The Problem With Bosses In Genshin Impact

The Problem With Bosses In Genshin Impact

Vars II

1 год назад

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@mynameisconnorimtheandroid6080 - 03.12.2023 16:04

Pyro regisvine in mondstadt lul

@ProudKeqingSimp - 27.11.2023 22:07

I don’t see a problem at all.. unless playing video games is all you do. Genshin is great and it’s designed to not take up a lot of your time

@ronnieketchum1241 - 05.11.2023 08:06

Vars: Bosses are easy
Me swearing the hell out every week I have to face the Raiden boss: yes.

@liiich6175 - 02.11.2023 23:00

Showing those Reddit posts with 0 upvotes sums up the active online player base sadly (just downvoting any real discussions, so glad I quit that trash site). I agree 100% with this video and how much of a missed opportunity the game has become. Do we really think if a harder optional game mode was made available it would cause mass burnout and quitting player base?

The biggest issue I find now is the AI is just not aggressive enough and any combat feels like those martial arts movies where 10 guys stand around the MC and only attack one at a time. It reminds me of Destiny where you could just stop walking mid battle and the AI stopped shooting at you.

My goals stopped when it comes to leveling up talents and artifacts now...I aim for a power level that can clear abyss 12 with 30 seconds to spare with good rotations....I see little reason to over level my team as that would take away the last big of a challenge I have left. I also bench characters in overworld that are too strong now, allowing me to experiment with unused characters is a nice change too.

In the end the blame is probably due to mihoyo being afraid to have negative backlash if the game became P2W.

But mostly the players that will cry online because content is too hard and the game isn't coddling them enough, it's like they have never played an actual hard game, or any game.

Look at the latest event rewards for the hardest scores, its sad to see that a few Enhancement Ores are the reward for well invested teams, because the scrub player base would get salty that those rewards are out of reach...sure, they are for me too. But one day I will be strong enough and all ill get for it is a few Ores only, just sad.

@ricofresh22 - 31.10.2023 10:05

Bosses should drop primogems

@TheTrueGlaukos - 21.10.2023 01:01

Adding rewards is one thing, but the type of challenge is also important. A straight up timed challenge doesnt have much flexibility, and opponents who become invincible for long animatons are basically just forcing you to not play the game at all in random intervals. Some of the overworld bosses are already close to the solution, but screw it up for various reasons. The answer is that at the end of the time, you have to increase the challenge. Resummon minor enemies and regenerate some health. Maybe add an attack boost. Make killing the boss before the first transformation an achievement, and then give some back and forth during the battle for all the other players to make it an interesting fight.

@noahfranck3562 - 14.10.2023 06:16

I think a cool idea would be to add limited 4 star weapons from past events to the overworld bosses. This would allow people who missed certain events (cinnabar spindle etc. ) to still get the drops. If the weapons were rather low say 5% drop chance every time you kill an overworld boss that could cause people to go back and grind the boss for duplicate copies of the weapon, additional refinements, or if they missed the weapon.

@ReleaseZeKrakken - 26.09.2023 08:00

The thing is most players don't have every character maxed out and will still have to fight these bosses for months to potentially years depending on their playtime and the type of player they are.

@froeloe - 22.09.2023 21:45

I just don’t wanna wait 2-3 minutes waiting for a boss to respawn.

@freddiet.rowlet525 - 18.09.2023 03:06

How much of an issue is this really? How many of the people who play Genshin actually have the level of investment that allows one-shotting bosses? I've been playing for 2 years and I find that it's rare I ever beat a boss without seeing most of its attacks and I still sometime struggle with the Narukami no Mikoto and La Signora weekly bosses, as do my friends. I only know one person who's ever actually 36 starred Abyss, and they only did it once.

