8 Things You Should NEVER do To Your Rabbit

8 Things You Should NEVER do To Your Rabbit

Lennon The Bunny

1 год назад

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Lennon The Bunny
Lennon The Bunny - 15.11.2022 01:45

What else should you NOT do with your bunny? Comment below!

hope 3:00
hope 3:00 - 17.09.2023 05:50

One thing you should do with your bunny is when you pick him up don't just drop her dentally put it to the ground

Божена Божанова
Божена Божанова - 04.08.2023 11:29


Божена Божанова
Божена Божанова - 04.08.2023 11:28


Freedommjw - 28.07.2023 21:44

You are so right. To have a bunny WANT to be with you and loves to be cuddled is the best! I raised my little guy from day one. His mom rejected him, I guess because he was the runt, so I took him home and fed him with a syringe. He's 5 months old now and has an appointment for neutering. I LOVE MY BUNNY!!!

Vivi's Learning!
Vivi's Learning! - 26.07.2023 16:53

i have 2 questions
what if 2 baby animals (bunny and kitten) grow up together, still any problem??
and if my bunny sleeps with me and i kick them and they fall while i sleep?? (cuz idk sleep still and quiet)

cakeisavegatable - 22.07.2023 09:41

Sadly we do need to use trancing for nail clips otherwise we’ll lose an eye… we’ve tried the other ways he just does NOT want it and he’s got some killer claws

Envixity - 17.07.2023 02:17

My bunny recently died. But I watched this video when she was around three weeks old and I had her for 10 years thanks for the information

Nikolász Balogh
Nikolász Balogh - 15.07.2023 15:12

cooking wan't there....

András Salfay
András Salfay - 12.07.2023 23:23

I keep meat rabbits for less than a year and I can assure everyone, not all of them are alike. I tried the famous "Internet" for clues and recommendations, most of the real know-hows of rabbit keeping are NOT there. :DDD
Even picking them up seemed to be a problem, cause they were not like in these videos where you can just pick up a catatonic half kilogram rabbit fluff with a smile....
Picking them up by hugging, supporting, grabbing them is out of options too. Yeah, if we talk about a rabbit that spends it's days in a cage, OK! They will probably be scared sh*tless and won't do nothing.
I started out by building the rabbits that I was given bigger pens, so they can actually RUN and JUMP...so that's what they did, their legs got waaaay stronger. The buck that spent 1,5 year in a cage got stronger in just 2 months. We could NOT hold him, so we did not force it.... we just spent time with him on daily basis, and we did not leave him until he got back into his pen. Now he is exercising free for 6 hours a day outside. They trade places with his son, the young buck is out excercising from the morning, and his father in the afternoon.
They know when they must go in and when there is time for dinner etc.

We never disturb them when they eat cause they eat ALL THE TIME... when they want. Not when they "beg for it" or "behave well" like the video says :DD
They cannot be put into "trance", hell I barely manage to lay them on their side when they are exhausted from playing.... they do whatever the hell they want. :D
Forcing cuddles are out of question... I tried once, got fangs to my face and arms.
So yeah people tend to forget that these are wild animals, but they also forget that they are intelligent and very social. If someone does not acknowledge these 2 facts, they should not keep a rabbit. If they do, well they can learn the rest from experience. :)

A really good thing the video mentions is WIRE FLOORING. This is the only video on the internet that I have seen mentioning it. I dunno how every, literally every breeder thinks it's OK just cause it's easy... they don't even provide natural mulch, cause it's easier that way.
So yeah, thanks for pointing out that it'S not cool. :) Should be the first point, cause it's rare that someone mentions it...
Cool video all in all. Lots of info, good presentation.
Just don't forget that all bunnies have different personalities, big or small. A healthy one will let you know what it wants. A sick one (even mentally) will be really obidient and still.

Bill Ralens
Bill Ralens - 12.07.2023 19:03

I had a rabbit that would have lived the rest of her life in a cage. Typically, I would say I'm a dog guy. Rabbits are so subtle in comparison. If I was awake and at home, the cage was open for her to run around. I noticed that she always was in a place where she could see me. When I'd cook, I'd always give her the leaves from the celery or the rest of a bunch or parsley. She loved parsley. Towards the end of her life, she got head tilt a lot. I swore I wouldn't get attached but I did. The saddest thing was chopping up some celery and bringing her the leaves and realizing she was gone.

Jeweli - 07.07.2023 07:20

They shouldn't have to wait for meal times, fresh hay (and water) should always be provided for their gut to stay mobile. Good video otherwise.

scuz dirty
scuz dirty - 27.06.2023 03:07

if u spanked ya rabbit wud it BITE ¿

Barakon - 17.06.2023 17:26

The only time rabbit need be bathed is diarrhea or other conditions they can’t clean themselves from, and that’s at the vet’s clinic.

Michelle Johnson
Michelle Johnson - 16.06.2023 00:48

My bunny loves to cuddle. Always ready to be held. I say come see mama and he gets in position and waits for me to pick him up. He loves to be held and snuggles. Really likes to have his back rubbed.

Nagadevi Indukuri
Nagadevi Indukuri - 27.05.2023 07:00

How old ur bunny is..??

josh - 22.05.2023 21:06

you should never buy a pet rabbit to feed to your snake or lizard

AapoVeikka - 21.05.2023 11:22

I ALWAYS interact my bunnies eating and sleeping and im not gonna stop it. Theres nothing wrong with it.

