How to Include a Fullwidth Featured Image in Your Divi Blog Post Template

How to Include a Fullwidth Featured Image in Your Divi Blog Post Template

Elegant Themes

2 года назад

4,947 Просмотров

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Virgil Stanphill
Virgil Stanphill - 17.06.2023 01:19

Never got the download. Signed up for your list. No download.

Raber Sadiq
Raber Sadiq - 21.05.2023 20:17

the quality of featured image is VERY VERY poor, how can I boost the quality for post og project featured image please? thanks divi

Shannon Dolan
Shannon Dolan - 05.12.2022 23:47

Curious if you have a full width two column Featured Image & text section how to?

Robert Rado
Robert Rado - 11.01.2022 18:50

Hi Mak, can you please share the download link and thigs like settigs, colors, you mentioned that is in the description below :) Thanks!

Robert Rado
Robert Rado - 11.01.2022 18:41

Couldnt find the link in the desc.

Karen S
Karen S - 11.01.2022 18:27

Had to change speed, talking to fast on normal