@domaugust296 - 17.09.2023 11:28

Part of the problem is that this is a gacha. Some people will pull every 5 star, weapons, and constellations. Some will be f2p and only have four stars or a couple of 5 stars. The game is easier for the high spenders or heavy grinders (which typically tend to be hardcore) who have all of these resources versus the more casual f2p or low spenders. If you raise the difficulty so that the hardcore players with better equipment can have a challenge then it will be unreasonably harder for casual players who have less resources or less effective resources. These players would then think its unfair that people can pay their way to more rewards creating a rich get richer and poor get poorer mentality. If you make the game easy so that f2p’s and casuals can beat the hardest content then its mindnumbingly easy for harcore players which is closer to the scenario we currently live in although honestly these bosses are easy even for f2p’s once theyve gotten their characters built.

@phineas755 - 12.09.2023 18:58

The intro wording is so 👌👌👌

@IngvarGWT - 28.08.2023 07:37

Extra rewards and sense to kill bosses are definitely lacking. About the “easy” factor - i m not so sure. There are so many ppl who dont have a vague idea of how the game works and how to power lvl, they are not interested in that. What i would say is a problem - thats overall genshin enemies problem - 99% of enemies have no “real” mechanics, including bosses. Genshin enemies have only 2 types: “too easy to pay attention” and “annoying”. There are almost no enemies that are interesting to fight. And not couse they have too litttle hp, i could wait, give them time, but they just dont have anything to show for themselves. The game has 1 basic overall mechanic: evade attacks (by simply running sideways) or more as of late dont even bother trying to dodge, just face tank everything and attack in the meantime. Its not a mechanic really :D They need to look at proper mmos like ESO or WOW (i suppose) for mechanics inspiration

@clarkflorendo4415 - 28.08.2023 06:44

This didnt age well in Fontaine

@-kyori-8913 - 25.08.2023 23:46

I wish genshin had raids u can do either alon or with friends

@childe9115 - 21.08.2023 18:41

Okay fr I am trying to understand you right now and what you are saying is true but pls I can't handle any more difficulty cuz my characters are so badly built and I'm ar 52 already😭😭😭 but one thing I would say would be a good choice tho is actually giving a choice to ar 55-60 players(mostly cuz they're strong)to have the choice for making the bosses stronger in exchange for something like a four star weapon fragment or even a five star one they can just farm to create an f2p five star weapon it doesn't have to be stronger than current five stars but atleast up to par and atleast be hard to obtain so the hardcore players will gain both the difficult experience they want and rewards but still let's the current players who are actually only on the verge of improving both time to improve and a choice to either get more resources but harder bosses or easier bosses less resources

@lemon4893 - 21.08.2023 12:56

they should increase world level but also increase the amount of 5star artifacts in domains like3-5 at ar60 cuz theres nothing good to get at ar60

@janetaylor7177 - 19.08.2023 22:45

if genshin bosses could drop 5* weapons at a rare chance and were harder they would have to stop using resin or it would just be annoying anyways- only getting 4-5 chances per day at something that uncommon

@Silulaya - 07.08.2023 06:16

I mean we can use your analogy about pokemon difficulty here, you're not meant to go challenge the elite 4 with a team full of level 100 legendaries that are fully ev'd. But you can still do it to farm money for competitive items and stuff. "Why even have it in the game then" you said I think? Because there has to be some sort of reward for playing more. Same in Genshin, the player experience isn't meant to bring Nilou bloom with a full set of bis artifacts for every character vs bosses. I'm sure the bosses for a new player experiencing them all for the first time who doesn't sweat grind genshin and knows all the math behind everything has a fair amount of difficulty vs the bosses that make them engaging.

The experience you're speaking of comes from a 1%er bias perspective where you play the game for many more hours than intended therefore are rewarded by making the content infront of you trivial. This can be said about literally any game in existence, there isn't a game where the more you play the harder everything becomes after a certain point.
I agree that genshin could have something for more hardcore players more than just abyss but I doubt they'd slap any rewards onto it if its for the 1% crowd. It'd just be purely for fun.

@wriothesleyenjoyer - 04.08.2023 14:02

Did bro really say Diluc requires boss materials from the pyro regisvine IN MONDSTADT?

