something is disturbing the air traffic and specific us government facilities. That's why it needs to be investigated. Just to say it's demonic and leave it at that isn't gonna do much. I mean, there's video graphical evidence of those things flying around for a century. There's also photo graphical evidence that goes back much much further. That evidence also shows that whatever it is that's being seen worldwide is physical!! So are you sure it's not, or do you just not want it to be because you just can't imagine it actually being real?
I know what I've said in the beginning of this comment but that doesn't have to mean that i have to agree with everything you or lue or who the fuck ever is saying.

Bradley B.
Bradley B. - 19.09.2023 11:21

A fine book on this topic is John A. Keel's, "Operation Trojan Horse." I don't agree with the entirety of his conclusions, yet his research, information, correlations and facts are absolutely astounding. This is a must read if you're into what Michael Knowles is discussing and debating with his colleagues.

David Price
David Price - 19.09.2023 11:05

Michael Knowels once again proving how utterly unserious he is as a person. Tartot cards, horoscopes, canned spinich, the 1996 Dodge Neon, the H2 pencil, and now aliens are all demonic.

Bradley B.
Bradley B. - 19.09.2023 10:28

You don't think about bugs much, unless you're an exterminator.

mansoaptheif - 19.09.2023 03:59


Axel Knightshade
Axel Knightshade - 18.09.2023 17:11

Nobody wants to go to heaven. You dont even know what are you going to do there

Chaffee City usa
Chaffee City usa - 18.09.2023 15:15

Always trust the CIA dude

happybeejv - 18.09.2023 04:54

White people are from outerspace.

Venus Tnerb
Venus Tnerb - 18.09.2023 04:28

Reminds me of politicians AKA democrats

Martin Gatt
Martin Gatt - 18.09.2023 04:02

To believe that we must be alone in the uncomprehensive vastness of the universe is like assuming a long sandy beach's purpose was meant just for one particle of sand! And a passage from a Pauline letter about Satan disguising himself as an angel of light doesn't validate a self centred belief wherein the universe revolves around human beings

Aha Moment
Aha Moment - 17.09.2023 22:50

A topic that really should be discussed at length much more often!!

Michael Roth
Michael Roth - 17.09.2023 22:47

You are correct. This was proven to me in the early 90’s.

Banawee Kidane
Banawee Kidane - 17.09.2023 22:44

Wait, your saying 2 of my favourite research topics are now bleeding into each other ?

Deus Ex Machina Motorsports
Deus Ex Machina Motorsports - 17.09.2023 21:30

If you think we are alone your thoughts are about 1/32 deep

matt frost
matt frost - 17.09.2023 21:18

How are ideas physical?

Doug Bull
Doug Bull - 17.09.2023 19:47

Look at that pairs facial hair.I cant take anything serious with that stach

Space Daddy
Space Daddy - 17.09.2023 17:23

I mean, for 2000+ years if anyone here saw a alien being they would say yup, that's demonic...no one said anything about aliens. Not much has changed, wait until people have a genuine reaction.
This whole alien thing was just to create a reset from any pre existing religious concept or anything like "angels", the original E.T. It plays along with science, only because Science likes to ignore all of religion on purpose.

Joe Young
Joe Young - 17.09.2023 17:08

100% correct... So called extra terrestrials are demonic. I have read countless firsthand accounts of folks who were frequented by aliens including abductees... Once they became Christians all of it stopped. I remember one story in particular of a woman in Florida who had frequent abductions, but who became saved and during an attempted abduction called out for Jesus and immediately woke up in her bed. This tells me that they're never really was an abduction it was all a hallucination brought on by demonic forces.

RussianBot17 - 17.09.2023 14:52

I am sorry, I believe in God 100% but he didn't create billions apon billions of Galaxies just for Humans. I believe you are being an ignorant, narcissist if you think he did and you need to humble yourself. LOOK UP AT THE STARS.

Some aliens are bad, therefore they are probably part of the demonic realm. But I believe there are also good aliens too. The ones that know God, peaceful, follow a prime directive, and want to see us succeed as a race. So much evidence points to a aliens past and present. Get your head out of the sand.

Stop spreading misinformation
Stop spreading misinformation - 17.09.2023 01:55

Man this guy is 100% right…

EinsamPibroch278 - 17.09.2023 00:11

Can't both Spirits and Aliens exist at the same time?
If there had to be only one, Aliens are just more likely, it just is.

dj - 16.09.2023 23:48

Aliens is one of satans greatest deceptions

Eka Gelashvily
Eka Gelashvily - 16.09.2023 23:24

You are all MAD....

MrPikehead - 16.09.2023 21:15

Demons in space yikes!

wrknathome - 16.09.2023 18:33

You should have Nick Redfern on your show. He did quite a bit of research on the black budget gov projects called the "Collins Elite", which operated on the assumption aliens were demons.

mark james
mark james - 16.09.2023 00:56

You're right mister knolles UFOs are demons

Gilbert Lay
Gilbert Lay - 15.09.2023 19:16

THEY EAT EARTH HUMAN SOULS: Who are you praying to? I believe in God the Father of Jesus Christ and He/They Fly in a UFO. God is an Astronaut King who never once claimed to be the Creator of the Infinite Universe. Instead men hardened their hearts, minds, fears and fantasies to creationism. God Flys in a UFO and saves only some of the Earth humans. "Many are called and few are chosen, wide are the gates to death and destruction and narrow is the path to Eternal Life. In fact some of the UFO beings eat human souls for food. Only Jehovah Elohim the Father of Jesus has promised us that some of us will be saved for eternity. When Jesus said "I will destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days" He meant that He will be the Living Temple of God. AND He is ALSO the Living Holy Bible. It was men who only used the written Torah that preceded the Bible that sent Him to the Cross. Now we have the same that crucified Jesus telling us that the written Holy Bible is the Word of God. Only thru Supernatural MENTAL TELEPATHY do we know what Jesus really wants of us. AND Satan knows the telepathy game as well. So "Yes" we must read the Word of God in Book , but then you must pray telepathically to get the real truth!!!!!!
In all His Glory and Benevolence did Jehovah Elohim decide to save some of the Earth humans. The universe is infinite & eternal so to eat all the souls of Earths humanity would be a gluttony of sorts. He and He alone decided that some from planet Earth will be blessed with a "Chance" at Life Everlasting. You ask "Why don't these UFO gods land their spaceships and interact with us?" Because Earth humans are for the most part Dumb Animals that don't even know there is Quantum Consciousness Death Survival. AND quantum consciousness is a evolutionary kind of meat to eat! Jesus Christ was/is The Fathers Perfect Son. YES God does have an Earth Human Son, and he is the reason some of us are saved! Amen

Ivy - 15.09.2023 13:25

100 per cent

Paul matthew MINISTER, Ufologist,
Paul matthew MINISTER, Ufologist, - 15.09.2023 10:21

Yes they are demons ive known this for 45 years

Bloodviking minister

Paul matthew MINISTER, Ufologist,
Paul matthew MINISTER, Ufologist, - 15.09.2023 10:21

Yea it's only been in the bible for 7000 years.

There not green they are grey

Jennifer Raymond
Jennifer Raymond - 15.09.2023 09:41

Oh Michael, you surely have better things to talk about than going down this rabbit hole, dont you? Lol😂
