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okk - 20.10.2023 16:24

the cold... i felt that when i was in my brothers house right when he and her girlfriend had a baby. one of his toys start talking in the middle of the night. i felt paralizied then waked up my brother told him what happen we checked the toy and was one of them ones with batteries ... and it didnt had no batteries insid of it. we threw the toy away the same exact time. Bless you guys. its real. it is super REAL. god created several "types", not only us. not only us who live in this world.

Umar Musa Satomi
Umar Musa Satomi - 12.10.2023 12:09

I am no not afraid of the jinns at all cos I always engage myself with Dua.
May Allah Ta'ala protect and guide us all to the straight path.

Good job akhis 😊you're doing great and I appreciate your efforts... JazakaAllahu Khairan 🫂

scott fay
scott fay - 09.10.2023 05:46

its totally real as a Christian we call it demonic attack

Ayoub Yakoob
Ayoub Yakoob - 03.10.2023 22:57

Interesting topic and one which I agree with the boys needs more discussion as there's a number of people who don't believe in jinn possession. From a Quranic perspective if I understand correctly, jinns have been mentioned and a creation of Islam that's unanimous but any reference to specific possession of humans by jinns aren't. This creates the divide BUT for those who have experienced Jinns, it's very much real. What I would like to understand is how can I jinn possess a human? Is this only through siher or are there any other means? Jinns don't have the power to just enter humans.

panda _cat
panda _cat - 03.10.2023 07:30

So why does god let them posses people

Amy - 03.10.2023 06:10

I had a jinn in my dream thst was running after me for many nights. I was reciting all the surahs thst I knew but it kept telling me that it doesn't work. I never turned around to see how the jinn looked like. I was afraid. I decided to do a research to see what can i do to get rid of it. I found out that I i needed to understand the meaning of the surahs and i needed to face the jinn. That's exactly what I did. The jinn was a dark shadow and it just disappeared when I turned around and recited the surahs. I found out thet my mom went to a psychic snd asked about me and the jinn that told.her things might be the same kney hunted me in my dreams.

Please my Muslim sisters and brothers don't go to psychics and if you experience anything to do with the jinn, don't be afraid as the brother mentioned in this video, they feed of fear. Learn rhe meaning of the surahs al nas, al.felek, Ayatul Kursi, iqhlas and al fatiha. May Allah protect us all. Amin!

Sadiq Al Mawt
Sadiq Al Mawt - 30.09.2023 08:41

Can’t show fear to them

Robert Hannah
Robert Hannah - 27.09.2023 19:26

Lots of scary stories ... just entertaining stories - no way to confirm or verify anything. Things that go bump in the night under your bed. A lot of superstitious nonsense.

MARWAH SALAM - 25.09.2023 17:29

My Grandmother was possessed.. apparently she befriended a Jinn while playing near a masjid as a child..she went through several sessions of ruqiya after which the jinn left..but swore to come back after 15 years..Time flew away and my grandmother got married and had kids (4 sons and 2 daughters) later on he came as he said he would ..and took over her ie possessed her..!! When the raqi asked him to leave he said he would go away only on the condition if she sacrifices all 4 of her sons ie (give them away to him).!! But Alhumdullilah the Raqi was well trained in to matters like these and was able to trap the jinn in the bottle..the bottle is now in Darul uloom..!!

My grandmother passed away back in 2009 May Allahﷻ grant her Jannah 🤲🏼 And all our loved ones who have moved on to the next phase of their existence Ameen Allahumma ameen!💗🤲🏼

Reyyan Aslh
Reyyan Aslh - 15.09.2023 12:08

I always see them in dreams. The last dream I had is still so present in my mind! I guess I will never forget it! I saw myself sitting in my parents house and a big black dog (Doberman) dark as night was raging in my face trying to attack me all teeth out, while I kept slapping it hard on the muzzle! The strange thing is that I didn’t even feel any fear, but just kept hitting it very hard while remaining seated. Through the open door I could see another black dog waiting outside. The one inside finally stopped trying to attack me and ran outside. The weirdest thing happened then…It jumped on top of the other dog and rode off! Like it was some kind of horse! Next morning, I remembered reading about jinns having families, mounts and other things that humans possess too. So I guess that’s what I saw. I’ve got some really strange stories that happened to me, but as I said they always happen in dreams or while I’m drifting into sleep, like someone yelling into my ear and me waking up abruptly. I also hear the nomads ones when sometimes they get into my house. One used to bang my wardrobe door on the wall connecting with the bathroom, while I was inside and alone in the house. To those one, I gift Surah Bakarah as a « get out of my place » medicine. But I’m really grateful to Allah that I never get to see them in reality. May Allah always protect us from them. Ameen.

