Baldur's Gate 3 - 10 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner (Tips and Tricks 2023)

Baldur's Gate 3 - 10 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner (Tips and Tricks 2023)

Big Dan Gaming

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Ögeday - 05.09.2023 04:36

This video added nothing to me considering im an average BG3 player.

SprattyD - 01.09.2023 10:35

I agree about the not fighting fair and I LOVE that this game gives so much flexibility in this aspect. My first encounter with this was accidental and hilarious which was one of the goblin bosses who was running towards me and I threw a spiked bomb thing towards it and it hit the wooden bridge it was on and it destroyed the bridge causing the Goblin to scream and fall to its death!! ahahha.

Another more recent one I done was after failing Yurgirs battle twice I ended up talking my way out of the fight the first time, walked around trying to figure out things, I managed to push one guy to their death out of everyones sight, I then realised everyone was spread across 2 rooms and the displacer was in another room so I had something to coat my weapon with a stunning goo so I smacked it and it stunned the displacer! That way I was able to knock it out fast, kill it and then waves of the henchmen arrived and I took them out until eventually Yurgir came and I took him out.

My best though so far has been Balthzar, I failed his first battle, the second time I broke apart my team and I got one guy to start the dialogue and then I selected my main guy who then walked up and pushed him off the floating rock to his death so avoided the battle :D .. This is as far as I have gotten so far so who knows what I will get up to next.

Forgelock - 30.08.2023 18:52

You don't need a perception check to dig, click use on shovel an click your spot

Baris VC
Baris VC - 29.08.2023 12:27

I have 2 more tips not mentioned that are really useful.

1) When you loot, you can double click the left mouse button to only loot items you want, and leave the rest behind.
2) When you are in a loot screen, you can use CTRL to select multiple items just like in your inventory. This allows you for example to send multiple items you selected to another party member, rather than having to right click every item individually.

Eduardo Teixeira de Souza
Eduardo Teixeira de Souza - 28.08.2023 15:35

about the chapel, there is an entrance that you can skip the battle with all the bandits, you also can broke the chapel floor with the rock by hitting the rope

DoxieTheDark - 24.08.2023 17:44

It doesn’t give me the option to lock pick the door to withers, and when I go the other way it says I need trap disarmors

Whitney Mohrhauser
Whitney Mohrhauser - 18.08.2023 01:24

Use the Alt button to craft potions by gathering herbs. That's why there's so many empty bottles.

To craft a potion
1. Go to Character Sheet inventory.
2. Herb bag is where you can store herbs and next to the spell book is an Alchemist button
3. Don't skip on the empty bottles
4. Hit the alt button for herbs because they appear in the forest.

Fun fact Only 8% of players figure this out. You don't have to buy potions when you can make them.

Animal Speaking
Healing Potion
Greater Healing Potion
Mind reading potion

Right now I am running low on bottles.

Bionic - 17.08.2023 18:21

note about withers: I don't know what caused this or if this is a bug, but he shows up at your camp after a few days regardless of if you did the tomb or not

jon c
jon c - 16.08.2023 17:03

I hear a lot of people asking for shared inventory its impossible because of the way inventory interacts with characters they gave us the best they could with tab aka you can move stuff around pretty easy. For those that dont know what im talking about items can be reaction in combat or dialogue and they need to be on that character to pop up some items in your inventory will create an aura around your character without equiping it. I just wish people would realise that they gave up shared inventory for a good reason. With the amount of items and interaction its just not happening.

Taylor Kudera
Taylor Kudera - 16.08.2023 03:12

Pro tip: you can respect your companions too by talking to whithers as them.

liber nihilus
liber nihilus - 15.08.2023 18:50

"cuck"? is it 2015?

midgetydeath - 15.08.2023 00:26

You don't have to swap weapon sets in combat, you can just click the melee or ranged attack you want and use it, the swap will be automatic.

midgetydeath - 15.08.2023 00:22

You can swap party characters during a conversation, too. At least, I think you can. Pretty sure?

Chuck - 14.08.2023 21:25

When you encounter it, be sure to pickup the chest of the Mundane which greatly helps with managing item weight.