@iambotbeepboopba6732 - 03.08.2023 16:27

If you pay to skip the game no shis its gona be easy. Literaly if they make the world level any higher free to play players wont even be able to play after a while.

@joshuadow3775 - 30.07.2023 22:42

I wish they would add an elysian realm/simulated universe type challenge in genshin, progressing through increasingly hard stages whilst obtaining powerful buffs for your characters, I think they tried to do this with abyss, (but utterly failed). This gamemode could also come with it's own story/events to unlock new and temporary stages, and serve as a great challenge for when you're bored.

@kamu3350 - 27.07.2023 00:50

Please rant more I enjoy just your ranting lol be because in my head I’m like “yeah YEAH THEY SHOULD DO THAT

@nyambrosial1244 - 27.07.2023 00:14

Your point of bosses being too east is moot because of your ultra whaled out characters (noted multiple c6s- especially with nahida who's stronger than most characters with constellations even at c0). Yes the bosses are easy but they still bring something to most people are actually f2p or just aren't paying out an entire months of pay at every banner. The overworld does need a higher difficulty level but that's mostly from the powercreep thats been brought on from dendro and new artifact sets.

@flametress7299 - 22.07.2023 19:51


@dnaseb9214 - 20.07.2023 21:00

These bosses are easy so that players who are casual and use memes can clear them.

This game is not balanced for meta slaves.

What Genshin has to do is buff and nerf characters. Ffs

@baslatz_ - 18.07.2023 19:58

genshin betrayed us i really want signora

@FOF275 - 18.07.2023 17:21

The best thing Genshin could do is add a special version of existing bosses that can be fought twice a week with no resin that has a low chance of dropping a unique 5 star weapon and special artifacts that guarantee god rolls. On top of that, special version bosses should be more of a challenge by doing high damage and having tricky mechanics that you have to maneuver around while having normal hp so it's not dumbed down to a dps check.

@imnotherenow200 - 15.07.2023 21:52

I've always complained since the very first Raiden boss fight during the archon quest that I've wanted more souls-like bosses in genshin. At first, it was because i thought very highly of them, which i still do, but now I've realized it's because genshin bosses have little to no challenge. I think that's why i've always liked the Raiden fight. She's a challenge that feels fair. It doesn't force you to run a shielder or something like in ahzdaha's fight or the fucking clam in apep's fight. She's not a pushover like scaramouche and dvalin. She just requires you to be more skillful like a souls boss would require from you. Also, fighting a god just feels like a very dark souls thing to do lmao. I know it's a broader JRPG trope, but still

@trolebusii6407 - 05.07.2023 09:46

I wish they were just tankier but had less downtimes. I don't wanna use an element to light up a thing to then be able to damage it. Or when it literally goes underground 💀. Give me hard bosses not annoying

@SpaceKarenMonkeyKiller - 04.07.2023 00:42

If you have nothing to do then congrats you beat the game, move on. The bosses difficulty are fine for players that havent beat the game yet. Complaining about beating the game and having nothing better to do and everything is too easy is just brain dead. Literally go play another game. You probably already put a thousand hours in Genshin.

@toezie_wozies - 02.07.2023 17:56

i'm doing something wrong because it takes me over 5 minutes to kill a boss sometimes

@ninojamestan8895 - 01.07.2023 15:48

It's already balanced, Genshin Impact is a gacha game but built on lores and that's what makes it a masterpiece, we're just following the storyline. Giving the option to choose difficulty might solve some complaints but that means it drives the users to whale more so whats the point of a free game if they're making it more obvious that it's pay to win???, that's what makes it even more unbalanced. Also, it also means that there would be discontinuity that would happen in the future if that happens. The path for this game is already laid out like a story and were just waiting for it to unfold while exploring Teyvat

@victorravn3075 - 30.06.2023 01:29

this did not age well considering the latest abyss. ive been coasting by without upgrading artifacts or talents for my characters as i've been able to 9 star abyss for over a year without much trouble. but now i've had to really do my best and only just barely made it on time after many, many attempts. Sure the bosses are easy but its quite clear hyv sees abyss as the real endgame challenge content. if someone were to start playing today, it would take them a looooonnggg time to be able to clear abyss with 9 stars especially considering theyd have to wait for all the banners for the right characters. I'm honestly fine with bosses being easy. i do weekly bosses in coop every week and its fun. BUT i DO wish we had more ways to upgrade each character. my main is already c6 r1, maxed talents and 95%~ maxed artifacts. i wish there were more things to upgrade.

