What is the Science of Pedophilia?

What is the Science of Pedophilia?

Dr. Craig Harper

3 года назад

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sergeant skullard
sergeant skullard - 20.11.2023 10:47

How can you look at a five year old and being like daaaahhhmn is just confusing to me

Quantum Mechanized
Quantum Mechanized - 19.11.2023 12:51

sounds like some assumptions to me, jumping to conclusions in a bid to need to understand, or a need to feel you understand, many pedophiles see kids and do have that same nurturing effect, just their might sometimes also be a physical or emotional interest, though ofcourse this depends on the pedophile themselves as people with autism are all very differant its not like this disease thats just the same thing for all, its far more complex than hes making it out to be, now i have no faith in humanity, everybody is taking shortcuts, even if i do at least i know its a temperary state until i find a better one

Quantum Mechanized
Quantum Mechanized - 19.11.2023 12:38

hmm so im not actually left handed im non right handed... cmon really

Erin Malcolm
Erin Malcolm - 14.11.2023 08:34

excellent video

Богдан Венгренюк
Богдан Венгренюк - 27.10.2023 22:52

Не розумію що говорять у відео, но одно я зрозумів або я педофіл убю гетеросексуала або він мене другого не дано.

Helix Moss
Helix Moss - 25.10.2023 04:45

Left handed are ya? Yeah mate, you're more likely to be a pedo.

ArcticFlower - 19.10.2023 23:18

Hatred of pedophiles is another nuance of patriarchalism.

nuclearmonster - 19.10.2023 20:05

Even if pedophile was natural it would still be wrong.

D G - 13.10.2023 14:40

I dont understand how it can be evolutionary when giving birth is something a mature woman is most likely to survive. I have seen the arguement that puberty is the sign a person is able to start reproduction but a womans hips must widen first or pregnancy is no better than a death sentence, how that would be evolutionarily favoured blows my flipping mind

Kiki U
Kiki U - 12.10.2023 08:24

Wow dude well done, so professionally made

absentmindedprof - 03.10.2023 00:28

I didn't know that perv3rts came in flavors. 😮

amit kalshyan
amit kalshyan - 30.09.2023 00:09

very informative it can help in protecting children better

grndragon7777777 - 28.09.2023 00:41

Humans are fascinating creatures

Super Natural
Super Natural - 28.09.2023 00:29

Enlightening video. I find it very interesting what the researcher said about “cross wiring”. It reminded me of when I had my daughter (she’s 3now) I suddenly understood what people meant when they said “you fall in love with your baby.” I’ve heard it called “an instant love affair”. When you have a baby, you realize how close romantic and parental love are. I know it sounds weird, but hear me out. You want to be close to them/with them all the time. You want to cuddle them constantly. You want to make them happy. You want them to love you. You feel warmth and comfort and serenity when near them or holding them. You want that feeling to last forever. The only thing missing is the sexual aspect, obviously. Take that out, and the feeling is almost the same. You really do fall in love with your baby. Evolutionarily, it makes a lot of sense that parents (mothers, more so I think) feel this way, and I’m sure that intense feeling fades as they get older. By the time they are 6 you probably don’t feel that intense desire to be close all the time. But babies NEED that skin on skin contact, the breastfeeding, the constant love and attention and nurturing. That’s how they survive even as they get into toddlerhood. So your brain tells you all you want in the world is to be close to them.

So, how easily could this nurturing, parental love be perverted by the brain? With those two types of love being so similar, yet so different? Interesting thought.

Of course, this kind of falls apart when you realize that p3do’s are nearly exclusively men and I don’t think men e Perrin e that “falling in love” with your baby thing the way women do? But I could be wrong.

I found this video because I’m interested in psychology and I was curious what makes a p3do a p3do and instead I found this fascinating insight. Thank you.

xXMpfvXx - 19.09.2023 17:27

I'm not happy to admit it but im an ex pedophile. I got help to control my mind in hard situations (when i saw kids or came close to kids) I learned much I learned to think about other things. I liked to read a book to focus on something else. I'm not attracted to children anymore i got the help i needed. The things you are saying in this video is true. You explain everything good and how it is.

SummertimeRobot - 19.09.2023 10:51

Understanding why they are "the way they are" does not equate to accepting them. If science can find a way to stop these people from acting upon their urges, both in person and via visual CP, then all good to them.
If not, then these people need to be kept away from children.