MrAm1n_ - 12.09.2023 23:08

Hey guys I have started a horror channel where people call into share their encounters.. few episodes up already. Please check it out

rompe toto
rompe toto - 12.09.2023 19:03

If you believe in this b.s you definitely belong on this channel lmao

Ali Azizi
Ali Azizi - 12.09.2023 09:26

Aren't Harut and Marut cursed?

Tony Grizzle
Tony Grizzle - 07.09.2023 00:24

Man he's so right about the devil greatest trick is pretending that he doesn't exist. I'm a new Muslim revert a lil over a year now and I never used to have nightmares before until I started to pray. I know I'm not supposed to talk about these nightmares but I know that jinn are real because they're trying to make me afraid to pray by giving me frightening dreams. 😊

Zubair Shaikh
Zubair Shaikh - 04.09.2023 15:33

atheast jin LMAO

Trippi Jr
Trippi Jr - 03.09.2023 11:46

My friend sister was possesed by a jinn and my friend told me that his sister jinn communicated through her fingers. I was schocked whallahi it felt like fever dream

Yemen Tribez
Yemen Tribez - 24.08.2023 13:27

The jinn are the inhabetants of jan meaning the hidden heaven the humans are ins meaning the seen kiving on earth. This concludes they live in a another land we cant reach. As the quran says allah blessed the family of abrahim with east and the west and a land you could not reach.Or do they envy men (Muhammad SAW and his followers) for what Allah has given them of His Bounty? Then We had already given the family of Ibrahim (Abraham) the Book and Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah - Divine Inspiration to those Prophets not written in the form of a book), and conferred upon them a great kingdom.
Beacause the arabs had a king prior to the phrophet before mohamed pbuh but the people did not recognised their prophet. His name was ibrahim son of ismaeel son of ibrahim peace be upon then he was called dhul qurnayn.This was stated in the quran.
And in another verse allah says he is the owner of the heaven and earth and ehats between it and whats under it. Meaning their is another hidden haven under the earth conlcuding the earth is hollow. The land of the two east and two west. The land Adam and Eve was expelled from. Dhulquranain was the king of what is known as ancient tubba. Meaning those who followed the sun. Their ancient poems speak of dhul qurnayn and how they inherited a land beyond a huge opening in the ground which you can live for a very long age. It's the land of Jin..

acciokyuhyun - 22.08.2023 09:27

i think im very sensitive to the unseen, i often experience sleep paralysis when at home, and especially when i travel and sleep in hotel rooms. couple of times in ramadhan i get distrurbed when im fasting. most of the times they would physically hurt me my whole body would feel like its being electrocuted, or i would feel their claws in my back or a burning sensation. sometimes they would show their figure, or talk to me. i would just recite ayatul kursi, most times it would work but the stronger ones dont and i would be too tired to fight back. thats my experience over the years... anyways i do struggle with my prayers but im trying. (female, 26)

[insert name here]
[insert name here] - 21.08.2023 16:17

that one guy with the bobble hat - his voice is deeper then the mariana trench.

Nova S. Wars
Nova S. Wars - 18.08.2023 21:32

Never forget the power of Allah, he is the strongest and with that belief even in my dreams of being attacked by 3 of em, sliming around me ,evily laughing, I scream out reading the Iyat kursi, waking up angry still reading, I screamed at them, still reading. I said you think this is funny!? Burn then! I continue to read the iyat, over again. Until I was calm.
Allah is the only one worthy of my fear, my prayers. I refuse to let myself become their sorce of entertainment, they will laugh at you, if you let them Harass you. So inshallah keep the Master of all creation in your heart, fearing Allah alone and they are nothing but sad creatures destin to burn if they do not revert to islam. Don't forget to read quran before sleep. Allah is the most excellent protector.

joelb9219 - 15.08.2023 22:58

At around the 10 minute Mark he talks about other cultures having witchcraft etc. But he doesn't mention that Islam has witchcraft too. All religions have what we call witchcraft in them

Tammy H. Rouse
Tammy H. Rouse - 12.08.2023 09:19

I wouldn't call it a ghost I would call it an evil entity

Tammy H. Rouse
Tammy H. Rouse - 12.08.2023 09:17

I'm not Islamic but I have had a jinn experience that scared me so much I had sleep paralysis.

Emo -Chan
Emo -Chan - 11.08.2023 05:52

I'm not Muslim, but I am interested in other cultures. The djinn do interest me. I have wondered about a certain aspects of them. The Quran says that Allah made the djinn. It's also said that the djinn are just like us(humans) in many ways. Races, religion, etc... Religion is the thing I don't get. Everyone feels that theirs is the true religion, otherwise they wouldn't follow it. My thought was that the djinn should know what the true religion is. They are longer lived and seen more than us. Have they not seen Allah themselves? This implies to me that djinn have free will. Oh, within the Christian beliefs, angels have free will too. The fallen angels made a very bad choice. I do not practice any kind of dark things, but I find that knowledge is protection. Does that make any sense to anybody else? I don't know if I have truly encountered any djinn I'm not sure if i would recognize it. But I know I have had angels looking out for me. There are a few incidents that should have killed me, but somehow I survived. I guess God thinks I have more to do in my life.

