Nintendo Direct E3 2021 Showcase and Nintendo Treehouse

Nintendo Direct E3 2021 Showcase and Nintendo Treehouse


2 года назад

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@josp1459 - 22.06.2021 22:49

I got here way too late omg

@megarotom1590 - 19.06.2021 19:42

That chat war of SMT vs Persona I saw coming from a MILE away

@ganja_burn_9516 - 17.06.2021 21:37

splatoon 3 :(

@crowkid5553 - 16.06.2021 23:46

Thanks to mario party, metroid, and monkey Ball Nintendo managed to make e3 better

@xunbekannt1572 - 16.06.2021 22:36

One of the best lineups since 2017!! Metroid Dread looks amazzzzing!!! If MP4 looks about the same- absolute HYPE!! It will for sure not look worse!!

@cereza3677 - 16.06.2021 09:55

Once again, Nintendo and Platinum Games disappoint Bayonetta 3 Fans, including myself..
I really hope Microsoft or Sony Publish Bayo 2 and 3 even though i own a Switch.
But that didn’t happen.. I’ve imagine how cool Playing Bayonetta Games on Next Gen Console.

@jamensamen6923 - 16.06.2021 08:10

at one point I sad all Zelda was getting was skyward, but it'll be cool to have a puzzle zelda again. the temple in that were awesome tbh

@brucenatelee - 16.06.2021 06:21

Metroid almost convinced me to get a Switch. Best game I've seen at E3 so far, and that's saying a lot.

@JulioCezarMari - 16.06.2021 04:36

Nintendo had the better stuff for this year, Xbox for the next few years. Thanks for making E3 less of a disappointment, specially with Advance Wars/Fatal Frame/Metroid and of course, showing the scope of Breath of the Wild 2 to make me want to wait for it.

@Multivariable_Calqlus - 16.06.2021 04:35

What a failure.

@Ilive4moneyable - 16.06.2021 03:41

Omff advance wars babyy buy this!

@Trlll - 16.06.2021 03:29

I express excitement for a game and you delete the comment why?

@Trlll - 16.06.2021 03:29

Yeah just keep deleting my comments. You’re 0-3 right now.

@luchajon8480 - 16.06.2021 03:27

Why is there so much footage of things that aren't Dread?

@LCSDTV - 16.06.2021 02:50

cool game dude

@brucenatelee - 16.06.2021 02:46

So, um... Kazuya is the only Smash character that can wave dash now. Still want Ryu Hayabusa to be announced before I decide to get a Switch, maybe.

@jhon1406 - 16.06.2021 02:06

I am so excited for SMT5!!!

@Jerakal - 16.06.2021 01:51

Nintendo wins again. But seriously, Earthbound for Switch, k thx.

@noah-ryan9866 - 16.06.2021 01:15

I understand why they couldn't show it, but it's still sad that Splatoon 3 got no coverage :((

@TheAbz2037 - 16.06.2021 01:06

u reckon Nintendo can make a console with same power as ps5 or xbox.. I'm sick of Nintendo bringing out consoles years behind power wise. it has ps3 graphics LOL

@davids2977 - 16.06.2021 00:44

I don't think I've ever heard the NES and SNES pronounced as words and not letters before. It's kind of tripping me out. "The Ssssnez!"

@coreymckee4844 - 16.06.2021 00:28

Man Nintendo fans are some of the most spoiled entitled brats ive ever seen..🙄😒

THAT BEING SAID... yeah this e3 was pretty average.. so much potential.. great to see a botw2 update and advanced wars is back. But e3 overall was kinda meh. No fanboy here, just being realistic.🤷‍♂️

@Mut4ntG4m3r - 16.06.2021 00:23

So ... What ist that secret Game? Didnt find it

@mikeuk666 - 15.06.2021 23:59

The needy toxic sexist homophobic racist kids in E3 live chats have been a disgrace to society

@archerguy0836 - 15.06.2021 23:56

Wait no botw2 gameplay?

@crynauct - 15.06.2021 23:56

Mega FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in chat for No Splatoon 3, Skyward Sword HD, or BOTW 2.