@6235river - 27.06.2023 01:33

This is kinda just what happens when everyone thinks the point of Genshin is to build a character for the max amount of damage output. You can't be surprised that you delete bosses in one hit when that's the goal you've been building toward for months or years. Showcases are fun to watch but they're showcases for a reason -- if you read the comments it becomes clear that the average player isn't tearing through bosses as easily as those who religiously grind this game or whaled on their builds to get those crazy showcase numbers.

@AnArtistInAVoid - 22.06.2023 09:26

Genshin bosses are definitely an afterthought in the game. And it will probably stay that way forever.

@redrose1179 - 22.06.2023 00:31

I hope in 4.0 they add 3-4 bosses and they all have a new pool of artifacts, it be nice

@Sobepome - 21.06.2023 12:26

Having raid versions of the weekly bosses that you clear once a week that require either matchmaking or bringing 4 people to even enter with actual mechanics, and that reward you with billets that let you craft a new set of 5* weapons that aren't the best in slot for most characters but are a solid upgrade over most 4 star weapons would be nice.

The world bosses have to be farmable because you will be killing them a million times to ascend units, but having a tier of difficulty for a weekly lockout could be nice. The biggest issue here is the insane variance in damage output between units, especially a support vs a main DPS. Someone bringing a C6 insert top tier 5 star here would be able to wipe the floor with anything balanced around F2P built units in mind. It's not impossible but it's a tough needle to thread.

@uyeah1234 - 20.06.2023 02:01

They can't balance their game with janky combat and gear system, so they have to make bosses, esepically in abyss annoying sponges with 2 invinceability phases. Or attack that just soley exsist to stun you.

@MuhaamadAreeb - 12.06.2023 22:19

Ok , you can go an extremely meta ayaka freeze with shenhe kokomi and kazuha and kill everything

But people still wanna play Eula, dehya , four stars like Lisa

And the game is already pretty hard for those characters , the game should atleast be playable if someone wishes to build them

Making the world itself harder won't work , cuz after this point , unless teams have perfect synergy or a broken hypercarry , it just won't work

End game content I guess but that isn't happening

@MuhaamadAreeb - 12.06.2023 22:10

To be honest , if I invested alot of time into this game and found out the new region needs me to use certain elements or have Extremely meta teams ... I would be pissed off

@dustpal - 12.06.2023 19:04

And here’s me thinking all the newest bosses are way too hard while the hardcore people want it to be even worse, lol. It feels like some people won’t be satisfied unless everyone has to sacrifice their first born to beat a boss. Can’t we just be happy that games don’t expect us to beat a boss at 20 minute intervals for a week to get a rare drop? Why are there people that want this? If you are that bored with your life, please just play another of the almost infinite option of games that exist instead of trying to find a reason to continue grinding in something you’ve already grinded in for way too long.

@Shiryuwu - 12.06.2023 05:36

Pyro Regisvine in Monstadt

@pyro5159 - 10.06.2023 01:59

Well it is a gacha game hard too balance fights for whales and f2p alike

@estellebright2579 - 08.06.2023 03:53

Do genshin team even care at this point? Like, how about introducing a system where player can play past event and get some rewards from them? Doesn’t need to be all, but provide experience for folks who misses out on event. There hasn’t been a single major event rerun after TWO ***** YEARS yet HSR gets this system in 1.1 of all things.

@waynejulian277 - 06.06.2023 18:49

if genshin isnt meant for tryhards why does it have fomo