Malcolm Flex TV
Malcolm Flex TV - 07.08.2023 06:18

That guy who said that he had an experience where he felt a presence directly in his face where you can feel the breath and make like a voice or a growling noise and you are afraid to open your eyes happened to me when I was younger. I knew that I wasn’t crazy so to hear this coming from someone else tells me that was a very real experience.

prapai - 03.08.2023 09:28

In my family I was told not to talk about jinn or the jinn stories but like he said we blame jinn if there is something wrong in our life

R. J. Cranson
R. J. Cranson - 02.08.2023 20:37

I know this is an English but every other word is a word I don't understand

Brian P.
Brian P. - 31.07.2023 21:45

First off, everybody knows lizard people don't fly. Smh. I mean, seriously, anyone who's done even cursory research knows this. Lizard folk wouldn't be caught dead on any airplane, let alone an AA flight, when they have a perfectly usable underground tunnel system that spans the continent. If you really want to pick up on who the shapeshifter's are in a crowd....look at the belt buckle.

Light Yagami
Light Yagami - 31.07.2023 17:08

Hollywood has glorified these demons very much showing their fake strengths n all that powers which they actually don't have over humans.

May be the writers and directors r inspired by the whispers of shaytan in their head.

Arjan Celic
Arjan Celic - 30.07.2023 01:35

The title is misleading. There are no stories of jinn in this video

Ali GriZZly
Ali GriZZly - 29.07.2023 11:01

looks like brother Gabriel always overdose on his drugs before ramadan
damn this is what jinn put into my mind

Daanial Khan
Daanial Khan - 28.07.2023 17:19

i dont know why this suited booted islam seems suspicious to me, i hope i am completely wrong.

Hashh - 24.07.2023 20:42

When I was 14 or 15 i had my first jinn like experience, I was awake staying up late on my phone, and I look up and this black shadow of a witch figure look at me and run across the room I was terrified

ThinkAboutIt - 23.07.2023 23:07

Contradiction: He denies that Jinn are fallen angels, but acknowledges that Jinn are indeed spirits who were created with the ability to choose. Angels are spirits who were created with the ability to choose. Thus, Jinn are fallen angels, evil spirits.

Muslims affirm the same Torah, but then seem to deny what's written in the Torah just to separate themselves from Christians. Very peculiar.

Safraz - 23.07.2023 07:55

Fucking liar about these jinn stories

Love You
Love You - 20.07.2023 09:01

Faiyad or whatever his name is needs to stop talking with a lower voice and pouting. Cant stand him. The other guys are all genuine and real. Fayed is cringey as hell. Stop trying to be something you aint. Definitely no alpha. I actually stopped watching 3 muslims because of him a while back. He is too cringey and pouts like a gay man. Disgusting.

Sam from Alaska
Sam from Alaska - 19.07.2023 21:35

Angels have free will to chose to obey or disobey therefore they have fallen

Snm - 19.07.2023 12:42

The guy next to the guy is making me nervous

Arshee Qureshi
Arshee Qureshi - 18.07.2023 10:37

Genuine question: Why is that one guy not talking at all. Like, I'm really curious

tempname 123
tempname 123 - 12.07.2023 20:51

Question to brother Gabriel, from the Surah Jinn, they see you from where you can not see them. So when you mentioned, you saw something or people see who say they saw something. Does it mean that Jinn are messing with their brain so actually we can not see in reality but in his brain consciousness it's painted over it. ?

Shahan Ali Khan
Shahan Ali Khan - 12.07.2023 08:55

Electric eels existed way before electricity was discovered. So if god can create a creature with natural electricity in it's body, what makes someone think He cannot create a being out of fire.

Rhyisa Ebrahim
Rhyisa Ebrahim - 12.07.2023 02:20

Nefarious, typical jinn possession

Lunatics Official
Lunatics Official - 11.07.2023 05:33

guys someone tried black magic on my mother , she prayed to allah specifically about the matter than then she found out in real life the writing of witchcraft in her home. i still have the writings please can one of you confirm it for me take picture and send you brother gabriel is experienced and i think if something's still wrong he can help my mother ? she gets sick frequently because of this.

Lunatics Official
Lunatics Official - 11.07.2023 05:30

brother gabriel xD
im gonna kill it hahahhaha

Fathimath Raufa
Fathimath Raufa - 10.07.2023 15:10

me scrolling through comments to read more jinn stories as if all these on the video wasn't enough

MS - 07.07.2023 12:53

Had sleep paralysis after watching this,
A'oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min ghadhabihi wa 'iqaabihi, wa sharri 'ibaadihi, wa min hamazaatish-shayaateeni wa 'an yahdhuroon