MrStuntmanjay66 - 14.08.2023 09:42

If you throw water or use the create water spell on someone, you wash all the blood and dirt off them.

John Hoover
John Hoover - 13.08.2023 23:37

I tried this climbing up into the rafters idea today. two enemies climbed up after me and kicked me down and pretty much wiped my party entirely. So yeah, I guess the enemies watch your videos too lol

Dee_the_Bee - 13.08.2023 23:15

Most important stuff U need to do IS remove Shadowheart and Astarion by Killing them to Enhance your gameplay by cutting the two Most whiney annoying shitheads Larian ever designed

Sourcherries - 13.08.2023 20:48

<positive comment>

Traitorman - 13.08.2023 15:08

Not watching the video and the posts.
I just want to say that there is basically only one thing you should wish to know before you start playing.
Pay attention to all the details, writings and conversations.

That’s it. Have fun exploring instead of looking up what you missed. If you missed it, so what? You will probably find it in your next playthrough. New findings or events at next playthrough will make it so much better than knowing everything and just go through the motions.

Jake M
Jake M - 13.08.2023 13:27

Great Quality. I thought I was watch IGN or something.

Filo101Games - 13.08.2023 05:10

Dude so fkn cringe

Danpower - 13.08.2023 02:29

One thing worth mentioning is that you can even respec companions. Funnily enough some of the tips (dialogue options with companions, throwables and environment, useful items etc) are kinda trivial if you played D:OS 1 and/or 2. :D

lionturtle21 - 13.08.2023 01:48

You can climb stuff?! Man, this changes everything

Mike Hammer
Mike Hammer - 12.08.2023 22:39

I threw the iron flask into Dror Ragzlin's room and closed the door. Finishing him after that was not that tough

DarthDaddy1701 - 12.08.2023 17:48


WV Guy
WV Guy - 12.08.2023 12:12

Not only can you respec your character, you can respec any character, were you so inclined.

Maxvenom11 - 12.08.2023 05:00

Tip: press G to make your team stop moving and make them detached from each other (super usefull when navigating through traps or damaging surfaces)

JourG - 12.08.2023 01:58

Bro... you have a section on "useful items" but you don't tell me how to discern what's useful and what's not. FAIL -- it's the entire reason I clicked on this...

Jon Doe
Jon Doe - 11.08.2023 11:14

5 hours in and I didn't know you could just open all their inventories at once. D'oh!

James Callaghan
James Callaghan - 11.08.2023 03:54

all GOBLINS need to die, death to goblins, call me the goblin slayer lol

Eirhead - 10.08.2023 23:09

1) Lol... ez mode games have ruined gamers.
10) Well of course, unless you got a ranged cantrip that's gonna be better than your ranged weapon, this should be pretty obvious to anyone after 2 or 3 fights.

Jesse Miller
Jesse Miller - 10.08.2023 19:24

You don't even have to find withers. He will just show up at your camp eventually anyways.

GeoffsCornerOffice - 10.08.2023 18:27

Great tips!! Thanks!! Loving BG3 so far!

3B - 10.08.2023 17:06

The T BUTTON IS AMAZING. It allows you to hover over the tool tips without it disappearing. AND you can do it multiple times with the same tool tip. For instance, if the tool tip says fear, and you want to know what it does exactly (most status effects are not self explanatory) you hit T and now can hover over it. BUT if when you hover over fear it says another status effect you can then hit T again and it will hold two tool tip windows open for you to hover over.

Another trick is to drop a candle while in combat or before and you can dip your weapon in it to gain extra fire damage at no costs of actions.

Hope those tips help someone out there. Have a great day!

crusher 1980
crusher 1980 - 10.08.2023 16:07

What I just disovered today you can drag spell categories in your spell bar to make a category bigger or smaller. Also if you hover over a monster and press "T" it will give you all kinds of information about the mob, like resistances for example.

Я Безымянный
Я Безымянный - 10.08.2023 14:11

My advice - use those arrows. Your caster has run out of spells? Why use that cantrip you are going to miss with anyway instead of attacking the ground with fire or acid arrow? See that enemy mage getting cozy on the cliff, looking at you from above? It'll cost you just one thunder arrow to teach him the importance of Acrobatics proficiency.

