Point of the vid being pack animals are underated
ОтветитьI'm pretty sure a lot of people like those. The only one of this list I feel people don't really acknowledge is Equus. It's the only one that's Actually underrated.
ОтветитьU can put helmets on dire wolfs ,so ,u can put like an ascendant flak helmet which would buff them by a lot ive tried it and it can solo the lava cave alone ,sabertooths are trash
ОтветитьUnfortunately Tapejara are in fact slightly slower than argies (reason numver 500million why argies are OP)
ОтветитьMan i just love sarcos and crocs in general,like the baryonyx and also Kapros!
And dont forget Megalosaurus,they got A SHIT TON OF HEALTH and are like mini rexes,and theyre sleepy :)
Ответитьmy baryonyx Kappa is offended by the sarco page
ОтветитьYou should have put the Mantis instead of the casteroid because the Mantis gets stone, wood and fiber other than that great video
Ответитьno offense but you sound like rockwell from the explorer notes/series
ОтветитьI can agree with carno being underrated. Carnos are my favorite tame, and i will always try to tame them.
ОтветитьNo way this guy said Spinos are underrated… ppl use them all the time. They’re also equipped with much more than a Rex and are straight up better with their hydration buff.
ОтветитьSpino is stronger in a 1v1 lil bro
ОтветитьIn pvp, the direbear is indeed under-rated. It hits so hard.
ОтветитьPersonally I'd have chosen the Pelagornis over the Tapejara as underrated creature, the usefulness of Tapejara is very well known.
I usually would tame a Pelagornis ove the Pteranodon.
The carnotaurus will always be Brian to me. Shoutout to Sl1pg8r
Ответитьspino is my go to pvp mount
ОтветитьWhat does the word underrated mean 🤔
ОтветитьBro forgot Therizinosaurus😂
Ответитьthe sabertooth actually needs a tlc(like most creatures).Hes in my opinion just way to small for a sabertooth
ОтветитьIguanadons value goes up pretty decently on Aberration. A good starter tame that can outrun pretty much everything in the Green Zone.
I try to get raptors to escort it the I can fight or run from just about anything.
Of course this changes when I get Ravagers and use ziplines as I progress to more mid game stuff.
My sarco helped me gain 40+ levels and when powerful enough they can kill many powerful enemies, and they are much faster in the water than a baryonyx
ОтветитьMegalodon should be way bigger than every single dino in the game
ОтветитьDimorphodons. Almost no one understands their potential. I tamed as many as I could one time on an official pvp server and bred them until I had an army raised for hp, melee, and speed, also leveled and pumped for those stats. Set their follow distance to medium or far and most people wouldn't register them as part of the equation when they see me an go to attack. Doesn't matter how far away they are, they shoot me or damage me in any way, my pack of flying jaws come and speed blitz any threat. No flier can escape and neither can anything on the land. They can literally annihilate any armor or creature in a matter of moments. So fast hardly anything can touch them. You can also add a single micro raptor for the knock ability but it's doesn't make a real difference. I've had people pick me off my argy with a griffin, I punched it one time and they did the rest, I pulled my shoot, watched the guy do the same, whistled target and he died before he hit the ground. I landed and got a bunch of free loot including a crypoded wyvern and other dinos. I learned one piece at a time how to be the most dominant tribe in a server from day one to tek. velonasuar, argy, arthroplura, otter and quetzal are so valuable
ОтветитьSarcos are SO underatted.
They swim fast as hell and have good damage and special attacks. It also regens stamins instantly in water.
It has a decent weight carry and it's a good starter tame
I made a army of compys....and then got raided😭😭
Ответитьwhy the liopleurodon and titanosaurus is a tempotame is beyond me to understand specially the titanosaurus because its a major bitch to tame
Ответитьhave 5 hyeanodons in caves,, very portable and useable when gathering meat to cook
ОтветитьHow do you switch from quadroped to biped stance on PC?
ОтветитьThe Iguanadon is better than the parasaur and Trike, it’s my go to 1st herbivore along with Moschops.
Baryonyx is my go to carivore
I use a lot of under rated Dino’s on my game
ОтветитьIf only the megalocereos bleed applied to everything sans bosses, I’d choose it as my top mount for travel
ОтветитьI never knew terror bird can gluide
ОтветитьSarco can take on eels because you won't get knocked off
ОтветитьI wish Liopleurodon was reworked like in Kraken's better dinos. Then it'll surely grow into a super versatile aquatic mount.
P.D: Some extra creatures i'll add are Hesperornis, Pelagornis, Moschops and Dimorphodon.
Let's be honest... meg by itself is ass. The saddle requires low lvl which is cool but without a pack it's not that great. If you're solo you can get jumped by a pack of rays if you're not careful.
ОтветитьLiterally all of my favorite Dino’s
Ответитьspino’s bipedal stance is 98% useless in ASA 😒
ОтветитьI love hyaenodon
ОтветитьI think the baryonyx is also underrated, almost no one talks about it, it is easy to tame, leeches do not attack it, it is strong and fast.
Ответитьhard for me to think of a reason to tame some of these thats why I don't tame em
ОтветитьAt least in ASE, when using a sarco in the water, their stamina gain is almost instant
ОтветитьThe iguanadon is the ULTIMATE jack of all trades. great speed, infinite stamina, can jump, great weight, good harvesting capability, good health, and pretty good damage to boot. A perfect scout and mule!
ОтветитьThe carno is always one of my first slightly bigger battle tame when I'm on a new game. Theyre very under rated.
ОтветитьCarno is like my favorite Dino
ОтветитьI always tame a sarco so good in the water