How to Set Up Facebook Catalog for your WooCommerce Store with a Free Plugin

How to Set Up Facebook Catalog for your WooCommerce Store with a Free Plugin


2 года назад

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@MrChu-qw5pd - 15.11.2022 05:23

Great is it possible to sync the existing manually created products in Facebook catalog with my Woocommerce Products? And may I know please the process? Thank you

@healthylifenation - 26.04.2022 17:34

You missed a critical step. How to upload the actual variable products that are on your website that need to appear on Facebook and Instagram. It does not populate as you infer automatically. Please advise.

@CookingWithThatown2 - 19.04.2022 03:41

after selecting update and generate feed it never produces the code. i't stuck at 5% and says No products found. Add product or change feed config before generate the feed.

@veeai300 - 20.01.2022 04:22

Thanks for the guide, it was really easy.But how do i run an ad on my commerce manager?

@inbal7018 - 20.10.2021 11:49

Thanks for the great guide. In multi langugues site it can work good?

@vichetkem3693 - 24.09.2021 06:19

Hi, i almost finished upload the file to facebook catalog but it show " Fix Column issue" , so facebook required to fix the column missing
