The Original Alpha Sound | 10 Minutes Sound for Meditation | Silva Method

The Original Alpha Sound | 10 Minutes Sound for Meditation | Silva Method

Silva Method Official

3 года назад

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@DimitriFrondizi - 21.03.2025 00:47

Hi, this is Dimitri from Italy : I am a Silva method graduate from the period when there were still two directions in Northern Italy, I did the seminar with Giambattista Pagani (R.I.P. ) , director of one of the two centers, in this case in Milan.
I still have the audio of the relaxation exercise from one of his cassette that I remastered in digital. However, the alpha background sound under his guiding voice is different from the one in the video that is very easy to find: the sound that I would like to find without the voice, to be able to do the techniques, is made up of a low frequency background noise and a rhythmic sound perhaps of blocks of wood banging together that recalls the rattling of the train running on the tracks, this is the best description I could give. Then during the half hour of relaxation exercise the frequency of these bangings gradually decreases in more than a phase and in the last minutes (when you are at Level 1) the dark background noise disappears and the rhythmic one remains, clearly slower than at the beginning of the exercise.
Is it possible to find this type of file to download to use as a background to practice Silva techniques (3 scene technique, healing, laboratory etc...)? Here in Italy I don't think you can find it, the cassettes were prepared at the time and perhaps there was this sound in one of the cassettes available for purchase, or in a B-side of the one I had, but I don't have it anymore.

@aking7171 - 20.03.2025 21:08

It’s been over 25 years since to took the course and it took 2 minutes to get back the vibration of things.

@skd3185 - 28.02.2025 20:54

Pl. Explain benefits of this frequency alpha sound...1st time yesterday I heard it. I m feeling very fresh today morning. 😊 thank you 🙏🏻

@drgdfhg - 25.02.2025 00:55

Like some kind of super fast techno music. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d! 😅

@BillyBobs-zz5ol - 30.01.2025 00:56

Sounds like amachine gun.

@JaneNomade - 18.01.2025 17:19

The sound is exactly what I needed. But it's a shame to have an ads when meditating with this sound, it's distracting... 😢 I'm goind to look for another one.

@ElisaGuzman-u1s - 16.01.2025 21:03

Beautiful relaxation ❤thank you thank you 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️

@A.A.A-y2u - 17.05.2024 11:08

Thank you very much,love it❤

@eachellechelle - 08.05.2024 13:29


@tarab30 - 03.05.2024 01:33

It says 'guided meditation' on the main page. This is not guided 😒 Please use the correct wording next time

@gloriataitano8416 - 02.02.2024 17:54

I love this. I had been looking for just the sound of the alpha sound. You nail it. Thank you thank you so much. I just sent this link to my sisters. 🎉❤

@nocommentarygame1 - 16.09.2023 10:27


@banyusegara2882 - 13.09.2023 14:25

What is that sounds like someone speaking at a distance in the background?

@Wealthcreatorscommunity - 28.08.2023 14:14

This is not a guided meditation y’all. 🤷🏽‍♀️

@geenablackberry - 28.04.2023 20:43

Do you recommended using headphones? What is the ideal volume level?

@700joshr - 21.03.2023 21:43

Why does it sound like a metal band just underneath the alpha sound? I hear guitar static some metal growls..

@YSapphireGroup - 13.03.2023 09:53

No guided just the sounds

@lauba59 - 01.03.2023 13:18

I had 2 weekend training course in Milan (Italy) in the 90's. The problem was that after one year I wasn't able to visualize anything but negative images and after few weeks I gave up for good this experience. It was a real pity as I had found that course really useful at the beginning. Moreover I tried to find another course as my trainer had passed away but all courses were so expensive.

@a_Joy_2_cre8 - 14.02.2023 23:07

Great for focus. Think nothing, listen

@koffiam - 25.01.2023 08:14

I need help to be aboe to proprely visualize my goal
Thank you for sharing

@bbyj. - 01.10.2022 22:02

do i have to do all the ( alpha theta delta ) states everyday ?

@sannujosan3794 - 24.09.2022 02:23

Hi sir, can I listen this music while sleeping?

@matteofacchineri4158 - 27.08.2022 19:56

Thank you for this sound! I use to listen the music during the meditation with the headphones. How higher is the perfect sound volume?

@noramohamed6913 - 22.08.2022 11:39

Thank you for this!
Can you please make a longer version? 10 mins is not long enough.

@SuperRitai - 30.07.2022 21:00

Thank you very much.

@natalkadanilenko - 02.07.2022 20:37

I can't relax listening to this music. These sounds are reminiscent of the feet of soldiers and the arrival of enemy helicopters. Perhaps I am influenced by the fact that there is a war going on in my country now. And that's why I perceive these sounds in such a way.

I'm glad it still helps someone

@andreapiedmonte1954 - 06.04.2022 23:38

I had a week long training in the early seventies sponsored by the Stirling Homex Corp. in Avon NY. The sound used at that time was like gravel being turned in a metal drum. I loved it. I thought it was supposed to simulate what a child hears in the womb

@caralhoguy - 11.03.2022 15:14

what is guided about this exactly?

@blood_sausage9620 - 15.02.2022 02:37

Hi, what is this for exactly? Thank you!

@ThePsiqueman - 12.01.2022 06:07

Saludos desde México

@mehdeehassan - 11.01.2022 09:08

Thanks for uploading clear alpha sound. Could you please upload the guided long relaxation?