As a mother, as a victim of coercion as a 13 and 14 year old by adult men in their late 30s and 40s, and after learning what happened to my friend's 4- and 6-year old daughter's at the hands of their 17-year old cousin, I will never accept, care about, or feel any empathy for these people.

Infants, toddlers, and young children are literally physically damaged for life, and some die from their injuries because of adults who act on their selfish urges. It's abhorrent and enraging to think about.

?meitty Meyer
?meitty Meyer - 12.09.2023 06:12

Audio? Gotta go full volume? Good stuff though, ThankYou!

Charles Watts
Charles Watts - 11.09.2023 05:38

I know some people can't help what they are or their attractions. But we need to find a balanced solution to this problem. The kids need to be kept safe and sound

Tracey Onus
Tracey Onus - 09.09.2023 11:52

I have been following Dr. James

Xxx X
Xxx X - 02.09.2023 22:30

No no no no fuck no…when you don’t take in water or food you die…when you don’t take in air you die…when you don’t ejaculate you’ll stay alive…there’s plenty of sexual acts that I never done…if it never happens it’s fine…my fantasies involve consent…they don’t have to do any of those things because it’s harmful

V Fam
V Fam - 30.08.2023 19:35

When you have a mental illness that affects children and causes them to experience life long emotional trauma that affects every part of their life, relationships, nightmares, causing to never have a normal sexual relationship forever because you needed to satisfy your own personal urges then I can’t have empathy for that. What’s the difference between having a desire to beat and strangle children? If that was the case do you believe you should be able to just hang around kids?? No… if your mental illness hurts others then you need to find a solution that makes it so you can’t… cut it off… cut it off so you can’t hurt others.

QueenP99 - 24.08.2023 21:16

This bullshit comes from ancient Greece and rome. Like please stop spreading your disgusting psychotic behaviors onto the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you have to go everywhere and be dysfunctional and destructive and spread your weird sick twisted thoughts onto the WORLD! Come over here and try to harm my son in A N Y W A Y watch whats going to happen to you .

Rainbow of Soups
Rainbow of Soups - 15.08.2023 15:43

How does it apply to women as most stats don't mention them. Is it a matter of general differences between genders?

brady cole
brady cole - 13.08.2023 00:40

And because of these mental desieses that cannot be control, we treat them like animal and we slaughter them like animals. Which they are right, we are animals. But watching this and then thinkingnback on a new outlet of a women or men tracking down these people and just torturing them or killing them. And people wonder why no one speaks out on there mental state about this issue.

Ahmed Unabommer
Ahmed Unabommer - 10.08.2023 03:02

I've once saw a case of a person who have experienced a sudden pedophilia desires , the guy was married and that was shocking for him as well bcs he never felt that way so he goes to a doctor and he discovered a tumor in a particular area of the brain.. do you think that away from psychological problems and traumas can pedophilia caused by a physical disease ?

Calvin James
Calvin James - 02.08.2023 15:38

This was very well explained. If understanding more about pedophilia can help us protect more kids as well as help these individuals learn how to deal with their attraction in a healthy way without acting on it, then I’m all for it.

S R - 22.07.2023 08:44

It seems like they get off on taking away innocence and grabbing it

T J - 18.07.2023 21:50

It's fine to understand as long as we remain violently opposed to the behavior. When it comes to the postmodern idea of hey let's just go ahead and do it, I would rather leave off with being understanding, if that's what it's going to lead to. And don't kid yourself. The bottom of queer Theory is the normalization of sex with kids. Read the postmodernists on the subject if you don't believe me.

Vorpal Inferno
Vorpal Inferno - 14.07.2023 17:10

MAPs are born that way.
Its a sexuality and orientation.
MAPs deserve love and peace.
Stop being bigoted and accept.

Elianna Hankin
Elianna Hankin - 14.07.2023 09:21

Law enforcement absolutely need to know who pedophiles are. They should not be known publicly unless they’ve committed a crime: watching or distributing child pornography or raping kids. If you don’t know potential perpetrators, how are you supposed stop them effectively?

saeHAMMAD - 13.07.2023 17:23

I'm sick of this. And I really don't do anything but it always distract me.