David - 10.08.2023 09:33

Minor Illusion is a cantrip that attracts people to the illusion.

Combine it with a fireball as a good way to start a combat.

mentox - 10.08.2023 04:19

Send loot straight from chests to the camp, don’t just ‘loot all’ only to send that stuff to camp later

TheXeioken - 10.08.2023 01:20

Noidea what hes talking about

life of mike
life of mike - 09.08.2023 17:28

You can actually skip the bandits at the start of the chapel, go around the back and you can take a ladder down. Take on some undead and get some sweet loot too

VAST - 09.08.2023 10:12

Also: you can initiate combat with one character, and have the other 3 (detached) who are further away still run around in realtime. They can just casually reposition and join the combat at any time. Giving them a much better attack position.

DoulosEudoxus - 09.08.2023 05:00

Pay attention to initiative! If your characters' portraits are intertwined, they have the same initiative and you can switch back and forth between them, and use their actions separately. Like, character 1 can move, and use a bonus action, then character 2 can move and attack, then character 1 can attack, then character 2 can use a bonus action. Good for setting things up.

Maahr Krell
Maahr Krell - 09.08.2023 01:06

Jesus Brodder if they send us after Arasaka u should have told us where to pack some Iron, not so sure if i wanna go in there just with a Sword and maybe a Bow or Crossbow from medievil times

Castle Bravo
Castle Bravo - 08.08.2023 22:23

Can someone explain something to me please? I'm pretty early in around the grove and I'm using Shadowheart to heal but sometimes it seems like when I use her heal and I can't use it again or sometimes I can use it twice and sometimes not at all. So do spells have only have a few uses and then you need to rest to recharge them or am I missing something? So if I get into combat and use two healing spells or whatever is that it until I rest?

Mr.Meister - 08.08.2023 22:09

So... You didnt slap the hand?!

Rose Erin
Rose Erin - 08.08.2023 21:30

Games under balanced for my approach. I kinda need to load scum every interaction cause just how silly the scenerios are. Like i didnt expect to open a door and immediately get a conbat scenerio. Reloaded cause of course 2 units wipe out my party they never get to level up cause xp just isnt avialable often, so i went past it and got abducted by a sly devil. Not a meter away theres a combat scenerio with 4 gnolls and some animals i have to walk past. Another meter and theres some burning houses that forced me into turn based mode with an agonizing turn order. You cant escape it i saved the regent and agreed to dlfind the hero and was still stuck in it. So i continued. Where i can find laz from the intro this sequence is literally not possible rn and they tell me to run, oops cant run fast enough my druid cant survive a single attack of these fuckers, so i loaded up to maybe take on those 3 units that my favorite tiefling ever wants to kill. I tried dropping the chandelier but it only alarmed them no dmg no fire i was livid. They can wipe me btw cause of course they do. I tried to get the thief to sneak attack the tough one with high hp just to not be able to and it forced me into conversation. I dont wanna bear them out and then fight i wanted to burn their house down. Why cant i just do that? I have like a total of 4 potions at any time and they dont do enough to let me escape or exist and too expensive i have to sell like everything which means im bartering for stuff that will not help me win. Even dumping everything i never have money how can i donit without doing these missions if exploration and stealing have heavier consequences than it should. Like i accidentally stole a book trying to click on an npc. Why not just arrest me or something ??? Makes me wanna not help anyone sense i can save their lives but picking up a book by accident theyll treat me like a murderer. This happened in the druid camp i literally just accepted his quest to find the artifact he was tasked to get and he immediately got everyone to kill me. I actually beat the active fighters but combat persisted because apparently the entire camp is hostile running is never an option once in fights so if i ever misplay im just load scumming. I hope they fix that sometime cause i thought i was playing the nornal difficulty i dont even wanna knownwhat advanced difficulty feels like.

Rob - 08.08.2023 18:22

Much of this applies to Larian's previous Original Sin games as well. You have to rethink how you approach combat and encounters in their games. Its a system that rewards cheesing your way through encounters.