Anna - 15.05.2023 10:59

i had a bunny once her name was lucy and i bathed her and traced her and i didint know thats bad ,whith bathing i knew but i didint see anythink bad happenning🥲after wathing this i feel so bad .she stopped eating and died in a young age she was in the cage becouse my parents did not let me just hawe her running around i letted her out too but i feel like it wasnt enaugh i knew that one bunny needs muh attention but i whas suh a ignorant i feel extrymly bad 😱🥲 now i am trying too be the best owner i can too any of my animals(sorry for bad english)

Edits333 - 07.05.2023 09:56

My mom bathed my rabbit with SHAMPOO. I tried stopping my mom and told her why she shouldn’t do it but she did not believe me. My sister heard it and joined. But she thinks my mom is right, so now it’s 2 to 1. I tried taking the rabbit away but my mom pushed me away.

Blopy - 04.05.2023 04:04

What if I carry him like a baby but he still likes me and licks me and shows me that he don’t have a grudge against me for doing that?

Sasha Goldate
Sasha Goldate - 02.05.2023 14:23

I have to trance my Rex rabbit when I put her bandages on for her sore hocks. It's the worst feeling, I hate it. I don't wanna do it. But she is so squirmish she leaves me no choice.

Vihuhol95 - 25.04.2023 11:02

Если я попробую сделать что-то из этого с моим кроликом, он меня съест. Очень защищает свою свободу и независимость)))

Ric Diaz
Ric Diaz - 22.04.2023 06:40

We let our Bunny go in the backyard in a massive pin is that okay? We keep it covered to protect him. Also, If we get him spayed will he be more lovable? I treat him so well and he still nips at me. I used your tips and lay down, getting down to his level.

Bilbort Boxing
Bilbort Boxing - 19.04.2023 04:39

so much makeup

Kitsunego - 12.04.2023 16:58

i went to the vet once to get my bun's nails cut and the vet was so aggressive. he grabbed Chewie by the scruff aggressively and cut his nails too closemto bleeding point..

Jen Rivera Bell
Jen Rivera Bell - 10.04.2023 04:34

Thank you for this very informative video! 🐰

PatriotHillFarm - 10.04.2023 02:19

Although many of these things I agree people should never do. The part about the wire I have to disagree. Rabbits have feet, not paws. And because rabbits don't have paws makes it okay for them to be on wire (with some time out of course).

TrumanHW - 03.04.2023 05:55

Just curious ... how did wabbits evolve since they're "fatally allergic to water rain ?

Audry Toro- Bull
Audry Toro- Bull - 21.03.2023 01:44

Hello from Spain! I'm here because I learning English and also I'm rabbit lover. My son Firu is ten years old.

Matthew Jack
Matthew Jack - 20.03.2023 21:56

I had a black Lop Eared female rabbit named Parker. She LOVED to be picked up and LOVED to cuddle. She would sit stretched out on my lap for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. She loved being around people. But just as you said there were times that she just wanted to be alone. But overall she was a VERY affectionate rabbit

Jachammer - 15.03.2023 18:17

Bunnies with a mate don't need human interaction though...

Peach& Dabby
Peach& Dabby - 15.03.2023 11:17

My bunny would just say
'NEVER pick me up'

John Haddad
John Haddad - 12.03.2023 06:31

Our two brother and sister Hotops (tiny) bunnies are about 5 years old now. They both visit the vet about every 2 months because Casper (the male) needs his teeth trimmed. They grow in crooked. They are so much fun!

Frozen Iceblade
Frozen Iceblade - 08.03.2023 07:32

i sadly have to bathe my bunny like every second day now, due to arthrosis in their back legs, sometimes so bad she can't walk, so she pees herself and can't clean herself in that area anymore :(

Treasure - 23.02.2023 02:05

When my rabbit claims himself he's so cute 🐰😚

Viktoras K
Viktoras K - 21.02.2023 10:25

I cant let my two bunny's free roam till neutered, I did 3 time, they spray like a mad, then after fight I had eneugh and kept them in big pen till they neutered in 2 months.

Kristy Ong
Kristy Ong - 20.02.2023 18:15

According to my bun you should NEVER under any circumstances feed them medicine and lately has added critical care to that list. You also must never expect just because she liked something yesterday that she will like it tomorrow 😂

Dr Pepper man view
Dr Pepper man view - 14.02.2023 02:48

Thx I there was one I did and I stopped and he started to like me 👍

stvrlightt - 13.02.2023 05:50

i have a question, i have school at 8am on the weekdays and usually come home around 5pm or 4pm but then as soon as i get home i have to got to basketball practice til'7 is it still ok for my bun to be in the cage during those hours because my mom will mostly tell me to take him out of the cage for a few minutes while im getting dressed in the morning, when i come home at noon, and at night for an hour or two is this ok?

NamelessChild - 11.02.2023 22:22

I've never done any of these except one which was grabbing her by the scruff it was in an emergency when I did that because my house had caught on fire in the middle of the night thankfully she's fine but it scared both me and her

oooh19 - 10.02.2023 03:43

Wouldn’t it be good for the bunny to be kept somewhere safe especially if they have room? They could eat something or get hurt or killed even!


My bunny loved when little to be rocked to sleep with classical music and be held now that he is 2 it’s a heck no don’t pick me up at all except at the vet he loves to be held by me then ofcourse

Sarah Hernandez
Sarah Hernandez - 04.02.2023 18:07

how do bunny's live on there own😆

Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom - 02.02.2023 04:00

Also your Bunny might die Taking a bath

Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom - 02.02.2023 04:00


Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom - 02.02.2023 03:59

Oil no

mouza plays minecraft
mouza plays minecraft - 29.01.2023 18:58

Can i keep my rabbit in a room or no?
