Why NO ONE Plays: Gnar | League of Legends

Why NO ONE Plays: Gnar | League of Legends


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GingerBread Man
GingerBread Man - 07.11.2023 09:39

idk I think its not so involuntary, you can kinda hover around 70-90 rage if u know a teamfight is inbound and just kinda chill

Allan Alves
Allan Alves - 02.11.2023 16:21

Don’t need to change him, he’s still played in high level pro play, he’s op and people don’t know that. People just doesn’t know, there’s nothing wrong with the champ

Licidian - 12.10.2023 15:03

I was a gnar main and still like to play him. Im in low elo and what i like about gnar is that like half of the people that i play against dont know how to play against a gnar and are very easy to get a lead on. So i think he should stay like he is and sould be a neash pick like asol was before he got his rework

Dennis Field
Dennis Field - 01.10.2023 22:43

maybe a make gnar's r give him a certain amount of rage at a cost, like health, debuff, or channel? It would require buildup of rage still, but would allow more consistent access as a trade off

Alientcp - 01.10.2023 03:56

Nah, I wouldnt change his abilities, the problem is not mega, is mini.
His aa range was good for the state of the game when he was released, the tradeoff was that he was squishy, but he was hard to catch due to his range and speed. However, most of melee top champions, newer and newcomers to the lane nowadays, do have abilities that match his aa range and are stronger, and even have ghost, meaning that he is easier to catch than ever and he cant really use his ranged advantage.

The other thing is that his base damage for the abilities totally sucks. , his lvl 1 q is 5 i think. the rest of the damage is from bonus damage, it should be the other way around, his base damage should be higher, but his bonus reduced, that way you can either have good damage in mini for building tankier for mega, or have insane damage in mini while being a glass cannon.

As it is right now, you dont get too much damage if you go mix dmg and tank but you really dont get tankier either, and you really dont get insane amounts of damage in mini as glass cannon, just ok damage which wont do it for normal play.

Thats it, mini doesnt have good damage and most champs are stronger than you, you cant really take advantage of the range nor speed anymore. It doesnt mean you cant have a good laning phase, but it is certainly easier to lose the lane than being equal, winning it is almost out of the question.

ewjf - 29.09.2023 09:58

It would be nice if Gnar just like, generated rage faster at all stages of the game. It really feels awful to lose a fight in lane because you're stuck at 99 rage for a solid second while your boomerang is cooling off, and it takes so long to come online during later fights when you can just pop at any moment. More rage please!

Esteban Piedra
Esteban Piedra - 19.09.2023 04:56

The fix I would do is that "for the amount of enemies that are in an area, the stacks of rage increase", so if there's only one enemy the rage stacks normally, but if there's more than one stackes faster, giving him an extra possibility to engage in tf

Dancan799 - 16.09.2023 19:12

You could make it so he can store his rage for mega and give one of his mega abilities the effect to return him to small. So you can ensure you have big when needed and remove big when not needed

Vaggelis Iosifidis
Vaggelis Iosifidis - 13.09.2023 08:12

Gbarcis one of my favourites, both in design and gameplay. Although sometimes lacking proper timing, I usually fit in tfs.

I never really thought about a minignar ultimate. Instead of unavaivalability or instant transformation, it could be something in the middle:
You instantly gain 25/50/75 rage.

Ghost Amity
Ghost Amity - 22.08.2023 23:29

Wait I play gnar

Dna Seb
Dna Seb - 21.08.2023 13:23

What ? He was one of the most popular

Krey-ola - 12.08.2023 11:54

I still play him he still good

meow - 11.08.2023 01:10

i’m a gnar main and have never found it annoying that his mini form is so weak, i really enjoy trying to bait people to all in me when i know i can transform soon.

Joshua Kehoe
Joshua Kehoe - 09.08.2023 12:50

And Att

Lost Genie
Lost Genie - 05.08.2023 08:07

Made me want to learn him and kled feel like I see neither anymore

Galaxy Cosmo
Galaxy Cosmo - 03.08.2023 01:21

I think Gnar makes people mad because he is a chilenito saying shu shu la wea trolleo hermano and that is annoying sometimes

DragonSlayer - 02.08.2023 06:19

a great way to fix him would be to do the changes you were on board with, but also tie the amount of damage he does in mega to the amount of rage he had when transforming, if he wants the full mega experience like you get now, wait till you are at 100 and you do big damage with big cc, or you can transform early and have the same cc, but do a % less damage based on how far from 100 rage he was

Helena Wells
Helena Wells - 31.07.2023 22:42

I feel like his base health is a bit low because now a Darius can walk into your face e you then force u to use tp lvl 1, buff his health and health regen ty.