Mental Jiu-jitsu
Mental Jiu-jitsu - 11.07.2023 19:02

Leave the kids alone you sick perverts.

cody zimmer
cody zimmer - 10.07.2023 21:58

So let me get this straight. This dude believes that pedophilia is biological but at the same time people believe gender is not. Stop with this nonsense. Stop trying to justify and victimize pedophiles. If u mess with our children you will die. Period.

Alex Hepburn
Alex Hepburn - 09.07.2023 06:45

All you sick perverts who are sexually aroused by someone’s little child ! I think you all need to be taken out of society , as a victim of a pedophile it destroyed my entire life , my father died my sister hung her self and all that so your type can get get their sexual gratification! Sick sick sick ! No child wants a grown man touching them you are all mentally sick don’t try to justify your sickness !! God I hate pedos

Alex Hepburn
Alex Hepburn - 09.07.2023 06:38

Oh wow how lovely all you minor attacked sick people on one page ! How wonderful .

Loli King
Loli King - 07.07.2023 19:11

As someone who does enjoy loli and shota content I've always wondered why some people would drag the fantasy aspect into reality and this video confirmed my suspicions that they are hardwired this way and need to be helped not vilified for being different when it's not there choice.

(For the record I do understand the difference between reality and fantasy and have no sexual attraction to IRL kids I do have that fatherly nurturing instinct instead.)

Travis Ford
Travis Ford - 06.07.2023 15:12

PLEASE Quit trying to normalize the mentally ill in society.
What do we say about a man who says he has never raped a woman but is aroused and fantasizes about it? WE CALL HIM A SOCIAL DEVIANT
What do we say about a person who says he has never killed someone of the __ race...but fantasizes about it, thinks we'd be better off? WE CALL THEM SOCIAL DEVIANTS

When objective truth is destroyed in society, we have no choice but to accept everyone's individual irrefutable truths.

Every time we have a shooting we always find some post, note, conversation where the person stated they had planned or fantasized about the crime.
We all clutch our pearls and gasp....curse the gun manufacturers...and swear to put a focus on mental illness in our nation.
Here are mentally ill people staring you in the face and you want to try to normalize and justify them.

Fredrik O. Zachrisson
Fredrik O. Zachrisson - 01.07.2023 13:21

interesting video, but one thing is that you should not have your picture in the thumbnail for this video.

Ctruth lyfe
Ctruth lyfe - 29.06.2023 23:48

I would recommend you all do research on German doctor who did government funded program of housing children who were removed from their homes and sent to live with pedophiles for yearrrrsss. The pain, trauma that the children experienced is beyond what I can say. Don't be fooled, there will be an eternity of hell to pay for defiling the innocence of children, who are vulnerable and dependent on adults.

Julia Mahlaj
Julia Mahlaj - 29.06.2023 00:58

Demons are behind this and mind controll. Pedophiles are made. The world should get rid of them! They aren't human.

New Jack City
New Jack City - 27.06.2023 16:09

Satan!!! That is it!!

Von Black
Von Black - 20.06.2023 18:19


Gaming Gamer
Gaming Gamer - 16.06.2023 18:09

Maybe it's just me hating kids in general but I still don't understand what's so attrackting about them after watching this, even though I've learned more about the "fetish" itself!

Kingdom Of Heaven
Kingdom Of Heaven - 16.06.2023 05:12

Pedophilia is evil spirit influence, it is not an orientation.

VultusFox - 13.06.2023 14:57

Why do people put more financial effort into testing LGBT men's attraction in conversion therapy camp, than put more effort into testing a person's attraction to children ?

VultusFox - 13.06.2023 14:55

Peddofilia is an exclusive attraction to prepubescent human beings, regardless of age. We may take into consideration the case of Shauna Rae, who is a real life loli. Because she hasn't gone through puberty due to a tumor, she is still biologically and physically a child, which makes it hard if not impossible for her to date older men. I understand men who would rather date 14 year old girls that look over 20 than 20 year old girls who look 14. One is legally wrong and the other is socially wrong. Yes, appearances do matter more than facts in society. I don't know how to take this, but I have accepted the worst of humanity a short time ago

Kingdom Of Heaven
Kingdom Of Heaven - 09.06.2023 03:15

Castration should be free for our pedophile brothers.

Hot Stew Glass
Hot Stew Glass - 07.06.2023 10:39

Sick sick sick
