Lighting Techniques & Guides | Live Training | Unreal Engine

Lighting Techniques & Guides | Live Training | Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine

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Night watcher 👀📸
Night watcher 👀📸 - 17.10.2022 21:10

Anyone know about gangstalking

Justin - 26.01.2022 08:09

Why not just use Lumen??

Marc Free
Marc Free - 02.10.2021 01:10

Nake metahuman best

CG Techie
CG Techie - 02.11.2020 14:53


Black Swan
Black Swan - 13.10.2020 10:47

Light tutorial: "at first i have to say im not a Light Artis"....nice " Epic "...did you thought about that or is it just , personA"hey we need a guy for the audience",personB "yeah put him he is ok he knows a littlebit about light." personA "oh really, cool make a light Tutorial so we have actuall content"... - Guys i pruchased a RoadPack from the Marketplace 1 Month ago, Money was gone from Bank Account but the pack is not there. Also not in the Account History ?! I wrote 4 ickets, no anwser ?! Hello you stole my Money i want some talk...

MR SAJHEEIV - 25.08.2020 15:10

Swap the voices suites u guys!!!

n n
n n - 21.04.2020 17:41

i am so happy this know it all mod alex is gone. he is so annoying.

Patrick Lherisson
Patrick Lherisson - 26.07.2019 19:03

Why don't you address the issue with the lightind build that will not buid? There are posts regarding this issue going back to 2014 and it still persist in the newer versions 4.21.2 , 4.22.3. It says "Lighting build was successful" and then In tells you "Lighting needs build". You've been coming out with new versions of the engine, but ignore some of the isssues (this is not the only one), how about you stick to the same version and make it bug free.

Sian - 18.05.2019 00:40

I need help my rooms I make arent dark when I close them.. I want it to be sunny but when I go in the box without any windows and stuff I want it to be dark but I can't fix this

neighbor lee
neighbor lee - 27.04.2019 17:32

I may switch to unity- or somewhere else,,its really SAD when a game engine TRIES to force users to ugrade , for the sake of raytracing, bc their video card isn't quite up to the task, thats sheer robbery andI"m not having it.

Amd will be my next card, sick and tired of being told to spend more hard earned money to get rays. I can get the rays I need with a older amd card, with sure a slight performance hit but at least amd isn't forcing me to upgrade to a VERY expensive card.

kup - 17.03.2019 10:46

Shoot this cat - it's annoying!

Polygon Academy
Polygon Academy - 07.03.2019 01:52

Thanks for sharing guys, tons of little tidbits of knowledge to soak up in this vid. really appreciate content like this!

diera nav
diera nav - 04.02.2019 20:24

Thank you for this video, it is very helpful, as person which done only basic lighting course for UE4, that expands my knowledge very well.

2slash - 14.09.2018 18:08

Uuumm ... Uummm ... Uuumm

waltage - 24.08.2018 23:23

can we recalculate lightmass just for one object

David Akiana
David Akiana - 14.07.2018 12:39

thANK you guys sincerely i am a student of U. i havent done much yet. but i appreciate your behaviour ! thanks

Thomas McMichael
Thomas McMichael - 25.06.2018 20:44

Would be nice is they had a "lighting artist" teach lighting techniques. Still a good tut tho. thanks.

shamanik1320 - 09.05.2018 05:46

I like the content and I'm sure a lot of it will be really useful but it'd be nice if it started slower like the differences between lights and such. I know the documentation has that and I get the basics but hearing a pro go from top to bottom would just be really nice I think. Not take up a ton of time but just quickly blurt out some basics for 5 or 10 minutes and gradually build on that instead of starting with something so specific and advanced. That's the problem I have with a lot of these streams, maybe I'm just too noob when it comes to this stuff but there's so much terminology. Cascaded shadow maps, distance field stuff, three types of lights, one that bake lightmap one that is dynamic and one that is both and all 3 effect objects 3 different ways depending on what the object is set to, etc. Anyone know what the best video resource for explaining all of this is?

Fahad K.M
Fahad K.M - 02.04.2018 12:02

Cool guide!!

hiyori sama
hiyori sama - 28.02.2018 16:25

what the things they drinking? XD
